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Do you credit your spiritual/open mindedness from drug use?

having a couple of strange and unnecessary deaths in my family over the years opened my mind to spirituality. Learning about why one may die and learning about life and all it’s energies I directly relate to that. But with my own life, being emotionally destroyed after the woman of my life left me after 4 years had been something that I just could not cope with. I thought that I was not good enough for anyone else, and everyone was better then me.. I changed my car 3 times and I’m only 20.. bought a $21,000 (au) to try and fill a void. Though after taking drugs I one day woke up and look at myself completely different. I realized that I don’t need to change my car all the time to feel good.. I don’t need a woman in my life just to complete me, I’m happy with who I am and the people I’m around.
It was really an amazing feeling to come to this.. I guess in a way it was a spiritual awakening in a personal level. And now, after having a very bad year I’m the happiest I have ever been. The cool thing is tho, I know I can still be happy without the drugs. It’s just something that I do at raves to heighten the experience.
One other thing I found, I used to be a big drinker. One night I was walking to a Taxi and got the shit kicked out of me buy 3 guys for no reason.. I know that this is not going to happen to me at a rave.. Everyone becomes one and are all friends. That’s something that you can’t get with grog. I think in everyone’s individual way they become more open-minded and tolerant to people that are different. You know, if you not a good dancer no one is going to come up to you and tell you to sit down for it. Hardly any negativity. I have not spoken to one person (especially bluelighters) who has not treated me on the same level. Basically, everyone is open-minded.
All you need is your friends, your family and yourself. Anything extra is a bonus and should be looked at that way

Keep on living the good life!!
~~~who gots the lighter!?~~~
[This message has been edited by acell (edited 10 October 2001).]
The answer to that question is a definate YES!
I think drugs offer accelerated learning. People find spirituality through experimenting with various religions or they become more open to new ideas through things like travel and meeting all sorts of people or experiencing different culture, but drugs, espcially MDMA and the psychedelics hand that to you on a plate. It takes an open minded person to try drugs and take away the lessons learned from them in the first place so i think the answer is yes. Your whole mindset changes towards other humans after taking MDMA, and your intellectual openmindedness after acid/shrooms...
I'm coming up on these shrooms now so the words aren't making any more sense, but i'm sure i'll give you a more profound answer to your questions in, oooooh about 8 hours?
- "God made me Funky!"
I've always regarded myself as quite an open-minded but somewhat malleable person in that my parents' anti-drug attitude rubbed off on me...until I left home that is. After travelling for two years and living in a variety of situations (I hear ya Blue Lava), seeing different cultures and getting to know the people tends to dismantle the constructed view of the world your parental society gave you.
I would have to say each drug taught me a different lesson, some drugs were abused, others taken with more caution. But there is no substitute for first-hand experience and you won't really 'know' what others know until you go through the same thing. Taking drugs goes hand in hand with the lifestyle and you interact with others in that lifestyle (take this forum for example). You learn more about it and hence your eyes are opened to things hidden before.
It takes more than just a few drugs to open your mind, it takes time, perception and a will to see the real truth.
These pretzels are making me thirsty.
HELL NO! i credit my open-mind to my upbringing and my education. and strangely enough, my parents are probably the most fundamentalist baptists you would ever meet. it took an eight month depression to force me to question my very existence, and i had not even touched drugs then. however, i'm with fox, the drugs have helped me to better define my fundamental beliefs.
Most definitely! Before drugs I just accepted what my parents taught me without really believing in it. But after great experiences with weed and ecstasy I now really want to explore spirituality and find answers to life's questions without blindly accepting and following society's views.
No, I don't credit drugs for my openmind. I think I have always been openminded. I have never experienced any spiritual awakenings while taking drugs. Yes I have experienced and altered state of mind, but I have never come to any big realizations while on drugs.
Mostly drugs have helped me to let go of every day problems and set my mind free. I have had some serious discussios while on some sort of substance, but yet I always have those discussions. The drugs didn't help me to see things any more clear than if I weren't taking them. Actually I would prefer to think about my spirituality and self revelations while not on any substance. I feel I have a much more clear mind when I'm not on any sort of drug. The one thing drugs have helped me with is to open up more personality wise, and to let go and have a good time.
Saying that drugs have not changed me would be a lie. They have definetly opened my mind and made me more diverse but they are not the only reason I am who I am today. Also I cannot give drugs credit to all my insight and diversity. Traveling, my family, the army, all the people I've met have also gave gifts to my mind that will never be erased.
Drugs, especially acid, E, and shrooms have definetly gave a uniqueness to my mind but I will say that drugs abused and used in too large of Quantities do NOT do anything for your mind, health, or spirituality but, excuse my language, fuck it all up. Everything in life must be used in moderation, and I'm sure there are many people out there who will agree with me. LIVE AND LEARN, LIFE IS ALL THAT ONE MAKES OUT OF IT!
before love there are
memories of innonence.
after there are none...
just a thought,
In a scense wouldn't you have to have some form of open mindness to try these drugs??
my 2 cents

~~~who gots the lighter!?~~~
Giving in to peer pressure does not require open-mindedness...IMO
These pretzels are making me thirsty.
I'd say drugs have mellowed me out alot and made me less of an asshole. Id also say that it has helped me become more of a sociable person...
Although some experiences can be spiritual, I'd credit my current state of spiritualty (or lack thre of) more to age and finding out other people perspectives.
My overall opinion, despite the unknown physical damage, drugs have had a positive impact on my life.
a huuuuuuge "YES"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
definatley absolutley.
catchyaonthaflipside ;)
Lucid dreaming has had a more profound effect on me, but only by the smallest of margins.
Myth Embodies the nearest to absolute truth that can be stated in words - Ananda Coomaraswamy
Of course drugs are not the sole thing responsible for increasing my openmindedness. I do credit them for jarring loose [like fox] my preconceptions and principle filters on certain subjects. It also depends on the type of drug you are using, cocaine most certainly does not have this effect whereas other substances [in my experience] do. Although openmindedness is purely contextual, and there is no universal or objective end to a quest for it, It can be increased [in my spiritual opinion].
~ego dissolution is a wondrous thing.
Very much so.
Trance is like attacking someone with a knife, while TECHNO is like attacking someone with a sledgehammer--feel me ??