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RCs Bromazolam Mega thread


Oct 28, 2020
Just wanted to make a thread about your general experiences with Bromazolam. Whether they are positive or negative. Discuss addiction, recovery, and share important information that may be helpful for the community.
I'll go ahead and start. I've experienced many different RC benzoz/triazolo-benzoz and by no means is Bromazolam my favorite. However, it has allowed me to escape a job I haven't enjoyed and been stuck in for almost five years (pharmacy). It gave me the motivation (if that's the correct word for it) to quit my job and familiar environment and go into a completely foreign and interesting field (at least for me) as a cable technician. After somehow magically passing my drug screen; I've been working cable for almost a year now and I feel like I am finally beginning to get the hang of it. I know I have a lot to learn, but I'm open to it. I stopped going to college/university (because of my insane work schedule) which I liked and disliked. The pay increase over pharmacy, the general environment of working in the field has been most enjoyable. And I don't regret quitting.

For me bromazolam allows me to get to sleep at night, have some fun on my days off; playing games online with friends and meeting new friends online through those games. It eradicates my anxiety and haven't considered suicide in a very long time thanks to this substance. Even after daily intake for months I was able to stop abruptly with no negative withdrawal symptoms, seizures, etc. Just craving on the occasion.

If I take it at night or late at night I am generally less anxious the following day and experience no benzo mind fog. I always wake up well rested even if I didn't go to bed until 6am when I need to wake up for my shift at 9am. Only downside that I have noticed is that I am unable to eat in the mornings or at least very little. This could be rebound anxiety, but if I recall correctly bromazolam has a pretty long half-life. But waking up feeling nauseous is not fun.

I've blacked out a couple of times on bromazolam and never did any crazy shit.

In terms of RC benzoz I have tried: etizolam, diclazepam, and clonazolam and for prescription benzoz I have tried diazepam and clonazepam (clonazepam is generally my favorite as it is great with tapentadol compared to the other benzos.

Since receiving a recent shipment of bromazolam (after taking a month off from benzos) I have gone back to daily usage and have noticed no Ill affects outside of those described above. I have noticed some negative mind affects that can be annoying at times such as forgetfulness and losing my train of thought mid-sentence

Curious to see what y'all's thoughts and experiences have been with this one.

Best wishes and stay well!
I'll go ahead and start. I've experienced many different RC benzoz/triazolo-benzoz and by no means is Bromazolam my favorite. However, it has allowed me to escape a job I haven't enjoyed and been stuck in for almost five years (pharmacy). It gave me the motivation (if that's the correct word for it) to quit my job and familiar environment and go into a completely foreign and interesting field (at least for me) as a cable technician. After somehow magically passing my drug screen; I've been working cable for almost a year now and I feel like I am finally beginning to get the hang of it. I know I have a lot to learn, but I'm open to it. I stopped going to college/university (because of my insane work schedule) which I liked and disliked. The pay increase over pharmacy, the general environment of working in the field has been most enjoyable. And I don't regret quitting.

For me bromazolam allows me to get to sleep at night, have some fun on my days off; playing games online with friends and meeting new friends online through those games. It eradicates my anxiety and haven't considered suicide in a very long time thanks to this substance. Even after daily intake for months I was able to stop abruptly with no negative withdrawal symptoms, seizures, etc. Just craving on the occasion.

If I take it at night or late at night I am generally less anxious the following day and experience no benzo mind fog. I always wake up well rested even if I didn't go to bed until 6am when I need to wake up for my shift at 9am. Only downside that I have noticed is that I am unable to eat in the mornings or at least very little. This could be rebound anxiety, but if I recall correctly bromazolam has a pretty long half-life. But waking up feeling nauseous is not fun.

I've blacked out a couple of times on bromazolam and never did any crazy shit.

In terms of RC benzoz I have tried: etizolam, diclazepam, and clonazolam and for prescription benzoz I have tried diazepam and clonazepam (clonazepam is generally my favorite as it is great with tapentadol compared to the other benzos.

Since receiving a recent shipment of bromazolam (after taking a month off from benzos) I have gone back to daily usage and have noticed no Ill affects outside of those described above. I have noticed some negative mind affects that can be annoying at times such as forgetfulness and losing my train of thought mid-sentence

Curious to see what y'all's thoughts and experiences have been with this one.

Best wishes and stay well!
I just want to tell you something that you already know but never hurts to be reminded. Benzos are life saving until they are not.
Once I felt like etizolam improved my life tremendously and I would probably feel like that so too if would use it. And to the extent it would be true but for a amount of time that's impossible to guess. Some more years, some more decades even but I would regret it sometime, again. Maybe less so with addiction itself than with noticing how it halts me from realizing full potential. Ofc biggest problem is that benzos do help me and many people to approach their full potential but there are plenty of arguably a lot better and safer ways for that. Plus sooner or latter benzos lower persons sharpness and it's almost impossible to truly notice that until one is using them. There's also a lot of time need to recover from that. It would be great if it wasn't like that and too bad just about any benzo out there causes that more than etizolam.
I just want to tell you something that you already know but never hurts to be reminded. Benzos are life saving until they are not.
I still think your story is one of the best from someone that dabbled too much with etizolam. I know I read it in one of these forums. So your advice is usually pure gold and from experience.

Funny I have some bromazolam here and I find I do not take it. If I do it is .5 mgs for sleep. It seems too strong for me any higher. Most benzos do. I even think pyrazolam is strong. Fluclotizolam seems gentler for me to use on occasion.

But I think there is a mega thread already? Or if not the forum needs one as this stuff is all over these days.
I still think your story is one of the best from someone that dabbled too much with etizolam. I know I read it in one of these forums. So your advice is usually pure gold and from experience.

Funny I have some bromazolam here and I find I do not take it. If I do it is .5 mgs for sleep. It seems too strong for me any higher. Most benzos do. I even think pyrazolam is strong. Fluclotizolam seems gentler for me to use on occasion.

But I think there is a mega thread already? Or if not the forum needs one as this stuff is all over these days.
I couldn't find a mega thread for this one, so I made one. But if there is an already existing thread I would like a link to it and you can erase this one.

Best wishes!
I am generally less anxious the following day and experience no benzo mind fog.
Yes, I also experience this. I take it for late night relaxation/sleep but I usually have a very relaxing start of the next day, being more social, more 'normal', less worried, etc.
I only take benzos sporadically out of fear of addiction, so I haven't tried a lot of different ones, but the long half life of bromazolam is definitely a plus for me making it my 'favorite' in a functional way.

As a bonus, every time I take it I have lots and lots of dreams, inception-style dreams, lucid dreams, etc, which is a symptom I haven't really experienced with other benzos, so I am curious if other people notice this too.
I've got some old bromazolam (and nitrazolam) bottles (dissolved in ethanol) from about a year ago. I didn't store them refrigerated or anything, just sort of in my room. Will they still be good? I've never used benzos but admittedly I took 0.25 of the brom on Tuesday, tonight I took 0.5mg of the nitrazolam bottle an hour ago and haven't felt much of anything either time - was wondering if benzos tend to deteriorate over time to the point of impotence, does anyone know how they tend to degrade?
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I've got some old bromazolam (and nitrazolam) bottles (dissolved in ethanol) from about a year ago. I didn't store them refrigerated or anything, just sort of in my room. Will they still be good? I've never used benzos but admittedly I took 0.25 of the brom on Tuesday, tonight I took 0.5mg of the nitrazolam bottle an hour ago and haven't felt much of anything either time - was wondering if benzos tend to deteriorate over time to the point of impotence, does anyone know how they tend to degrade?
I'm wondering the same about diclazepam blotters maybe 3 years old.
Hi guys. I just prepared 5mg/ml Bromazolam solution 5mg/ml using 1:1 95% EtOH and PG solute. To my surprise 4 drops of resulting solution tasted so obnoxiously bitter that the aftertaste could not be washed off with a cap of Cranberry juice. It's been ten minutes and it is still lingering on my palate. I used to prepare Etizolam using 1:1 40% vodka, PG solute and the resulting solution never tasted bitter - it had no flavor. Is that normal for Bromazolam?
Hi guys. I just prepared 5mg/ml Bromazolam solution 5mg/ml using 1:1 95% EtOH and PG solute. To my surprise 4 drops of resulting solution tasted so obnoxiously bitter that the aftertaste could not be washed off with a cap of Cranberry juice. It's been ten minutes and it is still lingering on my palate. I used to prepare Etizolam using 1:1 40% vodka, PG solute and the resulting solution never tasted bitter - it had no flavor. Is that normal for Bromazolam?

My first guess was that you used PG with bitterant added, but if that's not the case...

Have you tasted certain benzos before?

Bromazolam is not quite as bitter as alprazolam, but still has that strong, distinct benzo bitterness.

it should go away after 15-30 min.
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My first guess was that you used PG with bitterant added, but if that's not the case...

Have you tasted certain benzos before?

Bromazolam is not quite as bitter as alprazolam, but still has that strong, distinct benzo bitterness.

it should go away after 15-30 min.
Thank you. My PG is food grade from Amazon so it's got to be the Bromazolam powder. I posted the question because I was wondering whether it is its natural flavor, or perhaps the taste came from some impurities, as I don't have much experienced with benzos beyond Etizolam which I have used exclusively for sleep. I recently purchased Bromazolam for a backup while it's still available.
I've got some old bromazolam (and nitrazolam) bottles (dissolved in ethanol) from about a year ago. I didn't store them refrigerated or anything, just sort of in my room. Will they still be good? I've never used benzos but admittedly I took 0.25 of the brom on Tuesday, tonight I took 0.5mg of the nitrazolam bottle an hour ago and haven't felt much of anything either time - was wondering if benzos tend to deteriorate over time to the point of impotence, does anyone know how they tend to degrade?
probably still good. I had the same c-lam stash for like 15 yrs and it never lost potency. I think 84 F was the # it becomes a risk and cold it can go down pretty far.....now that is clonaz; not a bromaz expert but Id imagine they would behave similar?

On the other hand I made sure to make a new bottle every month as I also had concerns.

I've got some old bromazolam (and nitrazolam) bottles (dissolved in ethanol) from about a year ago. I didn't store them refrigerated or anything, just sort of in my room.
I stuck two bottes of fluclotizolam in a closet and forgot about them for two years and they were still good. (but with no tolerance) I think benzos are stable. But let us know should you try it. I had said in another thread I like stability and shelf life threads and posts. Only in that most drugs are stable for years. Pills stuck in a closet and forgotten about are just as potent.

@Lil'LinaptkSix , I remembered what you said about muscle relaxation. My wife threw her back out bad last week. Could not get out of bed. Dosed her with .5 and then another 1 mgs that night and she slept and slept. Within two days she was much better. It usually took a week. So I found a use for this strong stuff. It would make an excellent med as as muscle relaxer. There is something totally there with that.
i got a bunch of bromoz

they're pretty potent - they're 4mg bars - i take one quarter and that's plenty - knocks me out

they're a little more potent than alprozolam if you ask me - i get a little cranky the next day sometimes too which im not a big fan of - but that sometimes happens when i take alprozolam so im not sure i can say that's exactly bromo specific

they definitley work and i never take benzos on the daily - just here and there, which is the way all benzos should be taken in my opinion - as needed - and not everyday - that's how they work the best and that's how you stay outta trouble with them - i don't think you should take any benzo more than twice a week - but these are just my thoughts from my experience
I've never gotten any euphoria from benzos. Just less stressed.
I tried bromazolam a friend gave me and it just helped me sleep
probably still good. I had the same c-lam stash for like 15 yrs and it never lost potency. I think 84 F was the # it becomes a risk and cold it can go down pretty far.....now that is clonaz; not a bromaz expert but Id imagine they would behave similar?

On the other hand I made sure to make a new bottle every month as I also had concerns.

Alright apologies friend
Jen X - I am not positive there is any REAL euphoria in benzos (how do I say this): The euphoria IS the stress relief in normal doses; going from panicking heart thumping world closing in to sittin on the couch laughing at a re-run; that is euphoric. In the same way novocaine made me euphoric as an MF'er when a finger was chopped off and they hit it with novocaine; I literally asked the doc if there was anything I could do for him. (not my style kinda hate docs).........................OTHER THAN THAT I think it would require 10 15mg xanax or equivalent to begin to compare it to most "euphoric substances" ..... if that makes sense

no apology needed at all, just glad I got to ya before you got tossed for sourcing.

Other than 'lookin' how is your situation friend?

Welcome to BL (you should read the rules *blah i hate saying that)
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a bunch of bromoz
...they're 4mg bars
Used to love having piles of Xanax prettyist thing to look at, IMO
And things change now it's bottles. ✌️
Didn't know you like da bnz.... Learning everyday.

Low dose seems sustainable and functional.

High dose troubles aplenty.
The br is useful for relaxation at a minimal dose of (.25mg) but of course we grow tolerance to the anxiety relief effects and have to dose more; it seems the br doesn't go by most tolerance rules. Still does it's thing after a few years at the .25mg dose.
I may dose 1-2mg but most days under a mg.
I found it can cause severe depression and lethargy at higher daily dose.
Found it takes an hour or two to peak so this may lead to compulsive dosing waiting to feel relief then it's too late ..
sleepy time. Ha!
I find that it has stopped nightmares of decades.
Alprazolam couldn't. Nothing did..... I am greatful for that.
These are just some findings and they may be just the way I react to it or opinions and may not be shared by others. Idk
Will share more as I think on it.
Be safe, yeah?