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Cocaine Coke need a question answered..


Mar 10, 2010
if i do coke all night then finish by doing a few more lines, and they dont do anything for me, is that because iv built a tolerace throught the day. or because of some other reason?
Three More Thoughts

There are probably a few more reasons. First, the blood vessels in your nose during a blow session retreat so the last lines are absorbed in the smallest amounts. Also, after an oversaturation of dopamine from the beginning of the session, the dopamine (D2) receptors retract. The brain tries to maintain stability so it will so the final lines may keep the same amount of dopamine in the synapse but the post-synaptic receptors are in lower numbers after an evening with yayo. Finally, the crash from the previous lines builds up and so the lines at the end of the night if they do much at all will just make someone go from exhaustion to feeling normal. I hope this helps.
This effect is widely reported among cocaine users, and stimulant users in general. During a stimulant binge, after a point, taking more will just keep you up longer, and not produce the desired high.
stevie chain snorting

:!a find that a lot ov the time av probarbly had enough coke and its just not worth doing the last few lines that night its better 2 keep the last few lines till youv got yourself sorted next day ie shit showerd shifted put one ov your last lines out and sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffffff thats how 2 enjoy the last ov your coke
When using cocaine/crack, I find the best rule is to not redose until you are back to baseline. Yes, it is extremely difficult to adhere to consistently, but it is much worth it.