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Mobile Diablo Immortal

i mean listen making money is a no brainer nowadays, think of how many people maybe like me you say "that person is so stupid, how he has internet access" well like this and MMPORG's are a moneyshaker, remember a time in 2010's when GTX 290 were a thing and people were absorbed by guild wars/aion/wow some flash player websites that act as strategy games and people moved to aion to sell accounts for a while because the wow market was a no for rookies, even if you were 10 richer in real time than what your eyes saw.
Ok, any other peasants and plebs out there that are in between housing and/or lost their consoles, who absolutely shit a brick when they realized there'd be a totally free version of Diablo they could play anywhere from the safety of their mobile device? Because yeah, I spazzed, I fuckin love this series, and have been unable to really play d3 since losing my xbox, haven't been able to get d2 remake, or do any other mindless hack n slashing.

But I pretty much immediately downloaded the app and started working through. It translates really well to mobile imo, and is one of the few games I've really been able to get into on mobile. My main character is lvl 35 atm and I think the lvl cap is 60 before going to Paragon or whatever, so I imagine I'm maybe halfway through the game? Not sure, but I'm in the desert region.

Anyone else tried it yet and have any thoughts? I'm down to throw my battlenet acc out there if anyone wants to partner up. I mean, it's free, and you get to spend virtual time with me, who could pass up an offer like that?
I've been considering downloading it just for the lolz if anything. I've been looking for something to play.

The pay 2 win aspect really turns me off, though.

Maybe I'll download it today, just to check it out. I'm a little more interested in d2 remake, but don't have the money for it atm.
I hear level 35-40 is when it turns into a frustrating grind to push you into paying. Your fun may slow down soon, unfortunately

I still play D2LoD (and PD2) all the time. I'm too stubborn to shift into this new style. If you haven't tried PD2, would heavily recommend.
I've been considering downloading it just for the lolz if anything. I've been looking for something to play.

The pay 2 win aspect really turns me off, though.

Maybe I'll download it today, just to check it out. I'm a little more interested in d2 remake, but don't have the money for it atm.
I mean, I'd recommend it. I'm not paying shit. But even if I did drop say 50 bucks on something in the game, I mean, how would that be any different from buying it out right? It's literally a hack n slash action rpg, just plug and play. It's fun. You don't have to be the best or anything. I could see maybe not wanting to get into like pvp since everyone else has probably decked themselves out somehow. But it's surprisingly fleshed out and imo is a lot of fun. Let me know if you do end up downloading it.

I hear level 35-40 is when it turns into a frustrating grind to push you into paying. Your fun may slow down soon, unfortunately

I still play D2LoD (and PD2) all the time. I'm too stubborn to shift into this new style. If you haven't tried PD2, would heavily recommend.
Yeah, I was big into d2 back in the day, as well as d3. This is just something nice to pick up and fuck with when I have free time, a hell of a lot easier to get into then committing to a pc game or something. I'm lvl 39 now and still have no intention of paying anything for it. I'm just doing the main quests, side quests, bounties, etc. and literally just slaying demons like the good lord intended. I see nothing wrong with it if you view it in that manner. That said I haven't "completed" the game yet, so replay ability is yet to be seen. But imo, if you like diablo games, there's no reason you wouldn't like having an app that puts you straight into that universe.

I'm honestly baffled at a lot of the responses I've got to try and play this game. Like it's so simple, Idk why people are getting hung up on the stupid mobile app pay for bonus shit aspect. But then again, I'm probably not a "hardcore" gamer, and just play these things for sheer entertainment. And it's as fun as d2 or d3, if not more so due to the simplicity of the layout.
Microtransactions a sore spot for "gamers". If it's something that bothers you, and you want to play new games, it's impossible to avoid- went from almost non existent to ruling the industry in a single decade. And the people passionate about it have few real recourses (or interests) other than to repetitively blast their dissent on the internet.

Idk. My favorite games are all 10+ years old and I don't exactly stay updated, all I know is the 1 guy I know who played it quickly stopped around lvl40

PD2 is definitely not as casual but If you ever feel like getting more in depth it's amazing and it's free. Been playing it almost non stop since release like 2 years ago, which was largely missed, unfortunately. If I had a machine capable of running new shit I'd probably try immortal, but as it stands, this is the best I've got
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Shortly after they announced it 3 years ago I got impantient waiting and downloaded another rip off game called Eternium.

Of course I'm also playing Immortal, but for those who want a very similar experience you can also check out Eternium. Both good games with no pay to play requirement.
Then there are "games" like Microsoft Flight Sim 2020. It comes free with my XBox membership, has the entire earth and weather simulation modeled down to unbelievable detail and includes enough free content to play the game for years without "needing" to buy additional content. It even comes with monthly updates to features and content.
What a contrast !
Then there are "games" like Microsoft Flight Sim 2020. It comes free with my XBox membership, has the entire earth and weather simulation modeled down to unbelievable detail and includes enough free content to play the game for years without "needing" to buy additional content. It even comes with monthly updates to features and content.
What a contrast !
yeah but no killing. I need a barbarian to smash some fucking orcs!
Anyone else still playing? I'm always pleasantly surprised when I pull it up how smooth the gameplay is. Could give a shit less about the micro transactions. I'm not playing to be competitive it's just straight out a fun game.

If you are, lmk so we can link up!
Anyone else still playing? I'm always pleasantly surprised when I pull it up how smooth the gameplay is. Could give a shit less about the micro transactions. I'm not playing to be competitive it's just straight out a fun game.

If you are, lmk so we can link up!
Ironically, yesterday was the 40th Anniversary of Microsoft's Flight Simulator. Everyone got a free update and loads of free new content. The update runs as smooth as silk and the initial money I spent on this Title was well spent. I have over 1000 hours logged and still going strong. I did buy a new flight yoke because I literally wore the old one out (bought cira 1991).

I don't play Diablo, so I can't offer to link up, I'm sure there still are some players out there.
