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Meth beta-Phenylmethamphetamine.


Aug 2, 2023
You know.. I've been reading up on PEA's and there plenty to mention about Meth, but when reading I read about another stimulant substance called beta-Phenylmethamphetamine. And there's not too much information about it. Do you know anything about this substance ? And is it stronger than Meth ?
I don't think its been thoroughly assayed, but based on the structure, the bulky phenyl substitution at the beta-position means it would likely act as a reuptake inhibitor, not a releasing agent like methamphetamine. Releasing agents tend to be less bulky, more resembling the neurotransmitter itself, allowing them to fit into the binding sit and reverse function (release), rather than just dock interrupt normal function (i.e. monoamine reuptake).

So "is it stronger than meth" isn't really a relevant question in this context.
Also it would be quite a metabolically stable compound in the sense that there isn't an enzymatic pathway that would result in the removal of that phenyl group that would result in methamphetamine
So, what I meant by the above, is that it's not going to be a prodrug for methamphetamine either, that isn't a possible explanation of it's action.

But before you say "well benzphetamine has two phenyl groups, and it's a prodrug for meth", the placement is very different. Benzphetamine has a phenyl group attached to the nitrogen (in turn benzyl group) and another phenyl as part of its core amphetamine structure. Because of where the phenyl substitution is, enzymatic n-dealkylation by P450 occurs readily, producing active amphetamine prodrugs.

But in contrast, the beta-phenyl group of beta-phenylmethamphetamine is attached directly to the carbon backbone, so it's not just going to cleave off cleanly to form some sort of active amphetamine. It could undergo hydroxylation or experience some other complex transformations maybe, but methamphetamine wont be a breakdown product.

Nothing wrong with asking questions but I feel like you'd be better off spending some time doing some reading to understand the landscape of these things (given from what I recall about your other posts, like that whole methylenedioxy methylphenidate saga -- which i think was yours).
The problem about beta-Phenylmethamphetamine is that they could of designed it differently. Such as instead of the Phenyl being placed in the beta position it could of been placed at position 4 on the other Phenyl ring. So instead of beta-Phenylmethamphetamine it could of been put in postion 4 to come up with 4-Phenylmethamphetamine. And yes I do realize that it would still be weaker then regular Meth.
It's the other way around; a phenyl substitution at the beta position would produce a far more active drug than a phenyl placed at the 4 position of the phenyl ring (subject to greater steric hindrance)

4-phenylmethamphetamine may very well be inactive, whereas beta-phenylmethamphetamine resembles a very potent stimulant

Which of course is the ultra potent, long-lasting NDRI desoxypipradrol, which it notably resembles:

Seriously though man, if you're interested in this stuff do some reading, it's not quite as straightforward as adding things here and there