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dangers of gravity bongs


Apr 29, 2003
I've heard many people say that this has messed up their lungs. Is it because it forces so much air in them? I can hit an entire three liter if I exhale enough first, and it doesn't feel uncomfortable or like it's streching my lungs out or anything.
If you use a contraption to inhale more smoke than your body is naturally able to, then it will most likely be more harmful. There are so many things we all do that go against our defense systems :)
i dont see any obvious dangers in this as opposed to other methods. of course if your using a gravity bong that doesn't properly filter through the water, then your going to take a big ass hit of yellow smoke that will feel like 2 shotguns off a blunt at once. this will not feel good..
Because when you heat it, it releases oxidized aluminum, which you then inhale. Not good for ya.
I used a gravity bong (aka a bucket) for over a year as my main piece. I would probably take 2 liter hits 10 times a day or more. eventually nothing besides the gravity bong was even worth hitting.. i wouldnt get stoned from a regular bong. i moved into a new place and the gb had its own closet.. it was like the shrine lol you kneeled down and prayed to the buddha god with a few deep breaths, then you bow your head and kerpow =D you get a fat rip but it would always make me incapacitated for a minute or so afterward because i couldnt stop coughing... it was the ultimate 'bong cripple' effect.

After a year or so of doing this, my chest began to hurt a lot from all of the severe coughing. I finally had to stop hitting it because it hurt too much when i coughed after i hit it. it felt like i had bruised ribs or something

in addition to that, these type of bongs force smoke into the deepest part of your lungs. it takes a lot longer for all the crap to get cleaned out since it's way down there. for a long time after i quit using the GB i would cough up a lot of black mucus in the morning. I also noticed my lungs became a lot more sensitive.. i couldnt be in rooms with lots of tobacco or incense smoke, and a lot of the time i felt short of breath

Since i still smoke a lot of cannabis my lungs havent gotten 100% better but i still feel a lot healthier just hitting a regular bong.

Save the gravity bong for special occasions is my recommendation
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i smoked exlcusively from a gravity bong for a few weeks but my lungs began to hurt while i was high and i would get panick attacks and anxiety. now i use a bowl and my lungs feel a lot better. i don't intend to ever go back to using a gravity bong.
I had pretty much the same experience as frizzantik as a heavy GB user for a couple of years - it TOTALLY sucks to get breathing problems - not worth it in my oppinion :(

--- G.
A bong is a lot harsher on your lungs than a bong, but gets you soo much more stoned.
So there fore instead of having to have say 3/4 cones to get fried, you have 1 bucket. all evens out in the end.
Buckets are my fave implement. :)
g bong is where its at. one bowl of bc in it is money.

id reccomend operating as normal, but after pulling the bottle up, suck on the opening and have the water rise in the bottle above the water level in the bucket. dont do what is normally done- pushing the bottle down so the water outside the bottle is above the level of the water in the bottle. so you pull, dont push the smoke.

much less pain on the lungs, just as effective.

of course, i havent done this in years...

on a side note, i think this is the ONLY way to smoke s.divinorum.
I totally agree with frizzantik about saving GB for special occasions. They are sure to get you totally ripped so just keep the GB for times when you've got some special cronic or special people.

Also, thinctwo made a interesting note about pulling the smoke into your lungs rather than pushing it. This is fine if your careful, otherwise your going to get a lot of water in your mouth! Not the greatest idea when your already pretty stoned as concentration, depth and distance perception are impared.

Umm ... didn't anyone else notice this?
"A bong is a lot harsher on your lungs than a bong" (jenz)
jenz said:
A bong is a lot harsher on your lungs than a bong, but gets you soo much more stoned.
So there fore instead of having to have say 3/4 cones to get fried, you have 1 bucket. all evens out in the end.
Buckets are my fave implement. :)

If u need to smoke 3/4 cones to get high u need to take a serious fucking break from smoking ganj. Its just like any other drug: lose respect for it and it'll bite u in the ass.
^^ Seriously? :)

Not to brag or anything, but I also need a lot to get stoned, don't have any problems with it (except for spending more, but meh).
I think someone is not up to date on Aussie slang, that's all =D

Cones mean bowls over there, not big ass joints :)

--- G.
thx ML, it was definitely a case of miscommunication. 3/4 bowls sounds right, I just couldnt believe that someone would need to smoke up to 4 coners to get lifted...