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BZP and TMFPP mix


May 21, 2001
i was wondering if anyone out there has tried this mix.
i have read some of the trip reports, but i am looking for some new input.
well i dont know why one would *want* or deliberatly do this, but to each his own, anyways i took a "peices?" a while back and got alllll fucked up (didnt have a tester then and dont now, but i dont munch pills any more) and later read on dancesafe they are the same mix as you stated...but umm that wasnt fun so that's only my input tho, i really dont even know.
I tried the combo and hated every last second of it. I was jittery, iritable, sketchy as hell...and the worst part...I itched like a mofo. I donno what that was all about but I hated it.
If you simply need to stay awake it's a good idea, seeing as it's so cost effective.
If you're looking for a cheap/easy meth substitute, keep looking...
Ummm. A few friends of mine bought pills containing this mixture as MDMA, and they all said it felt nearly the same as rolling. And yes, I am 100% sure the pills contained this combo....
I have a few friends who say they can take Celexa or Zoloft and it feels 'exactly like rolling'.
Don't trust anything your friends say...after all, they like YOU!
Yeah, I guess I do hang out in a pretty bad crowd.
The comparison of this combo to MDMA was made by the dude who ran Chemical Resale of Santa Barbara, one of the first (maybe the first? i forget...) places to sell these and other research chemicals. So basically, it was just an advertising ploy, they feel NOTHING like MDMA. Never underestimate the power of placebo though, you give people amphetamines and tell them they're barbs and they get sleepy, you give someone BZP/TFMPP and tell 'em it's like E and they agree, thats just how it goes.
In my experience, BZP isn't half bad for hte price, kinda feels like dexedrine just with a bit more nausea/hangover.
TFMPP on the other hand was absolute shit, horrible stuff, I wouldn't bother with it.