Did you drop out of highschool?

Irish - Graduated in 2006 but had to go to a private grind school in the city center for two more years to gain enough points to get into college for my BA in Journalism.
Ah, yes, friend

What with the government conspiracy and all

I drank my tussin and went on my way after failing a few classes and hiding in the counselors office

Once they gave me during the summer iss

Totally bizarre I ran around an empty school crying
I don't know if I should get my GED or not. If I did get it though I would probably go to college afterwords and then go into the medical field.
My school was closed when I was in 11th grade. I started 12th grade in another school, but dropped out after a few weeks.
Did my Abitur (high school diploma that certifies you're fit for college/university) two years later attending distance/weekend classes.
I almost got my GED once, but I didn't take the math portion of the test because I'm bad in math and I though I needed to study more. So I dropped out of my GED class.
Lol I'm actually good at math...I hate reading and writing...

The reason why I quit was because I hated English class so much that I failed it every year since 10th grade... So when I was a senior, I had 3 English classes - id rather quit than have 3 English classes for a year
I never failed a class, always managed to get the equivalent of C's in languages despite never reading one of those incredibly boring books and stories and worse - poems - we had to. Before tests I just asked one of my classmates to tell me what the thing was about and then I'd take it from there.
I had As in maths and physics and B+s in chemistry and computer science. Never studied, just payed the necessary amount of attention in class and did my homework.

There you go. I'm a nerd.
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