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Cocaine Coke's gone pasty...

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Nov 18, 2009
hey guys iv got some coke and its been sitting in a zip lock bag in a drawer for quite a while, i took it out today and its gone sort of pasty, like it's picked up some moisture. what should i do with it? put it in the freezer or under a very gentle heat to dry it?

Also, as far as i'm aware xanax doesnt interact with coke, i was planning on having maybe 1 or 2mg of xanax after a coke high tonight, good idea/bad idea?

you already made this thread, its not a tough thing to figure out is it?

dry it under a 60w lightbulb, just watch it and dont let it get too hot. i dont see how it got pasty from powdery though
You are seriously considering freezing it? Use some common sense here. If there is any moisture in it and you freeze it, you're going to have a cocaine ice cube. Moisture evaporates under heat, so, put the coke out on a flat surface under a heat source and let it dry out.

I'm assuming the poster above me is referring to another thread you created on this same topic? If so, please don't post multiple threads with the same question, especially if the first thread was closed. Never re-post a thread that has been closed or deleted.

As for Xanax and coke: Xanax works wonders when coming down from a coke binge. Just don't take more than you are used to taking. Xanax before cocaine tends to dull the effects of the coke, and doing coke on a depressant like Xanax isn't the best idea, health-wise.

Answered. Closed.
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