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Opioids Coming off methadone


Dec 10, 2022
So, I was kinda balboozled a little I feel. This dr is going to keep me on 3 therapy sessions per week and I think they are students yet being billed 100 a session. I can’t afford 1200 a month just in therapy and this is outside my therapist I’ve been seeing 7 years so I don’t really need them.

So I’m quitting the methadone because I can’t afford it. I’ve tapered down to 30 ml. Do you think I’ll experience withdrawl to the pint kratom client handle it at 30ml? It’s 30mg.

Last time I was on methadone I don’t recall how I got off.
Okay so your methadone dose is 30ml which = 30mg. So you saying it's 1mg/ml. Are you sure about that. Just make sure about that.

If I was you I would get your dose down to 5mg. My friend tapered from 30mg a day dose to 1mg
Okay so your methadone dose is 30ml which = 30mg. So you saying it's 1mg/ml. Are you sure about that. Just make sure about that.

If I was you I would get your dose down to 5mg. My friend tapered from 30mg a day dose to 1mg
You hAve to tapper down
Okay so your methadone dose is 30ml which = 30mg. So you saying it's 1mg/ml. Are you sure about that. Just make sure about that.

If I was you I would get your dose down to 5mg. My friend tapered from 30mg a day dose to 1mg
Yup. I’m sure it’s 1mg per ml. Well it’s what the clinic tells me. I was up at 50 and was going up until I found this doesn’t meet my finances but idk who would pay 1200 a month for methadone clinic.

So I guess I’ll just keep tapering. Just really wanting to be done with clinics now. I mean I’ll still be going for bipolar meds and GP stuff but not for MAT. I would dump the clinic entirely but the other side of things they do well for me. And give me appointments at the drop of a hat.

K so 5 should definitely be good and I’m dropping 10 a week so won’t take too long I guess.
The tappering story can be a bitch and individual dependent.

I for instances can drop with 5mg a week and feel no sides and others can't even do 2mg a week. It's gonna be a bit of a self experiment but luckily it's got such a long half life its easier to play around with tappering.
This is absolutely fucking ridiculous. I am in disbelief that they are charging you this amount. I have never heard of such a thing even remotely close to that sum. I've heard of 130/week which I considered to be blood-sucking considering the clientele. I know we've already discussed this, but nothing ever came of trying to find a different clinic? There has to be something here that I'm missing. 90% or more of folks beginning Methadone treatment are junkies with 0$ in their bank account. A common story is folks getting help from their families in the name of getting better, but in our current climate, how can someone take on a 1200/month extra cost?

@Juicewrldfan if you wouldn't mind, could you tell me the name of your clinic? This whole situation is seriously bugging the shit out of me. There are reasons to get on and off medication, but when that reason is nothing other than finances, there is something very wrong with that situation.
So, I was kinda balboozled a little I feel. This dr is going to keep me on 3 therapy sessions per week and I think they are students yet being billed 100 a session. I can’t afford 1200 a month just in therapy and this is outside my therapist I’ve been seeing 7 years so I don’t really need them.

So I’m quitting the methadone because I can’t afford it. I’ve tapered down to 30 ml. Do you think I’ll experience withdrawl to the pint kratom client handle it at 30ml? It’s 30mg.

Last time I was on methadone I don’t recall how I got off.
Yet again another Junkie crying about it.

I stopped Heroin & NOT that crap the USA has as I live in the UK & we have Proper Afghan #3, I began using HEROIN back in September 2001 & quit this year so do the Math on the several DECADES of a habit ;)

JUST STOP FFS, you make me laugh Sir.
@Zopiclone bandit dude where is this coming from? It is fine for you to have your opinions about other people. I'm not ever going to tell you to feel a different way. However, this forum is a place where people come specifically because they are lonely, scared and often feeling downright desperate.

If you're such an experienced Opiate user as you say, you should know that the condition of dependence is totally subjective. There are people who describe Codeine withdrawal as hellacious. There are people who can withdraw from Heroin like it's nothing. Everybody is different. What good does it do to shame someone like this? You're seriously attacking this guy's strength as a human being and I do not like it at all.

I'm seriously hoping you're going to follow this post with another telling me I've misunderstood an instance of dry-humor and that my feelings are misplaced. I see a lot of bullshit on here, but to go out of your way to call one of your fellows weak like this is on another level for me.

For the record @Juicewrldfan this is really not how 99.9% of us feel inside or treat each other outwardly here. It goes against everything we claim to stand for.

I'd really love to know how you're so damn confident that your Heroin is more potent than anyone else's. You do realize that at the end of the day, nobody, not the DEA, users or the government of any country can cobble together anything resembling hard data regarding the strength of their respective Heroin supply. Any statistics that you may or may not be familiar with are nothing more than random shots in the dark or snapshots of supply at a given moment in time.
I'd really love to know how you're so damn confident that your Heroin is more potent than anyone else's.
It's a well known Fact that Europe had over 75% of the Afghan Crop.

Also I know it was good Heroin because when I had Medical Grade Fent at 250mcg in the Vein it wasn't the same as a good Heroin shot.

Maybe I was a bit harsh with the guy & you have a point with "There are people who describe Codeine withdrawal as hellacious" which is True BUT anyone who gets into Opiate use knows they will have a bad time coming off it, what do they expect?
I hate to be "that guy" but can you share this data with us? America is by far the largest consumer of Opioids. Afghanistan was historically the largest producer of Opium by-products. There is clearly something wrong with the equation.

It's fine man, we all say things we might not fully mean. We want this place to be one of unconditional support for one another. That's what we're all about. If you've been through withdrawal, like I know you have and so have I, I know that there have been moments where all you have wanted was someone or something to care for and support you unconditionally. Withdrawal makes us all into weaker versions of ourselves.

There's just nothing good or positive that comes out of trying to make someone feel bad man. I don't think that's what you're all about and that's why this whole thing was surprising to me.
America is by far the largest consumer of Opioids.
But we have to take into account the size of the place & also shady fuckers like Purdue Pharma.....
So much of the stuff in the USA isn't Heroin in any form, I've said before several times about people I know who have been very South of El Paso & spent time with interesting people for a book & this person has spoken to people who know what goes on shall we say ;)
Yet again another Junkie crying about it.

I stopped Heroin & NOT that crap the USA has as I live in the UK & we have Proper Afghan #3, I began using HEROIN back in September 2001 & quit this year so do the Math on the several DECADES of a habit ;)

JUST STOP FFS, you make me laugh Sir.
I do not think I’m crying about anything at all. I think I came here asking about a length of time for a taper and transitioning to kratom.

And that’s all I’m going to say to you.
This is absolutely fucking ridiculous. I am in disbelief that they are charging you this amount. I have never heard of such a thing even remotely close to that sum. I've heard of 130/week which I considered to be blood-sucking considering the clientele. I know we've already discussed this, but nothing ever came of trying to find a different clinic? There has to be something here that I'm missing. 90% or more of folks beginning Methadone treatment are junkies with 0$ in their bank account. A common story is folks getting help from their families in the name of getting better, but in our current climate, how can someone take on a 1200/month extra cost?

@Juicewrldfan if you wouldn't mind, could you tell me the name of your clinic? This whole situation is seriously bugging the shit out of me. There are reasons to get on and off medication, but when that reason is nothing other than finances, there is something very wrong with that situation.
Sure complete health care addiction and gynecology 614-882-4343z They require three groups or three counseling if insurance doesn’t cover the groups. He’s requiring three hour long sessions for me so prices are contingent upon length of session. So 100 per session for an hour.

And then say I need to be seen for adhd and bipolar. I have to make separate appointments yet they are both mental health. Just a big money grab that I think primary target is guvernment insurance. That’s how they stay open. I have private insurance thru an employer so I have to pay until my deductible resets.

But yeah I left you there number. It is outrageous.
Dude, this is really making me sad right now. I don't know if you guys have some kind of history that I'm not aware of, but let's please just stop with the negativity. It's not the place for it.
No no history at all. This is actually completely random and I’m just saying I out him on ignore. I mean after being called a junkie cry baby can anyone really blame
me? The second comment he made was what pushed me to ignore. I just don’t allow time in my life for people trying to put me down or get a rise out of a reaction or whatever. I just choose to not spend my time talking to people like that.

I’ve never had one negative conversation with them and really don’t think we have talked much if at all. Maybe on a post here and there but yeah no. It’s not personal against me. Dude literally doesn’t know me.

What we have here is someone with a superiority complex coming to an addiction/harm reduction website to get a rise. I won’t play. I didn’t call him a name or anything. Just said I didn’t cry and that’s all I’m saying to them. They responded with another attack so I ignored man. I won’t see their posts ever again. So this defeats them. They can’t get a rise out of me like i have took the bait in the past with others I think it was Reddit anyway. I’d give in to the bait back then and then I realized what was going on.
You didn't actually "say" anything to me, you typed words onto a Screen.

I don't hold much hope for you.
Well, if you want to be pedantic about it, it's entirely possibly he typed words onto a keyboard, not a screen.

I don't know what's going on in your head that you read a simple question as someone whining in the first place though.
@Juicewrldfan alright, as long as you're cool. Let's just leave it behind and forget about it. We've all got your back here and I think you know that. I'm going to do some investigating regarding your clinic situation. There could be an alternative for you. I'll let you know what I'm able to figure out.