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Do women mind it if you have really small testicles?


Jan 2, 2004
This is no joke; my balls are the size of large marbles, due to them atrophying after abusing steroids (not coming off over long periods of time).

I have no intention of coming off (don't ask) and can probably maintain their current size, through the intelligent use of HCG (a hormone from the placenta of pregnent women).

I was wondering if women actually mind, if the size of your penis is okay (6-7")?
I think it's really funny... why the hell are you on steroids? what the hell is the point? you will get muscle mass without them. It really is sad man... Sorry about your loss.
Personally the fact that you are on steroids would turn me off more than anything.

I imagine a woman would be shocked at the site of such a thing, and she may think it looks really weird (I'm sorry but it probably does) but we really have no "reason" to care about what size your balls are other than that it may look funny.
^^^^^ Most women don't notice balls that much, but some women love them. They consider large balls masculine. (I've met them.) ;)

Plus, in certain sex positions, heavy balls will hit the woman's clit on every stroke, which can be very pleasurable.
small balls wouldn't bother me....

a man on steroids would.....

Are you not fucking up your reproductive system in anyway by using so much steroids that your balls strink?
Might sound harsh but I'd definately think twice about getting into a serious relationship with a guy that couldn't have children, especially if it was self-inflicted.

I honestly don't think the majority of women are into muscly men anyways......I'm not
I agree that I'd be much more put off by the fact someone was on steroids, especially if they were staying on them even after they'd seen some adverse effects.
He didn't ask if you thought him being on steroids is turn on or off, geez. Women, always going off subject.

Most chicks wouldn't even notice your small balls, let alone say anything about them.
Don't assume we wouldn't notice. We notice most things...we just might not let you know this.
Dude, if you don't come off the steroids, you are facing some serious problems. This is no joke, man. The longer you go without coming off the more long-term damage you're doing to your hypothalamus, pituitary, and testicles.

You risk permanent impotence without the use of certain drugs like Viagra.

Your testosterone level will be literally non-existent because your testicles will literally be dead.

Your sperm count will drop to the point where having a biological child is almost impossible.

Your chance of prostate and testicular cancer go through the roof.

And so on.

For those who don't know, the body has something called a negative feedback loop. In terms of hormones, this means that the hypothalamus will sense that there is a lot of testosterone in the blood (from the steroids) and will signal the pituitary to stop sending LH to the testicles. The testicles will then dramatically slow down or cease testosterone production, causing atrophy of testicular tissue.

Testicular atrophy only happens to those who don't use common sense with steroids and stay on them for way too long. Steroids are like any other drug in that respect: you have to approach them responsibly.

If you do come off, you MUST initiate post-cycle therapy to get your HPT axis functioning properly again. If you have any Nolvadex or Clomid, this is appropriate. If you don't have access to these, get some 6-OXO by Ergopharm and take massive doses at night before bed. Pray that you haven't done irreversible harm.

Forget about women for now, man, and consider the fucking long-term quality of your life.
SavageMan said:
Forget about women for now, man, and consider the fucking long-term quality of your life.

Well said.

Honestly I don't know what woman in her right mind would be turned on by a guy who took steroids :\ Do they screw with your libido too?
starlightgemini said:
Personally the fact that you are on steroids would turn me off more than anything.

I imagine a woman would be shocked at the site of such a thing, and she may think it looks really weird (I'm sorry but it probably does) but we really have no "reason" to care about what size your balls are other than that it may look funny.

EXACTLY what she said.

You must cycle steroids, "intelligent use of HCG" lol.
Its jerks like you that are the reason why steroids are illegal.
I suggest you get full blood work done, the size of your balls should be the least of your concerns as your liver is probably screaming for TLC.
I dont think its fair that everyone is getting onto the guys back about his use of steroids.

He wasnt asking what u thought of it and I suspect he is aware of the problems already.

He just wants to know what u think of him having small balls.

From my point of view bro, I dont think its a big deal.......probably easier to get them into ones mouth I suspect.......lol.
dude, who cares if they look small,, id be more worried about what condition they are like inside...
everyone gets on the back of people who do roids cause they care. My mate blew a heart vessel on them, and look at arnie.... work out sure, but seriously most roiders ive known
have been on them due to their own insecurities... Dont be so vien,, find yourself from the inside out... cause you never will from outside in....
your not gonna come off? Are you fucken retarded? My apologies if im reading that long but a never ending cycle is like.... so damn retarded... if you meant your just gonna cycle and come off and cycle again whatever but... a constant cycle is retarded
SavageMan said:

For those who don't know, the body has something called a negative feedback loop. In terms of hormones, this means that the hypothalamus will sense that there is a lot of testosterone in the blood (from the steroids) and will signal the pituitary to stop sending LH to the testicles. The testicles will then dramatically slow down or cease testosterone production, causing atrophy of testicular tissue.

not to be an anal little bitch but thats a positive feedback loop =D
I'm sorry, but I would be MAJORLY disappointed to find out the dude I want to sleep with has tiny balls. Of course I would never refuse a guy solely based on his pair's size, but its definitely a huge turn-on for me. I'd honestly rather have a less-than-stellar cock with big balls than the opposite. Its a shame to hear that you're putting your body through this chemical "enhancement" in the first place, but I'm really really sad to hear that your balls are shrinking :(
