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Benzos Can I use Benzos on the weekends to relax and intoxicate?


Jan 21, 2023
Can I use benzos (currently have alprazolam, lorazepam, zolpidem zolpidem/amber) that I want to use recreationally during weekends to relax and intoxicate? I don't drink alcohol (never drunk), so that's not an option.

Is it safe to take a low dose of Benzo, for example, 1.5g lorazepam or 1mg alprazolam, on the weekends and not do it during the weekdays? On the weekdays, I take Vyvanse for ADHD, which is essential, but I have difficulty relaxing or spending leisure time (related to my condition), and Benzos takes care of this problem, which is why I'm planning to use it for weekends to chill and relax.

What do y'all think?
Don’t people who use alcohol also get rebound effects the next day?
Yes they do. And that guy is over exaggerating bro... Taking benzos once or twice a week like youre talking about will not cause rebound anxiety. Nor will it ever cause to be physically addicted. As long as you are really about to keep it at just the weekends. And to answer your original question, yes benzos are great to take if you just want to relax and chill for a lil intoxicated lol. The doses you quoted are perfect for that as well. But just try not to go up higher cuz that will lead to blackouts.
First, define "weekends". One day on the weekend? Two? Friday night, then Saturday and Sunday? (so, 3)

I used to smoke pot on and off on "weekends". If I did it only Saturday night, I could do that indefinitely. Friday and Saturday night I could do for a long time without issues. Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday until suppertime is where I would often end up and it would give me issues fairly quickly.

By "issues", I mean wanting pot through the week, being fuzzy quite a bit of the week, and insomnia. Addiction.

As to benzos. I'm thinking that half life would affect things quite a bit as well. I'm pretty familiar with Valium (long half life) and I think that one day a week would be max with two days getting you to rebound and strong cravings fairly quickly.
Can I use benzos (currently have alprazolam, lorazepam, zolpidem zolpidem/amber) that I want to use recreationally during weekends to relax and intoxicate? I don't drink alcohol (never drunk), so that's not an option.

Is it safe to take a low dose of Benzo, for example, 1.5g lorazepam or 1mg alprazolam, on the weekends and not do it during the weekdays? On the weekdays, I take Vyvanse for ADHD, which is essential, but I have difficulty relaxing or spending leisure time (related to my condition), and Benzos takes care of this problem, which is why I'm planning to use it for weekends to chill and relax.

What do y'all think?
I started taking Xanax at 16 a few time a month when they were around. At 18 I was prescribed Xans and took them everyday, than Xanax ER than Clons. It's been over 20 years and I wish I never took that first one. They do work but tolerance goes up quickly and effectiveness goes down after many years. They also are hard to get docs to give out. I slipped though the cracks or I was given help from an evil force so to say. Most of us here are trying to get off them so believe me there is no "recreational use" as I once thought. Better to no take them at all. I started with 1 of Xanax and look where I am today..
unless you want to have rebound anxiety then id advise against , once a month however would likely be okay
That's a great point. The pill for anxiety takes it away while on it , than it gives anxiety so you need to take it. Better the brain never experiences it.
Benzos have their use but only intermittently for no more than 1 dose at a time every 2 weeks or so in my opinion. They are far more addictive than opiates imo.

Dependence arises much quicker than opiates too, I developed a psychological benzo dependence after only 1 week of taking them then a physical dependence after only 2 weeks of taking them daily back in my mid 20s. Let me tell you. I’m going through opiate withdrawal right now and I would take a this feel amplified x10 over benzo withdrawal any day of the week. Benzo withdrawal makes you feel like you are dying and like you want to die simultaneously without either of the two actually happening, it is one of the most traumatic and horrific drug withdrawals you can go through imo. Theres nothing quite like it. You have all the aspects of opiate withdrawal plus crippling psychological symptoms like constant panic attacks , brain zaps, muscle spasms, depersonalisation - the works to go with it
hell I’d even take precipitated opiate withdrawal over benzo withdrawal. And it lasts for MONTHS.

That’s why even though I’m in opiate withdrawal right now and I’m sitting on literally hundreds of benzos that would most likely ease my pain I still haven’t taken a single pill and won’t unless I get so desperate I feel like I’ve got no other choice. The dependence they can bring just isn’t worth it

Once every second weekend if you feel you can stop there is fine
Once every weekend is risky
More than once every weekend and you’re asking for trouble,
Can I use benzos (currently have alprazolam, lorazepam, zolpidem zolpidem/amber) that I want to use recreationally during weekends to relax and intoxicate? I don't drink alcohol (never drunk), so that's not an option.

Is it safe to take a low dose of Benzo, for example, 1.5g lorazepam or 1mg alprazolam, on the weekends and not do it during the weekdays? On the weekdays, I take Vyvanse for ADHD, which is essential, but I have difficulty relaxing or spending leisure time (related to my condition), and Benzos takes care of this problem, which is why I'm planning to use it for weekends to chill and relax.

What do y'all think?
Tread carefully with benzos they have a way of sneaking up on you. Once a week 'should' be fine. That's about 52 doses a year... I know they don't recommend using it for more then 4 consecutive weeks so 28 doses...
I started taking them after my husband passed once in a while , years later I'm taking them daily and although I never abuse them I'm definitely dependent on them.
As said above it's a slippery slope so be careful.
I do understand the need for some peace though.
Ever think of weed? A good indica can help with anxiety and much safer.
I find clonidine work well also
Yes, benzos are tricky. I am with @Jen , weed or hash even better can help you to chill. If you don't smoke or don't like cannabis, that clonidine that she points can be helpful. You also have some relaxing antihistaminics, hydroxyzine works for me. Even light doses of soft neuroleptycs are better than opening the benzo-pandora's box
I started taking them after my husband passed once in a while , years later I'm taking them daily and although I never abuse them I'm definitely dependent on them.
As said above it's a slippery slope so be careful.
I do understand the need for some peace though.
Ever think of weed? A good indica can help with anxiety and much safer.
I find clonidine work well also

My goal is to relax during weekends (which are friday night, saturday night) so two days. I have difficulty unwinding and relaxing (like watching a movie or something like that), and I found depressant drugs help me do exactly that - they take away the anxiety and help me unwind (making me think about stuff in a “calm” way or not think about them at all). I don’t drink alcohol and don’t have a plan to touch them, so I’m looking for another depressant I can do during weekends. I’ll try weed, strains with low THC or no THC (because THC gives me hangovers for a day or two). Effects of regular THC use in developing brain is also my concern when it comes to weed. I had tried weed many times in the past but discontinued them due to these concerns.
Don't do it. The thing with alcohol is it fucks you up and you're hungover. Benzos, like say heroin, don't fuck you up while on to the same degree as alcohol. You convince yourself you can do it every day, then the withdrawal kicks in.

I ended up with a 7-year benzo habit that took me 1 year to fully recover from. The horror stories on the internet are real. It's just not worth it.
Don’t people who use alcohol also get rebound effects the next day?

I don't, at least not notably

But I get potentially intense (dose dependent) rebound effects after taking benzos. This is because I have had 2 full blown benzo habits, followed by 2 intense, prolonged withdrawal syndromes, from which I never fully recovered, leaving me permanently more anxious than I was beforehand. Prolonged high dose benzos can cause permanent desensitization of GABA-A receptors by altering the way these receptors are expressed.

In any case, I've noticed the effects of benzo rebound even in those without prior benzo abuse histories. For instance I've noticed symptoms of benzo rebound in my girlfriend (no drug abuse history) when I have given her benzos. This has occurred when I have given her benzos without her knowing what she even took (sometimes i'll say, "here take this, it'll calm you down").

So I'd say rebound anxiety from benzos is far more distinct and insidious when compared to next day alcohol use. I say insidious because unlike with heavy alcohol use, benzo rebound isn't accompanied with hangover, you feel fine, but you begin to handle stress less easily, become irritatable, sad, start sleeping poorly, etc. The more this happens the worse it gets, but it can be subtle to pick up on.

Once a week is too much in my opinion. The impact might be subtle but it will be there and become worse with time. I'd say alprazolam might be a superior choice in these cases as lorazepam lingers around. Either way regular benzo use is playing with fire. Very different than alcohol. Even having had horrible benzo addictions, I can drink a moderate amount of alcohol and not notice anything in terms of a rebound. But if I take 3mg of etizolam once I'll feel off for around 5 days. This same phenomenon will happen to anyone who takes benzos (i.e., a period of time where GABA-A receptors are less responsive to the effects of endogenous GABA) but the phenomenon won't be as clearly identifiable as it is to someone like me, because in a certain sense I sort of permanently feel like I'm in low-grade benzo withdrawal, so benzo rebounds are extremely noticeable.

One of the more bizarre features of benzo rebounds I've found is that there seems to be different phases. The first phase is anxiety/dissociative depression, which sometimes feels like it comes on suddenly, like a switch has been tripped in a matter of seconds. For example, X hours after taking benzo Y, I'll be watching a movie totally fine, then suddenly, boom, I feel entirely different, suddenly anxious, dissociated. It's not gradual, it's sudden (essentially its a abrupt surge in glutaminergic activity). Then a number of days later is when the insomnia hits, and the benzo rebound dreams start occuring. The more intense versions of these benzo rebound dreams are pretty distinct, having an eerie, evil, supernatural feel. And I'm not talking about benzo withdrawal, I'm just talking about a rebound from short term use. Any living being with GABA-A receptors are susceptible to such an effect. But since its a sort of "degenerative" processn those that notice it more have experienced it more, but it's there nonetheless.
I would also say, when you do take it, stick the absolute minimum to get some effect, and I don't mean getting bumbling around high on it. The minimum amount it takes to kind of lift that anxiety that you are feeling, and don't let yourself raise your dose. For me, that is 2.5mg diazapam, or 0.5 mg ativan (of course, I have no source to get more, so I am extra motivated to stretch it out, which is probably a good thing). That's all I ever look for with it, a bit of relief, because I really don't get any euphoria on it, taking more leads to tolerance and diminishing returns, so why bother with more or with any risk of withdrawal?
Having been addicted to various substances, I'd say that benzo addiction is one of the sneakiest.

Tread lightly.
Back when my doctor started me on them he never mentioned anything about becoming addicted. They weren't so talked about then either. I did need them but now don't know if I have an anxiety issue or just dependent on them.
At least with opioids I knew starting they were addictive.
Opioid withdrawal is awful mentally on me so I can't imagine anything worse
The risk of psychological dependence is high even taken as prescribed, which then may lead to physical dependence. Once your dependent on them, it may be the hardest thing you will experience in your life if you try to stop
The risk of psychological dependence is high even taken as prescribed, which then may lead to physical dependence. Once your dependent on them, it may be the hardest thing you will experience in your life if you try to stop
I don't think I'll ever stop. I keep my dose low and I have MS so helps with muscles.
Just wish I knew from the start what I was getting into