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Cocaine Coke as pain relief??!!


Nov 9, 2020
Ok so I am wondering how coke seems to help my chronic back pain. I didn’t know coke had those effects. Is it because coke is a numbing agent?
any stimulant eases most types of pain, at least temporarily
depending on the specific reason of your back pains, you might want to avoid stimulants tho. Apparently it can make lower back muscle pain worse, probably for it fatigues adrenal glands and causes cascade of events even scientists are uncertain of. YMMV.

For further specification, it might be coke does not do anything for your backs condition, but suppresses pain signaling, that is pretty normal when it comes to stims. Depending on factors, comeback of pain might get gradually worse and worse over time if you end up over-indulging coke. I don't mean to moralize, but I suggest not relying on it.
Nowadays If I do more than few days of amphetamine by significant doses, I will get lower back ache almost every time.
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any stimulant eases most types of pain, at least temporarily
depending on the specific reason of your back pains, you might want to avoid stimulants tho. Apparently it can make lower back muscle pain worse, probably for it fatigues adrenal glands and causes cascade of events even scientists are uncertain of. YMMV.

For further specification, it might be coke does not do anything for your backs condition, but suppresses pain signaling, that is pretty normal when it comes to stims. Depending on factors, comeback of pain might get gradually worse and worse over time if you end up over-indulging coke. I don't mean to moralize, but I suggest not relying on it.
Nowadays If I do more than few days of amphetamine by significant doses, I will get lower back ache almost every time.
Hey thank you for the response. My chronic back pain is from several bulging disc and septic arthritis. After a couple good lines the pains gone and I can actually get things done. Makes sense if it’s numbing the nerves. I’m a new coke user only been using off n on for about a month. I only snort it since I have issues with rigs. (Recovering heroin addict).
My chronic back pain is from several bulging disc and septic arthritis.
I can not directly associate to being exceptionally bad if I need to back it up with my scientific knowledge, which is rather limited and unprofessional.
It’s not the numbing/local anaesthetic effect that is helping your back pain, it’s the fact that cocaine is releasing a load of cortisol, (nor)adrenaline, endorphins, dopamine and serotonin, they’ll all help the pain.

You need a cheaper, healthier long-term solution.
Hey thank you for the response. My chronic back pain is from several bulging disc and septic arthritis. After a couple good lines the pains gone and I can actually get things done. Makes sense if it’s numbing the nerves. I’m a new coke user only been using off n on for about a month. I only snort it since I have issues with rigs. (Recovering heroin addict).

Have you ever tried neuropathic pain type medicines? If not, it might be something you want to discuss with your (pain) doctor as you may benefit.
Studies conducted by the U.S. military during WWII found that combining dextro-amphetamine with morphine sulphate SIGNIFICANTLY increased the analgesic pain killing properties of morphine. (also adding ketamine hcl)

Any dopaminergic stimulant has an amazing synergistic benefit by increasing the effectiveness of opioid narcotic analgesic drugs

Ritalin (Methylphenidate) is striking similar to Cocaine in its MOA / both inverse agonist…..and Ritalin is commonly added to opioids such as Dilaudid/OxyContin/MS-Contin, etc for severe terminal painful conditions

Monoamines (DAT/NET/SERT) dopamine in the “reward pathway” has indirect/downstream effects on mu-opioid receptors, which is why it’s an effective painkiller…..Especially when combined with a potent opioid medication like Oxycodone or Hydromorphone

For severe pain, a pharmaceutical grade “Speedball” would be a freaking godsend for pain relief, euphoric bliss wrapped in a warm blanket of comfort.

Diamorphine (Heroin) 4 parts
Cocaine HCL 1.5 parts
Ketamine HCL 0.5 parts

….slow I.V. injection
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any stimulant eases most types of pain, at least temporarily
depending on the specific reason of your back pains, you might want to avoid stimulants tho. Apparently it can make lower back muscle pain worse, probably for it fatigues adrenal glands and causes cascade of events even scientists are uncertain of. YMMV.

For further specification, it might be coke does not do anything for your backs condition, but suppresses pain signaling, that is pretty normal when it comes to stims. Depending on factors, comeback of pain might get gradually worse and worse over time if you end up over-indulging coke. I don't mean to moralize, but I suggest not relying on it.
Nowadays If I do more than few days of amphetamine by significant doses, I will get lower back ache almost every time.
I use to smoke meth and it never helped my back pain.
Coke isn't really a pain killer though the fact that you feel better while high isn't that surprising. I just wouldn't make it a habitual thing.
Coke isn't really a pain killer though the fact that you feel better while high isn't that surprising. I just wouldn't make it a habitual thing.

Cocaine and ANY true dopaminergic stimulant IS in fact an effective drug with moderate analgesic properties. The monoamines & endorphins in the mammalian CNS reward pathway has prominent analgesic properties

People going through serious opioid WD will often post/say how taking Adderall / Dexedrine - genuine pharmaceutical Amphetamines will nearly eliminate their WD pains and symptoms

Diacetylmorphine (Heroin)
Hydromorphone (Dilaudid)
Oxycodone (Eukadol)
Methadone (Dolophin)

The only TRUE worthwhile Opioid worth their weight in gold…..all others, fck off (expect Oxymorphone/Opana obviously lol)

Anyone of those Potent as fck Mu-Agonist combined with Amphetamine (Dexedrine, etc / Methylphenidate (Ritalin) or decent purity Cocaine are truly something else. Speedballs over 50x 15+ years ago

Currently it’s my oral Brompton Cocktail (chronic pain RA) taken every morning after breakfast 7am ish

Methadone 80mg (+20mg around 6pm if needed)
Ritalin IR 50-60mg
Valium 10mg 2-4 tablets daily
Pregabalin 300mg
Ethanol / Jin 2-3oz cocktail

1 hour peak plasma levels…….beautiful

After work/dinner 6/7pm

Methadone 20mg
Ritalin 30mg or Cocaine lines X 4-6
Valium 20mg
Pragabalin 300mg
Indica Cannabis 10mg jel cap
Ethanol/Jin 2oz cocktail

Blast a line of Yayo each time I make a new Jin cocktail and hit the outdoor patio for a cigarette

Yes…..that’s my daily regimen for 10-15 years. All legally prescribed (minus the Cocaine, Ketamine, and LSD which I freaking LOVE. LUCY. I LOVE. Every weekend, sunny Saturday poolside at friends place, music, bbq, sun, Lucy

Studies conducted by the U.S. military during WWII found that combining dextro-amphetamine with morphine sulphate SIGNIFICANTLY increased the analgesic pain killing properties of morphine. (also adding ketamine hcl)

Any dopaminergic stimulant has an amazing synergistic benefit by increasing the effectiveness of opioid narcotic analgesic drugs

Ritalin (Methylphenidate) is striking similar to Cocaine in its MOA / both inverse agonist…..and Ritalin is commonly added to opioids such as Dilaudid/OxyContin/MS-Contin, etc for severe terminal painful conditions

Monoamines (DAT/NET/SERT) dopamine in the “reward pathway” has indirect/downstream effects on mu-opioid receptors, which is why it’s an effective painkiller…..Especially when combined with a potent opioid medication like Oxycodone or Hydromorphone

For severe pain, a pharmaceutical grade “Speedball” would be a freaking godsend for pain relief, euphoric bliss wrapped in a warm blanket of comfort.

Diamorphine (Heroin) 4 parts
Cocaine HCL 1.5 parts
Ketamine HCL 0.5 parts

….slow I.V. injection
Very interesting I have not heard of these studies and I kind of fancy myself on drugs used in war. However the U.S. I never did much research. I believe they gave their pilots benzedrine (of I'm remembering the compound correctly) but the Germans and even the Japanese were leaps and bounds ahead of us in the chemistry/pharmacology dept. Infact when goering turned himself in me had 20k tablets of paracodiene which was probably all he could get his hands on as he was a well known user pf moprine (morphinist as they called him) as well as eukodal aka oxycodone. He was had a monstrous habit. When he turmed himself in he had weened down to 200mg (20 pills) in the am and 20 pills at night. Ot wasnt until the pills were sent to d.c. that the novel drug (to the us was known) the dept head in D.c recommend taking one pill away a day. So a Relatively humane (for the time) to get him clean. Problam is he's a super smart devious charming man and made the lewd us prosecutor look foolish. Anyway sorry for the tangent. But yeah speed was used along with eukodal pretty hardcore among soldiers(depending on unit)and citizens. The drug d9 which was 3mg meth 5mg eukodal and 3 mg cocaine was given to almost dead concentrate camp victim's and from barely being able to walk they would carry 50 kg backpacks of rock without pause for hours and hours until many died. They did the same with mini subs, once again they used Jews as guinea pigs and this mini sub was basically a bomb. Not many survived these trails only because very very little paperwork was left out of the furnace. Sad that all of the inventions that could help mankind always always is used forst and foremost for war.
My wife works with anesthesia in the medical field, and she's commented about how similar some of the anesthetics are to cocaine.
Studies conducted by the U.S. military during WWII found that combining dextro-amphetamine with morphine sulphate SIGNIFICANTLY increased the analgesic pain killing properties of morphine. (also adding ketamine hcl)

Any dopaminergic stimulant has an amazing synergistic benefit by increasing the effectiveness of opioid narcotic analgesic drugs

Ritalin (Methylphenidate) is striking similar to Cocaine in its MOA / both inverse agonist…..and Ritalin is commonly added to opioids such as Dilaudid/OxyContin/MS-Contin, etc for severe terminal painful conditions

Monoamines (DAT/NET/SERT) dopamine in the “reward pathway” has indirect/downstream effects on mu-opioid receptors, which is why it’s an effective painkiller…..Especially when combined with a potent opioid medication like Oxycodone or Hydromorphone

For severe pain, a pharmaceutical grade “Speedball” would be a freaking godsend for pain relief, euphoric bliss wrapped in a warm blanket of comfort.

Diamorphine (Heroin) 4 parts
Cocaine HCL 1.5 parts
Ketamine HCL 0.5 parts

….slow I.V. injection

No offence but on a harm reduction forum i don't think we should be advocating pharmaceutical grade speedball for anybody who's not on their way out already.
Stimulants are great for pain relief. But in long term very dangerous. If used, take low dose when your pain will be unbearable.
My wife works with anesthesia in the medical field, and she's commented about how similar some of the anesthetics are to cocaine.

Really …..which anesthetics would these be?

Very curious. An anesthesiologist would administer something like a depressant, Ketamine, barbiturates?

Cocaine is used surgery of ear/nose/throat & eye as a numbing agent NUMBRINO (Cocaine HCL) …..but non of these others agents / anesthetic would possess the potent dopaminergic stimulant properties being a triple reuptake inhibitor and Inverse Agonist releasing dopamine and inhibiting the DAT>SERT>>NET

Mallinckodt Pharmaceuticals is the only supplier of pure Cocaine Hydrochloride salt for compounding purposes in 5 gram and 25 gram jars. Wow. 100% pure Cocaine HCL salts. Lilly Pharma also provided this in the past in 325mg tablets I believe.
Ok so I am wondering how coke seems to help my chronic back pain. I didn’t know coke had those effects. Is it because coke is a numbing agent?

As a stimulant, yes it will decrease the sensation of pain. It also works as a topical/local anaesthetic (in the same way as when - usually at the dentist - you get numbed with lidocaine or novocaine).
I wouldn't recommend it, though, due to the expense and it's very short duration. Unless you can afford to (and want to) be snorting it every 20 minutes or injecting it every hour, it's very temporary. I guess if you have an occasion where the pain becomes unbearable* and you have no actual analgesia it can work.

*I also have severe (sometimes VERY severe) leg and back pain and have used thing like dexedrine or liquor when the pain is so bad I can't tolerate it and I'm out of morphine.