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Need Help Best way to come off Clonazepam and bupe?


Jul 8, 2022
I currently am on 4 mg of clonazepam a day and 2, 8 mg tablets of bupe a day. I can get down to 1 mg of clonazepam but my anxiety goes up. I start feeling the withdrawals and due to situations or people near me I end up back on my prescribed dose. The bupe I am able to take 1 , 8 mg tablet a day but since the pharmacy switched generics of both meds to an Indian company which is not the same as Teva's for both meds I have had to take more to get the same level of effect. I thought of asking the doctor for brand name Clons or to write on the script only teva brand so I can detox without having to switch to an inferior generic in the middle of a detox. Or should I try the Ashton method using Valium if the Doc will let me go this route. She should since I've had clean urine's for 20 years. I was on methadone and switched to bupe ten years ago. What has worked for you folks?
Well, personally, even though it'll make detox longer, I'd do each separately. If kratom works (another partial agonist) for bupe, it's much easier to get off because of different half life. Ashton method sounds like it'd work, but you might just end up doubling the dose of Valium if that's how it goes with clonaz. Still your best bet. Maybe ask about gabapentin or Lyrica for the benzo wd
If a dose cannot be skipped don't dive off 4mg a day, please. Try skipping maybe a dose during the day. maybe start by tapering 1/2 or 1/4mg day.
I'd bug, too, if I dropped dose by 3/4. Just sayin.
Is there a hurry to get off these substances ya been on em a while, now, right?
Don't put yourself in any situation where there could be serious consequences (seizure or other) if at all an option, yeah?
Personally I would take it slow with drastic drops in dosage once in a while to condition myself to any untowardness but get back to normal taper afterwards.
Be safe
I currently am on 4 mg of clonazepam a day and 2, 8 mg tablets of bupe a day. I can get down to 1 mg of clonazepam but my anxiety goes up. I start feeling the withdrawals and due to situations or people near me I end up back on my prescribed dose. The bupe I am able to take 1 , 8 mg tablet a day but since the pharmacy switched generics of both meds to an Indian company which is not the same as Teva's for both meds I have had to take more to get the same level of effect. I thought of asking the doctor for brand name Clons or to write on the script only teva brand so I can detox without having to switch to an inferior generic in the middle of a detox. Or should I try the Ashton method using Valium if the Doc will let me go this route. She should since I've had clean urine's for 20 years. I was on methadone and switched to bupe ten years ago. What has worked for you folks?
Hey man, I wish I had an answer. According to the chart I read .5 mg clonazepam= 10mg of Valium. I don't know your doctor or your medical insurance but 4 MG of clonazepam = 8x10mg Valium a day. 80mg a day?
Wow I complain about 30mg a day.

I am impressed that you pissed clean for 20 years, good job.
Can you slowly get down to 1 MG over a year( I am not, being a pessimist, but my doc said 1 to 1 1/2 years to get off all my meds) However, I have cirrhosis of the liver.

I am not sure that affect things?
Not sure, but 4 MG of clonazepam is a lot. .5mg= 10mg Valium. I switched to Valium, so that I can try the Ashton method, but 1mg(Ativan) lorazepam =10mg Valium.
I was on 3 x2 MG a day. I cut my intake by half. I didn't notice because I was on gabapentin and clonidine, while I got off morphine.( still on oxycodone, but a low dose that no longer works, and I am good.)
Keif Richard's, a mod on here is very knowledgeable about opiods, maybe he can help you with the subs or bupe.
He is smart, knowledgeable about opiods and he might give great advice or know of someone to help with the opiods.

It is really sad, I know very well, that their are tons of people who have gotten off, of bupe and clonazepam on here.
However, there are a lot of people on here, who don't like your posts, sorry to break the news; you are not politically correct. At least you are not hated, oh well.
Trust me, I can be nice and friendly towards anyone, just about.
However, there are a lot of people here, who don't like your political or religious beliefs, but at least you are not as hated.
Trust me, on this, I face that, plus I can be pain, when I am in pain.
Been seriously I have been working on my attitude.
I have learned or am learning to be more polite.
Your best bet is to also research benzo's, I don't want you to have a seizure or die.
I would go for lowering the benzo, than going after the bupe.
The reason for this, is because getting off, clonazepam will be more difficult, time consuming and if your anxiety level has been stabilized, it will be easier to get off bupe.
I have a situation, where nothing is working, so I might as well stop.
I physically can't drink and drugs, I like the results, but not the withdrawals.
I am in bad health but, I have been much worse. I die when the Lord says it is time.
The length of time we both have used benzo's and opiods is a long time, so will be getting off, them safely. PM anytime, good luck.
Also did your insurance screw you and say that you can only go to certain pharmacies? Mine did. A while back, you are right not all generics are the the same.
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I currently am on 4 mg of clonazepam a day and 2, 8 mg tablets of bupe a day. I can get down to 1 mg of clonazepam but my anxiety goes up. I start feeling the withdrawals and due to situations or people near me I end up back on my prescribed dose. The bupe I am able to take 1 , 8 mg tablet a day but since the pharmacy switched generics of both meds to an Indian company which is not the same as Teva's for both meds I have had to take more to get the same level of effect. I thought of asking the doctor for brand name Clons or to write on the script only teva brand so I can detox without having to switch to an inferior generic in the middle of a detox. Or should I try the Ashton method using Valium if the Doc will let me go this route. She should since I've had clean urine's for 20 years. I was on methadone and switched to bupe ten years ago. What has worked for you folks?

First I start, I would DEFINITELY pick one of them and wait until you are completely off of it and completely over it before coming off the other. Coming off both an opioid and a benzo at the same time sound like a special kind of hell you don't want to experience.
Also, with the Clonazepam, whereas opioid withdrawal can be horrendous, it's generally not dangerous, but with the Clonazepam if you were to just stop, you can have seizures and even death can occur.
I was addicted to Xanax and went to a (Methadone Clinic, actually) addicts place and they switched me to diazepam and then tapered me off of that and I would 100% recommend. I was very comfortable the whole time and the tapering was completely successful. 100% would recommend the diazepam method.
First I start, I would DEFINITELY pick one of them and wait until you are completely off of it and completely over it before coming off the other. Coming off both an opioid and a benzo at the same time sound like a special kind of hell you don't want to experience.
Also, with the Clonazepam, whereas opioid withdrawal can be horrendous, it's generally not dangerous, but with the Clonazepam if you were to just stop, you can have seizures and even death can occur.
I was addicted to Xanax and went to a (Methadone Clinic, actually) addicts place and they switched me to diazepam and then tapered me off of that and I would 100% recommend. I was very comfortable the whole time and the tapering was completely successful. 100% would recommend the diazepam method.
Oh yeah, I tried quitting morphine and Ativan( lorazepam at the same time, same night.
Will not forget that horrible night, luckily I had plenty in the script left. I might have died.
Quiting long term benzo use and long term opiod use at the same time, big mistake😱😰
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If a dose cannot be skipped don't dive off 4mg a day, please. Try skipping maybe a dose during the day. maybe start by tapering 1/2 or 1/4mg day.
I'd bug, too, if I dropped dose by 3/4. Just sayin.
Is there a hurry to get off these substances ya been on em a while, now, right?
Don't put yourself in any situation where there could be serious consequences (seizure or other) if at all an option, yeah?
Personally I would take it slow with drastic drops in dosage once in a while to condition myself to any untowardness but get back to normal taper afterwards.
Be safe
I'm going down slow but sometimes I can just take 1 , 2mg pill of clons and feel okay. This is probably since I have so much built up in me. The last time it took 6 days at 1 mg to feel more clearheaded but more anxiety. I can get to 1 mg than the racing thoughts come back and with problematic people it is harder. I can't come down like this again nor would I go that fast again. The taper is the best way I just wonder what I should focus on first. The Clons or the bupe?
Oh yeah, I tried quitting morphine and Ativan( lorazepam at the same time, same night.
Will not forget that horrible night, luckily I had plenty in the script left. I might have died.
Quiting long term benzo use and long term opiod use at the same time, big mistake😱😰
No I'll do one at a time. 2 meds are too much at once. I noticed environment plays a role too. If there are people around me that rub me the wrong way or try to argue due to their own issues it's almost impossible. Also having EHS makes it harder to detox and I can't live in a shielding canopy for the duration. Plus I have to work so there's that.
Hey man, I wish I had an answer. According to the chart I read .5 mg clonazepam= 10mg of Valium. I don't know your doctor or your medical insurance but 4 MG of clonazepam = 8x10mg Valium a day. 80mg a day?
Wow I complain about 30mg a day.

I am impressed that you pissed clean for 20 years, good job.
Can you slowly get down to 1 MG over a year( I am not, being a pessimist, but my doc said 1 to 1 1/2 years to get off all my meds) However, I have cirrhosis of the liver.

I am not sure that affect things?
Not sure, but 4 MG of clonazepam is a lot. .5mg= 10mg Valium. I switched to Valium, so that I can try the Ashton method, but 1mg(Ativan) lorazepam =10mg Valium.
I was on 3 x2 MG a day. I cut my intake by half. I didn't notice because I was on gabapentin and clonidine, while I got off morphine.( still on oxycodone, but a low dose that no longer works, and I am good.)
Keif Richard's, a mod on here is very knowledgeable about opiods, maybe he can help you with the subs or bupe.
He is smart, knowledgeable about opiods and he might give great advice or know of someone to help with the opiods.

It is really sad, I know very well, that their are tons of people who have gotten off, of bupe and clonazepam on here.
However, there are a lot of people on here, who don't like your posts, sorry to break the news; you are not politically correct. At least you are not hated, oh well.
Trust me, I can be nice and friendly towards anyone, just about.
However, there are a lot of people here, who don't like your political or religious beliefs, but at least you are not as hated.
Trust me, on this, I face that, plus I can be pain, when I am in pain.
Been seriously I have been working on my attitude.
I have learned or am learning to be more polite.
Your best bet is to also research benzo's, I don't want you to have a seizure or die.
I would go for lowering the benzo, than going after the bupe.
The reason for this, is because getting off, clonazepam will be more difficult, time consuming and if your anxiety level has been stabilized, it will be easier to get off bupe.
I have a situation, where nothing is working, so I might as well stop.
I physically can't drink and drugs, I like the results, but not the withdrawals.
I am in bad health but, I have been much worse. I die when the Lord says it is time.
The length of time we both have used benzo's and opiods is a long time, so will be getting off, them safely. PM anytime, good luck.
Also did your insurance screw you and say that you can only go to certain pharmacies? Mine did. A while back, you are right not all generics are the the same.
Thanks for the advice. I see most people are saying the same 1 at a time taper and the clons should be first. I was going to start this a couple weeks ago but the pharmacy switched me to an Indian generic for Clons "Alvogen" which is NOT the same as TEVA. The customer service at this pharmacy changed in the last couple months. Now they use the Alvogen clons when my profile says "Teva only". I had a argument with a tech who has a problem with me. I wanted to grab his neck but I have self control. He said even if I talk to the pharmacist it will still be the same new generic. So I have to get the script somewhere that will get Tevas which they do have in stock. I always check the shortages and Teva is not one of them for the 2 mg. They also did this with the bupe when the doctor writes a generic I need.
By the way I know many don't like my beliefs or wording but I came from a generation where how I say things or what I talk about was normal for all of us. I'm trying to be more polite but I won't change my beliefs. If everyone liked me that I'd be a friend of the world. I'd rather be a freind of God.
P.S. I didn't see the insurance thing till now. What reason did they give? That's messed up. I better get on it.
For some awful reason, getting off a benzo seems harder than an opiod. That thing with your pharmacy, switching generics to save a penny or so per pill, is ridiculous.
Pill spliter? Is it possible to split the pills and use less over a year or so; cutting back carefully and slowly, so your mind and body feel ok; are your pills able to be split up, easily?
I openly admit, I am scared to get off Valium, even though it is weak. I admit that there was a noticeable difference taking Valium over Ativan(lorazepam).
I basically cut my use in half, accidentally. I thought 2mg of lorazepam= 10 MG Valium.
Wrong, 1mg lorazepam= 10 mg valium.
Somehow I didn't notice, ignorance was good in this case.
The Valium does help me sleep, and keeps my anxiety issues at a manageable level, but not nearly as well as Ativan.
I would take your time and adjust as your body does. Slowly, is easiest, and much, much less painful. I learned that by being stupid.

I hate being a slave to anything; especially when, I was supposed to be dead by now.
My pain lessoned and now, I really don't know what to do. The limited amount of oxycodone ain't helping anymore much, if any. Then the issue with sleep.
I am kinda stuck, my doctor is more than willing to help me, get off my meds. But I am scared to lose a couple of my scripts, due to my fear of needing them, and not being able to get any pain relief.

I was not telling you to change your beliefs. It was the fact, that a lot of people on here, have had similar problems, and there are a lot of people who will hate others for their beliefs. I just wish that more people, could see beyond their own political hypocrisy. I would be legitimately shocked, if your question got a better response.
I was mad at the lack of response. My situation is similar, in that I am stuck on a benzo and an opiod, and I wanted to see a better response, to your question. I am looking for answers also, but I don't trust a lot of people here.
We are on different meds, but same classes of drugs.
Slightly different, but similar in some regards.

The insurance thing, had to do with me being forced into one of a handful of pharmacies.
The pharmacy I had been using wasn't on the list, so I had to switch, but the many CVS drug stores around where I live, don't have oxycodone so, I got stuck at a small pharmacy, that is too far to walk too, if the roads suck. ( If the roads get bad in winter.)
If you really want off your meds; I would go with the clons first. I am not 100% on this but the clons maybe harder to get off, not sure. If they are it would be easier to get bupe, out of your system if you had the clons gone.
However, this could be a long process, and please don't get discouraged by a little mess up here or there.

Like I said, I have a similar problem but I have pain and also have sleep issues. According to all I have read on the issue, the benzo use is the real problem, in terms of a long taper and anxiety related issues.
I just wish someone who took bupe for a long time and got off it would weigh in. You know, to give a timetable and how often to decrease your bupe intake and other matters related to stopping bupe or subs.
I really pray and hope you can get get off the meds, if you think that is right for you. 20 years clean, that is very good, no issues in 2 decades. I don't think, that after 20 years you will have an issue.
The clonazepam could be a real issue, the more I read, the more horrified that I ever messed with benzos, regardless of them being prescribed.

I do not want you to think I was telling you to change your views; I would die before changing my beliefs, and I would not be told how to think, by anybody. Besides, your posts are interesting and it is nice that you bring a different perspective, than most of the people on here.
I got off bupe, was 5 yrs on it last two 4mg with last 6 months or so 1mg, Subutex.

also was on lorazepam, alprazolam, clonazepam not at the same time, couple withdrawals, inter-dose and cold turkey as tapering with diazepam.

I haven't had seizure was close on CT xanax, or to be correct I wished for a seizure just to be out of hell for a minute but 3 days was always the worst, but not first ones maybe 3 days after a day or two it's hard to remember as those days are or were scetterred brain. tinnitus, headache, but:

it was easier to start with the bupe and after that benzos with pregabalin. the other way for me was harder.

There are some remedies that help like l-theanine, Dextromethorphan, n-acetyl-cysteine, low dose codeine with paracetamol(acetaminophen)....magnesium, or any NMDA-antagonist like memantine, or some dissos but they carry another danger of psychological addiction.

Stay safe let Us now.
Taper off them slowly and seperately imo. Fuck going through opiate and benzo wd at once i did that one time and am still traumatized by it
Taper off them slowly and seperately imo. Fuck going through opiate and benzo wd at once i did that one time and am still traumatized by it
exactly this

the RLS from those two well better not to remember it, just try to taper and not CT at the same time
When I was dependant on opis (a realtively small and short term habit) but also had a monster benzo habit, most people advised me to get off the opis first. As the benzos would help soothe out the opi w/d.

That is the way I did it, just switching to bupe, and slowly reducing the down, from 8mg to 6, 4, 2, 1, 05mg, IIRC. Slowly but sure;y wasnt all that bad in the end, especially not physically so. Challenging in terms of mood etc, but still do-able. I think the anxiety about the w/d process might have been worse than the actual process itself, at least for me, and in my experience. I guess that's one factor for people prone to various forms of anxiety.

Then with the BZs hopefully you have the time and freedom to go at your own pace. Once I'd got my diclazepam use down to 8mg (switched to diclaz from crazy amounts of etiz) I began a long, slow, gradual taper. Each reduction was uncomfortable for a short time, but fortunately my brain felt fairly elastic in it's adaptation to reducing from the larger doses (I'm not sure if this would be the correct use of the term neuro-plasticity, as I gather that is more normally associated with learning, but it's something along those lines). I must have been taking much more than I actually needed. The steps down from large doses were relatively easy, and only uncomfortable for a short time.

In truth it wasn't until I got down to around 1mg and below that the mental pain and difficulty really began. This is where it helps to reduce doses extremely gradually. Having a bz powder dissolved in PG is ideal for accurate measurement of micro-doses.

This is where the potentially bad news comes in to play regarding your brains downregulation of gaba in response to benzo use. Depending on the duration and extent of your benzo habit it can take anything from a few weeks, to 6months - 2 years and up to a maximum of 5 years for your brains gaba system to reset back to normal following benzo use. But the good news is that even if it does take 5 years, full recovery is possible.

This is what I didn't know first time round. I had managed to taper down to zero over around 12 months, and then managed to abstain for 6 months before finally cracking and getting back on the BZs. If only I'd known about how long the healing process can take, I'd have stuck it out longer, I might have been almost there, but I ended up caving in and getting back on the benzos after 6 months.

At least all that pain was not totally in vain. My tolerance was substantially reduced, and I resumed with micro fractional doses which were enough to do the job for me. As time went on my tolerance inevitably gradually crept up again, but still never again anywhere near the monster doses of that first time round.
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For some awful reason, getting off a benzo seems harder than an opiod. That thing with your pharmacy, switching generics to save a penny or so per pill, is ridiculous.
Pill spliter? Is it possible to split the pills and use less over a year or so; cutting back carefully and slowly, so your mind and body feel ok; are your pills able to be split up, easily?
I openly admit, I am scared to get off Valium, even though it is weak. I admit that there was a noticeable difference taking Valium over Ativan(lorazepam).
I basically cut my use in half, accidentally. I thought 2mg of lorazepam= 10 MG Valium.
Wrong, 1mg lorazepam= 10 mg valium.
Somehow I didn't notice, ignorance was good in this case.
The Valium does help me sleep, and keeps my anxiety issues at a manageable level, but not nearly as well as Ativan.
I would take your time and adjust as your body does. Slowly, is easiest, and much, much less painful. I learned that by being stupid.

I hate being a slave to anything; especially when, I was supposed to be dead by now.
My pain lessoned and now, I really don't know what to do. The limited amount of oxycodone ain't helping anymore much, if any. Then the issue with sleep.
I am kinda stuck, my doctor is more than willing to help me, get off my meds. But I am scared to lose a couple of my scripts, due to my fear of needing them, and not being able to get any pain relief.

I was not telling you to change your beliefs. It was the fact, that a lot of people on here, have had similar problems, and there are a lot of people who will hate others for their beliefs. I just wish that more people, could see beyond their own political hypocrisy. I would be legitimately shocked, if your question got a better response.
I was mad at the lack of response. My situation is similar, in that I am stuck on a benzo and an opiod, and I wanted to see a better response, to your question. I am looking for answers also, but I don't trust a lot of people here.
We are on different meds, but same classes of drugs.
Slightly different, but similar in some regards.

The insurance thing, had to do with me being forced into one of a handful of pharmacies.
The pharmacy I had been using wasn't on the list, so I had to switch, but the many CVS drug stores around where I live, don't have oxycodone so, I got stuck at a small pharmacy, that is too far to walk too, if the roads suck. ( If the roads get bad in winter.)
If you really want off your meds; I would go with the clons first. I am not 100% on this but the clons maybe harder to get off, not sure. If they are it would be easier to get bupe, out of your system if you had the clons gone.
However, this could be a long process, and please don't get discouraged by a little mess up here or there.

Like I said, I have a similar problem but I have pain and also have sleep issues. According to all I have read on the issue, the benzo use is the real problem, in terms of a long taper and anxiety related issues.
I just wish someone who took bupe for a long time and got off it would weigh in. You know, to give a timetable and how often to decrease your bupe intake and other matters related to stopping bupe or subs.
I really pray and hope you can get get off the meds, if you think that is right for you. 20 years clean, that is very good, no issues in 2 decades. I don't think, that after 20 years you will have an issue.
The clonazepam could be a real issue, the more I read, the more horrified that I ever messed with benzos, regardless of them being prescribed.

I do not want you to think I was telling you to change your views; I would die before changing my beliefs, and I would not be told how to think, by anybody. Besides, your posts are interesting and it is nice that you bring a different perspective, than most of the people on here.
This pharmacy is still switching my generics month to month. The bupe is now Teva and you know about the clons. How can I stabilize to detox with my body having to adjust to a new generic again? These damn people don't want to do their job. Now even with the doc writing "DAW" they give whateven they want. I protest and it's the new younger techs that are giving me problems. This generation has no respect for their elders. I've even had to wait days after I ran out to get the generic that was written. This cvs has one of the worst rating too. All the American pharmacist left after the cv-19 plandemic and now there's only people that don't speak good English and wearing turbans or hodgies. Their security has ramped up too. Now they have a plain clothed packing guard in there. He makes it a point to tote around with his piece. I understand the baser sort go there and start trouble but to look at everyone like their going to rob or steal is not good business. I hate that place. Time to change up.
Yea, the CVS's around here doesn't carry oxycodone, I've been to at least 3or4.
I didn't know what to say, I just got my state and local and my dad's final state and local taxes from the accountant done and sent in.
Big refund, but after all the expenses, not so big.
Also do you use the Good RX card? The prices at CVS were never great, but I had to find a new pharmacy a long time ago because of my insurance and now I have newer crappy insurance and I am scared to go to the one place I use to go a long time ago. I got gyped and then treated like shit. Also the drugs, were not any of the schedule ones I take, so not a real big deal.

One good thing is that I don't care about the disgusted looks at my old pharmacy.( from 2 opiods and a benzo)
My dad got permanently banned from another branch of this store. And he was the respectable one. The pharmacist techs completely misconstrued something my dad said, and it was good I was there, he was a bit senile and I not will say what I was going to do if they tried to keep him there against his will.
I just wonder how these arrogant, nasty pharm techs never end up not being; put it their place to put it as mildly as I can I say it. I can control myself, but barely with the treatment I have gotten at some places.
But as the good book says, God makes it very clear" Vengeance is mine". So I quess I am stuck putting up with assholes if I too change pharmacies.
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Yea, the CVS's around here doesn't carry oxycodone, I've been to at least 3or4.
I didn't know what to say, I just got my state and local and my dad's final state and local taxes from the accountant done and sent in.
Big refund, but after all the expenses, not so big.
Also do you use the Good RX card? The prices at CVS were never great, but I had to find a new pharmacy a long time ago because of my insurance and now I have newer crappy insurance and I am scared to go to the one place I use to go a long time ago. I got gyped and then treated like shit. Also the drugs, were not any of the schedule ones I take, so not a real big deal.

One good thing is that I don't care about the disgusted looks at my old pharmacy.( from 2 opiods and a benzo)
My dad got permanently banned from another branch of this store. And he was the respectable one. The pharmacist techs completely misconstrued something my dad said, and it was good I was there, he was a bit senile and I not will say what I was going to do if they tried to keep him there against his will.
I just wonder how these arrogant, nasty pharm techs never end up not being; put it their place to put it as mildly as I can I say it. I can control myself, but barely with the treatment I have gotten at some places.
But as the good book says, God makes it very clear" Vengeance is mine". So I quess I am stuck putting up with assholes if I too change pharmtionacies.
That's one for the books. If they tried to hold a family member against their will with me there O I'd put my friend Smith and his friend Wesson in the equation for this scenario....
Oh yeah, I tried quitting morphine and Ativan( lorazepam at the same time, same night.
Will not forget that horrible night, luckily I had plenty in the script left. I might have died.
Quiting long term benzo use and long term opiod use at the same time, big mistake😱😰
One of the few that has also been through this. 3 years of diazepam 15-30mg a day and 11months 16mg bup