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Social Donating plasma (medical history?)

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
I want to donate plasma but have never done it before. I'm only worried about the medical history check they do (in the US).

What would disqualify me? In the most recent medical system I went to it says Alcoholism and Poly Substance Abuse all over my chart under listed conditions. I think I also may have agreed to share my medical info from them (I vaguely remember signing some paper, wasn't in the right state of mind at the time).

Beyond that my blood pressure is high and if they drug test me I would fail for THC. Other than that I'm relatively healthy.

Anyone know the ins and outs of donating plasma?
I donated for years. Would still be doing it but here 60 yrs old is the cutoff point. May sound weird but it makes no matter what your history is. You can actually donate when you are on drugs ( well not high as a kite but you can be on meds ) as the process only takes your plasma.....not your blood. Plus the facilities that the centers send our plasma to " wash " it of all impurities anyway. You would think that you wouldn't be able to donate if you shot up heroin or meth or ate 10 oxys a day......but you can.

There are only 3 criteria for donating and they check these 3 things every single time you donate. One is your iron levels. They have to be good. Mine weren't at first but after a week of cheap iron supplements i was good to go. Second is your BP. Can't donate if your BP is too high/low. Third one is ...shit i forgot. But it's got something to do with your level of something in your blood ( like the iron ). They prick your finger every time you donate and check your blood for these 2 levels.....iron is one and forget the other. And your BP. That's it . They hook you up, you play on your phone for an hour and walk out with 50 bucks. Oh and you can't have been out of the Country in the last 30 days and no tattoos within the last 30 days.

The very first time you go they give you a mini physical. Then you fill out the application. I didn't write down my drug history as i knew it didn't matter. They only want to know if you are healthy enough to donate and they do check your levels every single time. I was making about 80 to 100 a week ( and also you can only donate 2 times in a 7 day period ) so it really helped me to make my monthly utilities. Go online and look at the criteria for your particular State but it probably is the same nationwide. You will also be able to find out what that 3rd requirement is that I can't remember. They pay you by uploading it onto a debit card that they provide. Then you just go to the ATM and withdraw it.

Happy donating.
Yeah I tried donating several times and if ya tell em ya ever IV-ed anything ya fucked.
Yeah, If Snafu ends up donating best thing to do is keep the IV part out of it. I never IV'ed so I wasn't lying about my history but since they don't like recent tattoos it must have something to do with injecting things as opposed to just oral / nose drug history. I did tell them I was popping pills because I didn't want some kid getting high on oxy but they said it didn't matter. Told me the plasma doesn't retain the drugs.....just the blood.
Yeah I tried donating several times and if ya tell em ya ever IV-ed anything or homo ya fucked.
If homo means what I think it does it's not an issue here at all. Your state has way different guidelines than mine. Sounds like major discrimination to me.
yeah possible blood contamination through "unholy-sex".
just a play on words I am not an anti homo
See that's the whole thing. Donating plasma has nothing to do with blood.........nothing to do with gay sex...........nothing to do with most drug use.

Some facilities don't know what the hell they are doing. And should be reported by anyone trying to donate and being turned away for those reasons.
Plasma and blood are separate for anyone that's wondering. Plasma IS a component of your blood but it even separates when it is spilled ( as in an injury ). When you donate plasma they actually use a machine to draw out some of your blood and then they remove the plasma from that blood. Then they put the blood that they took out back in you. Whats left over is a small plastic bag of clear fluid with bit of a yellowish tint. That's the plasma.