Cannabis Quiz

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What ever happened to our drug basics quizzes? Where's my top score?

oh, and I only got an 80 on this one, I done been out tha game fo so long.
TheGreenPhantom said:
Yo... since when does a cannibis high last for only 1-4 hours when smoked?!!?

For me the effects of weed last from 8 -- 12 hours! I guess you guys be getting some shwaggy shit!

"Schwaggy!"? Man that's some funny name man. HAHAHA. That's kewl man. I got like 63%, how crap am I. But all those crazy questions about chemicals freaked me out. I don't know that shit. And half those terms I never ever heard of... hmmmmmm... maybe it's the weed that's doing this... NO... My beloved happy herbs would never do such a thing.

I got 70% which makes me feel very sheepish indeed... still, it's true I don't know nearly as much as I should.

But I have a bone to pick here. I went and got my little mum to do the test too (awsome mum I have) Frankly, she proberbly knows more about weed then I do, and certainly smokes more then I do. But, unlike you and I, she thinks 'spin' is.. no I won't even tell you that, anyway 'spin' is 'mix' to her thankyou very much 'and thats what everyone's always called it.'

Good test, but we can't have our mums scoreing poorly because they don't know what a 'blunt' is or what this 'spin' stuff might be.

thats all, stop looking at me like that.

i'm a picky bastard, and just wanted to point out that many of the questions are totally qualititative, but obviously require quantitative answers. "cannabis is not addictive at all" for example - well, it's not *physically* addictive afaik, but it can certainly (as with anything) be *psychologically* what's the right answer? there's a few other questions like this too...apart from that, it's a cool idea and thanks for the work that went into it - i'm really not trying to be ungrateful!!

btw, i'm writing this before i actually get my results, so that i can't be accused of just being pissed 'cause i did so badly ;)

anyway, got 20/30 - 67%. i'm actually not too unhappy with that, i haven't read up a helluva lot on marijuana, and haven't been smoking it for *that* long either, so there's room for improvement :) (plus i was ripped off on a couple of questions :p;)).
onetwothreefour said:
i'm a picky bastard, and just wanted to point out that many of the questions are totally qualititative, but obviously require quantitative answers. "cannabis is not addictive at all" for example - well, it's not *physically* addictive afaik, but it can certainly (as with anything) be *psychologically* what's the right answer?

well, you say it is psychologicially addictive, so you should mark false. that is why i put "at all" at the end of the statement. :)
^^^ but EVERYTHING has the possibility of being psychologically addictive - it's not an inherent aspect of the drug itself! though, you mention physical withdrawal symptoms in the answer, so i guess that makes it physically addictive on some level... :)
onetwothreefour said:
^^^ but EVERYTHING has the possibility of being psychologically addictive - it's not an inherent aspect of the drug itself! though, you mention physical withdrawal symptoms in the answer, so i guess that makes it physically addictive on some level... :)

well if everything has the possibility of being addictive, then you should still mark false ;)

go here to read about physical symptoms of marijuana withdrawl:
question 28 is wrong. Curing is the process of using airtight jars to draw whatever moisture is left through 90% dry weed. Because the jar is air-tight, whatever moisture is left accumulates at the top of the jar. The jar is then opened daily for a few minutes to allow the moist air to disperse, for a minimum of two or three weeks. This changes the composition of the cannabinoids, improving flavour and, if done properly , will make it stink. Curing is therefore NOT the drying of weed, but rather the re-moistening of it. For instance, if your weed is too dry for a good cure, you should add fresh fan leaves or lettuce (which is inert) to the jar to increase moisture.


RE number 1: I would argue that tobacco is far more dangerous than weed, in the same way that heroin is more dangerous than mdma due to its addictive properties.
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57%....I suck. :p

Oh well, at least I know what a joint, a blunt and a bong are. Damn those first ten questions tricked me into thinking "this shit is eeeeeassy!!"

Hehe, oh well, never claimed to be a chronic anyway.

I like these quizzes, keep 'em coming, even if I suck at them. =D
i can't take the quiz and i wanna!

says my username is invalid. i know i've registered before when there was the general drug quiz. can you help me frizz?
Um, when you ask whether a drug is ADDICTIVE, I assume you are including psychological addiction as well unless you state otherwise. The quiz should be corrected.
faris said:
i can't take the quiz and i wanna!

says my username is invalid. i know i've registered before when there was the general drug quiz. can you help me frizz?

i'm just wrote the quiz.. i dont have access to the inner workings. the same thing happened to me and i just made a new acct. make one like faris2 or if you're feeling more creative revenge_of_faris or something

why? the question is:

Cannabis is not addictive at all. true or false?

the quiz answer is false, because cannabis is both psychological and physically addictive. is the quiz saying the correct answer is True?
grandad said:
question 28 is wrong. Curing is the process of using airtight jars to draw whatever moisture is left through 90% dry weed. Because the jar is air-tight, whatever moisture is left accumulates at the top of the jar. The jar is then opened daily for a few minutes to allow the moist air to disperse, for a minimum of two or three weeks. This changes the composition of the cannabinoids, improving flavour and, if done properly , will make it stink. Curing is therefore NOT the drying of weed, but rather the re-moistening of it. For instance, if your weed is too dry for a good cure, you should add fresh fan leaves or lettuce (which is inert) to the jar to increase moisture.


perhaps if i hadnt used a 'none of the above answer' this one would have been more clear. i see curing as the final step in drying harvested cannabis; even you admit moisture is being lost. :p =D
*SWeeT-e* said:

Oh well, at least I know what a joint, a blunt and a bong are. Damn those first ten questions tricked me into thinking "this shit is eeeeeassy!!"

muhuhahaa.. get you sucked in and then bam bust out the big guns.
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