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Do that many girls really not swallow?

good head is good head......the gulping is just a bonus........

actually good head is a bonus in itself cause it seems that there isnt that much to go around
L O V E L I F E said:
Dear <no need to insert name>:

You are cordially invited to rub one out at my place.

Please do not make a mess - I just scrubbed the floors - if you must ejaculate, please finish in my mouth - as everyone knows, dried semen looks terrible on linoleum.

Naturally, you will leave at approximately 3:33 a.m. (anytime between between 3:24 and 3:42 would be fine, but definitely make it some time around 3:33, as I start to get curious about people's first names at precisely 3:43.

See you soon,

<you don't get my name either!>

Fucking classic :)
I have never been with a woman who swallow. Don't ask me why. Anyway, I am not fussy about weather she swallow or not. A good head is still a good head regardless of the swallow situation. ;)
cxsx said:
it's alot easier to swallow a fast moving jet of liquidy cum than the type that kinda bubbles out in a rather thick, sluggish oooze.

Luckily, the few times I've had a guy cum in my mouth it's been the liquidy kind rather than the thick, snot-like kind. I don't know if I could swallow if it was the second. Taste is definitely not the biggest issue here. The first time I swallowed, it was the most bitter thing I'd ever tasted, but I did it anyway. Texture is a completely different thing.
I swallow...i think giving head can be a pretty fabulous experience for the girl too, if she's willing to get into it. It's pretty fun knowing you have so much control over a male. If it tastes bad, oh well, i mean its not like the taste lasts that long. If im gonna do oral, im gonna do it right, and thats swallowing every bit of cum that comes my way.
I've never spit..ever.

I don't care for the texture/taste/consistency at all, but something about the ability to literally taste my success is an opportunity that I don't like to pass up.
DigitalDuality said:
there are "that" many girls that don't do oral at all. I seem to find most of them.

What I was thinking. I have tmj and it breaks my jaw to do it.
PLus I dont like when a guy has a lot of precum..its gross. Ive swallowed before when there wasnt much precum and it all came at once, but that was one for one guy who *for whatever reason* tasted really good. Most guys Ive been with it tastes like ew so I just dont go there. But at least I have a medical reason (Im not making it up, my tmj is so bad I get horrible headaches and my jaw completely comes unhinged). It would be annoying as fuck to me if a guy just expected a girl to give him head in the first place, let alone swallow. I wouldnt wanna be with a guy like that anyways.
l]evil said:
I think i would like the idea of a girl swallowing, but on the other hand, if i were to hear a girl swallows or swallowed I wouldnt give her time of day

It does sound kinda nasty..depends a LOT on if thats something she is doing with her boyfriend or every guy on the block, ya know? I get what you are saying though, and I agree, because if you actually hear something like that about a girl shes probably been around.
I tried it once and i threw up... HAHAHA we both thought it was funny... but personally i think its just a mental thing.. for me just knowing what it is groses me out.. i love giving my bf head but id rather no swallow... its just nasty to me although thats his biggest turn on
Just for clarification, i'm not suggesting that head can't be good if you don't swallow, just that so many guys seem to like it that it seems odd to me that so many girls refuse. I mean, come on, it's already in your mouth. If the guy would really like it, why not? But like i said, you can *definitely* give good head and spit, I just don't get it... :)

I dunno, I guess I'm just confused because every guy i've ever been with has said I give the best head they've ever had, and I really don't feel like I do anything that should be out of the ordinary, swallowing included, which a couple specifically mentioned as part of the "good-ness." Maybe I should start giving lessons. =D
And if you need a stunt cock to show the way with I would be happy to volunteer.... ;)

And I have video equipment if you need to make a instructional vid...
Swallow, spit? i dont care, heads head..

Cant imagin it been a nice feeling swallowing cum though...

kinda kinky tho.