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FAQ: Antidepressants and Recreational Drugs (long!)

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Thankyou so much Fairynymph for this stupendously informative FAQ! was looking for some good concise and together information on Anti-depressants and LSD, and now i have found it! YAY!
p.s. as for needing to take more lsd to get the same amount of tripness- both my sister and a close friend of mine reported no increase or decrease in the amount needed to trip on LSD while on SSRI's, if anything they said it was a much better trip, but that could just be them... I plan to find out in a few weeks time and let you know :)
THANKYOU! love your work!
Andromeda :)
Absolutely awesome info, but I have a question. I was under the impression that Effexor was an SSRI. If not, am I correct in assuming that I still won't roll on Effexor?
Effexor is not an SSRI, because by definition SSRIS (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) ONLY inhibit the reuptake of serotonin. Effexor also inhibits the reuptake of norepinephrine, which SSRIs do not significantly do. Thus, Effexor is an SNRI (serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) and has properties of SSRIs as well as its own norepinephrine properties.
Because Effexor strongly inhibits the reuptake of serotonin, just like SSRIs do, it is not possible to roll on Effexor.
Are there any additional dangers in taking a couple of E most weekends whilst on an SSRI over those when not on an SSRI ?
Just a question. What does the half life of each anti-depressant refer to? For example my Zoloft half life was 10-35 hours. Does this mean I'd have to not take it for 35 hours before taking ecstasy? Thanks.
From Rxlist.com:


3. In biology and pharmacology, the time required by the body, tissue, or organ to metabolize or inactivate half the amount of a substance taken in. This is an important consideration in determining the proper amount and frequency of dose of drug to be administered.

This doesn't mean that you could stop using your Zoloft for 35 hours and use MDMA. SSRIs can have fairly long lasting effects on serotonin receptors, which can sometimes take a few months to return to normal. Don't stop taking your meds for the sake of a night out.

Re-read what fairnymph said earlier in this thread about using MDMA while on SSRIs.

Good luck :)
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