Bluelight, Research opportunity and YOU! (EVERYONE please read)

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Bluelight Crew
Oct 27, 1999
Hello Everyone!

It is with great pleasure that I roll out this interactive survey to the Bluelight community.

Approximately 12 months ago Bluelight was approached by a team of researchers from Texas A & M University to assist them on a study funded by the NIDA (National Institution on Drug Abuse). The study originally labeled ‘Technology, Youth and the Proliferation of Drugs Use’ is designed to gained a more comprehensive understanding of what resources individuals turn to access data on the subject of drugs, their effects and other health factors related to them.

As I said, Dakeva and myself have been working with the researchers for 12 months now. We progressed quite slowly and with prudence in the early months as we felt each others organizations out. After almost a year, we have built a healthy working relationship based on trust and mutual respect.

As a result of this relationship and the work put in on both sides we have finally reached a survey that both sides agree will facilitate the collection of some very worthwhile data. This survey has been through a ‘beta run’ with the moderators, and is now ready to go live to the rest of the Bluelight community.

Though it isn’t required, I ask that EVERYONE take part in driving this survey by going to the survey site and taking the test:


There is a cover page written by the researches explaining your rights (including privacy) as a participant and you only have to answer the questions that you feel comfortable with.

Reasons why this study is important to Bluelight:

1.) It’s our chance and more importantly it’s your chance to stand up and be counted in a study that could ultimately shape future policy.

2.) It’s a chance for Bluelight to become further recognizable as a legitimate resource by scientific community.

3.) It demonstrates our willingness to work as partners with other organizations and shows a higher level of social responsibility to our community.

4.) It will help facilitate or ability to be involved in future projects as well as give us more sound credentials if ever pushed further into the public spot light.

5.) The data collected will give us a better understanding of our user base then we could ever have hoped to have on a demographical level.

Again, everyone’s participation is strongly encouraged as are comments on the survey. I will be posting this thread to a number of Bluelight’s high traffic forums so as to achieve the greatest degree of exposure. I would like to thank you all before hand for your commitment to helping us drive enrollment so that we are able to capture the largest data set possible – and that means Mods, Admins, Bluelighters, Greenlighters, Fartlighters… everyone!

Thanks, and happy surveying!

Try again, it probably just means that there was a lot of traffic on the site.
The traffic is going through the roof, about every twentieth click gets me in! I'd wait untill the Americans are all in bed, about an hour or two from now by my calculations ;)

--- G.
HTTP 403.9 - Access Forbidden: Too many users are connected

It's already Bluelighted ;)
Uhhhhhhh, I hate NIDA... Hopefully they won't twist around data for their own evil purposes
hmmmm, it sounds like maybe i should take this in a few days rather than now huh? :\
Spoke my mind......

Click, click. Done! Certain part's of survey's suck. But for the most part it was fun. :)

Is it proper that they had Crack & Cocaine together on the entire survey? I have never done either. But should they have been combined?

dm3 said:
Uhhhhhhh, I hate NIDA... Hopefully they won't twist around data for their own evil purposes

I took the survey, and it seems to me that their aim is to find out specifically: how and where people are getting information about drugs on the internet, what sources you THINK are credible, and why you seek this information.

I think that this survey could be potentially damaging to Bluelight; in that they could easily portray BL as a virtually unlimited source of information on illicit substances from people of whom the majority are not experts (though many have much experience) and are likely to be users of illicit substances themselves, and thus biased to some degree.

It would be easy from them to conclude from the study that BL encourages drug use in the name of "risk prevention and education" and offers information to people who wouldn't dream of using certain drugs until over time they hear much discussion about how great it is or "not as bad as they say", and basically get desensitized to the social taboos that sometimes governs people's behavior from being in a global, virtual community of drug users; ranging from the casual pot smoker to the hardcore drug addict.

While I myself am obviously not against BlueLight, I'd have to admit that there are definitely some really fucked up people on this board; not just meaning literally "high", but some with excessive lack of moral responsibility who actively encourage the use of dangerous substances or practices. It is ultimitely up to the visitor to determine who is full of shit and who has some real knowledge, but especially to a new BL member that isn't always easy.

Basically what I'm saying is that NIDA's probably gonna look at it like many people are going to drug users for advice on drugs instead of doctors, professionals, etc.

Not one to attempt if your brain is a bit mushy ;)

Note: must remember to log others out before I post!
you know, this survey seems really shady.. what exactly is the real advantage to our culture here? maybe im not far enough into it yet, but i definatly dont feel encouraged to continue with the current direction of questioning. is there a way to read through the whole thing? or please post the questions up here, id love to hear people's reactions..
I have a feeling they are going to conclude websites like this cause people to start using drugs or start using more drugs than they otherwise would have :\
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