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RCs Energy-1, new RC. What is it?

Where did you get this information from?

yep, from a vendor known for good customer service, uk-based vendor of the usual bk-cathinones.

regardless, i wouldn't go near it (or mephedrone or methylone) with a bargepole.

'NRG-1' for fuck's sake. 8)

and to think that at first vendors were refusing to say what it was.

here's a chemical. it gets you fucked and makes me money. capitalism at its most raw and selfish.
After doing a very small line of 2mg, all the drug did was to raise my heart beat to an uncomfortable level (around 140bpm) And in turn brought on a panic attack (which i occasionaly suffer from.

There was thankfully no other pysical effects, such as tight chest or difficulty breathing.

There was no euphoria to it whatsover, I've taken 10mg of dizepam to cure the anxiety and my heart beat has lowered to 90-100bpm.

However the name NRG-1 is very true, as I went on a long walk around town to buy some orange juice, which calmed me down further. I'm not a particually active person you could say but the drug gave me the push to go out and wonder round town.

Now the worst is over, I feel a bit wired (though nowhere near the mephedrone feeling) and leathargic, though I can attribute that to the diazepam.

One plus point is there is no paranoia, hallucinations or jitterness you can experience with MDPV.

In summary it seems like money wasted, and I can count my lucky stars I didn't do any more / a bigger line.

If anybodies going to do this stuff, please be very very careful. Don't eyeball your dose or do a heroic line.
so those of you who snort rcs and its like 2 mg can you even see what ur snorting lol?
I tried this last night, supposedly it is Naphthylpyrovalerone, but I'm intending to send a sample off for proper analysis.

10mg dab on gums gave very slightly noticable effect. Then did 30mg insuflated which gave a fairly strong stimulant effect, pretty speedy, but only moderate euphoria.

After two hours the effects were still strong so I had 10mg diazepam to get to sleep otherwise I could just tell I wouldn't have got a wink all night..

Over all it was ok, and I always tend to get more out of a new-to-me drug after the third or fourth time of taking it, but think I'll be waiting until more is known about this substance before trying this again.
yeah a 2mg dot was very tiny i must admit, but i didnt want to throw caution to the wind. Will try 5mg later on and report back.
im currently evaluating this compound. I've stuck with 5mg "dots" so to not over do it. This drug seems to be everything that MDPV should be. I've redosed at around 90 minute intervals and everythings been pretty much great.

The only negative effect is the increased heart beat, mind you I havn't done speed in many years but I'm pretty sure its the same sort of rush.

No paranoia or nervousness have been experienced thus far. The euphoria is pretty good though, not on the level of mephedrone but this compound is working for me at the moment.

The initial rush is very strong even on 5mg, so personally I wouldn't experiment with bigger doses, it would seem to me that a stronger dose is not needed, it will only bring on an uncomfortable racing heartbeat like I exprienced (spelling is not easy lol) yeasterday but i think i had a anxiety attack before even doing it.
The potentially carcinogenic naphthylpyrovalerone, eh? Very similar in structure to the known carcinogen pronethalol. It doesn't quite match up though, the potency of that chemical is down a bit compared to MDPV, but the duration is right. Maybe the intranasal method of administration is much more potent.

Strangely, no one has made any of the pyrovalerones I thought they would yet.
Lol @ all this cut up and branded mephedrone, these threads pop up every few days with people wondering what this new amazing mystery bath salt or plant food with a catchy name is. IT'S ALL FUCKING MEPHEDRONE.

No, it isn't, it's worth repeating, it's

I have no connection with the vendor, and want desperately for this to gain no popularity.

After the mephedrone insanity, this new MDPV analogue is too powerful to be knocked under some bogus name, NRG-1, and marketed in the same way.

Dosage is not yet defined or discussed. I have read at another forum of someone taking 300mg of it by accident and being hospitalised.
After trying out this compound, I would recommend trying 5mg bumps. Anymore and you're asking for trouble. It's not very fiendish, so you shouldn't be needing to redose constantly. I redosed every hour or so and maintained a nice clean buzz.

I'm not sure if this compound induces panic attacks as I suffer from them a lot. However dose for dose MDPV causes more problems than this stuff imo.
This RC has caught my interest, and I may order a small sample to test it out.

I notice how it purports to act as an empathogen as well as a stimulant, now, I'm a big fan of MDPV, but dislike how introverted and socially withdrawn it makes me, so something with similar qualities yet with a more sociable aspect seems rather appetizing.

However, the fact that there's almost no data on it and that only a select few have tried it seems a little worrisome.

I'd heavily appreciate it if more people were to post their experiences!

(Really though, NRG-1? Energy-1? last thing a drug potentially similar to MDPV needs is a cutesy marketing name)
This RC has caught my interest, and I may order a small sample to test it out.

I notice how it purports to act as an empathogen as well as a stimulant, now, I'm a big fan of MDPV, but dislike how introverted and socially withdrawn it makes me, so something with similar qualities yet with a more sociable aspect seems rather appetizing.

However, the fact that there's almost no data on it and that only a select few have tried it seems a little worrisome.

I'd heavily appreciate it if more people were to post their experiences!

(Really though, NRG-1? Energy-1? last thing a drug potentially similar to MDPV needs is a cutesy marketing name)

Hey dude. I did this last night with a mate. I have posted on another thread on here earlier today. Basically he did around 900mg of NRG-1 in around 6 hours. My friend is introverted on all stimulant drugs, including mephedrone. Yesterday he seemed just completely mentally exhausted though. It's weird because when you are mentally exhausted you actually look physcially drained as well, and he just sounded really depleted of energy or any agression what so ever. And although he is introverted, he is a big guy and usually has a certain menatal strength that is always present, but not last night. Very stange indeed, but quite funny seeing someone so innocent looking, in a sadistic way lol.

I spoke to him on the phone earlier today and he obviously had no sleep and was extremely twitchy and mind all over the place. He showed signs of extreme paranoia last night, and generally was just completely fucked. He has just been going on about everything and anything, and says it feels like every part of his brain has been worn out. He said he spent 5 hours on some website earlier on the same page or soemthing.

He has abused alot of drugs in recent times and in the past, and already has been diagnosed with acute schizophrenia paranoia. He has turned his phone of now so dont know if he is sleeping or what.

I did a small amount, around 10 mg(no scales) , and i felt stimulated but i was drinking a fair bit too. It tasted vile though, like inhaling fumes or something disgusting. I would say it was pretty good, but if i did 100mg or more, i honestly think it could seriously fuck you up, and is just far too dangerous. I would stick to 50 mg, just cause we have no idea of what the hell it is. Anymore is reckless to say the least atm mate.

After trying out this compound, I would recommend trying 5mg bumps. Anymore and you're asking for trouble. It's not very fiendish, so you shouldn't be needing to redose constantly. I redosed every hour or so and maintained a nice clean buzz.

I'm not sure if this compound induces panic attacks as I suffer from them a lot. However dose for dose MDPV causes more problems than this stuff imo.

My mate did 800 mg and felt obsessive at times to do more- only after he had done loads though. I generally agree with you though, as i know my mate is rare. My mate said he thought he was guna have a psychotic episode but i dont think he did.
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i got a sample gram just asked nicely :) did about 50-100mg line was fucked but still redosed a few times had to trow a bunch of it away just to stop redosing
I Hate to be the asshole here, but anybody noticed the only people who've had any so called 'experience' with this chemical all seem to have under 20 posts between them...
I Hate to be the asshole here, but anybody noticed the only people who've had any so called 'experience' with this chemical all seem to have under 20 posts between them...

I swear to god i am not some stupid vendor trying to flog this stuff. I wouldnt ever touch this stuff again. It's nasty as fuck and shouldn't be sold full stop.

I originally found this site when i first took methedrone, as i was concerned about the difference between metherdrone and mephedrone.

Obviously when me and my mate took NRG-1 i became a member as it gave me a legitamite reason to post some worthwhile information, as oppossed to trying to add to the library of information on mephedrone.
I swear to god i am not some stupid vendor trying to flog this stuff. I wouldnt ever touch this stuff again. It's nasty as fuck and shouldn't be sold full stop.

I originally found this site when i first took methedrone, as i was concerned about the difference between metherdrone and mephedrone.

Obviously when me and my mate took NRG-1 i became a member as it gave me a legitamite reason to post some worthwhile information, as oppossed to trying to add to the library of information on mephedrone.

Yeah same here, I'm not a vendor just a long time lurker of these forums. im quite loving this compound, as ive said before its every thing mdpv should be.

most other rc's bring on anxiety and aside from the first time i tried it i havn't felt anxious in the slightest (tho this happened on mephedrone too)

However, we are all guinea pigs on this stuff. So I wouldnt recommend it to people unless you know what your getting into.

Big plus side is that its not fiendish, which as many of you know is mdpv's big problem.