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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

favourite title sequences v. go!


Moderator: S&T
Staff member
Jul 22, 2002
i really appreciate good tv and movie titles. i think they're often overlooked - or even skipped past - but they can be extremely enjoyable both in and of themselves and in the context of the episode(s) or movie to follow. they can go a long way to setting the tone for the show/movie and acting as an 'appetizer' which can increase my enjoyment of the show/movie.

what are some of your favourites?

for me, these come to mind:

safe room - everybody uses the 'big text in the real world' effect these days but i think this was the first time i saw this idea used and it was very novel to me. i would not be surprised to learn that david fincher - the director - also did the titles. there's some cinematography in the film which is just sublime...

casino royale - the bond movie titles were always fun to watch, even if they might be considered non-pc today... the casino royale reboot with daniel craig was a breath of fresh air for the franchise and the title sequence is also refreshing while honoring the feel of the classic bond title sequences. it may just be my favourite bond movie...

jack ryan, season 2 - i was just watching this and it inspired me to get off my butt and start this thread which i've thought about starting before then got distracted... a little clunky - or maybe just too obvious - in places, these titles are, however, filled with some really great symmetry and contrast

honorable mention to one more. the west wing is undoubtedly my favourite tv show of all time. i like the titles but i don't love them. however, one thing about the title sequence i love is the final image of president bartlet standing at the window. it just feel so 'jfk' classic...


can't wait to hear about some of your favourite title sequences...

nice thread idea and examples. bond movies sure put some effort into it, huh. i like how Panic Room has such an expansive opening to give contrast to what i remember being a pretty claustrophobic story.

gasper noe has a well refined style but nothing substantial to say. which makes him great at music videos and title sequences. Enter the Void ...

True Blood intro is softcore grit (and a catchy song) that’s better than the show itself ...

“god hates fangs,” funny. been cool if they’d have ponied up and shot it on 16mm instead of using filters.

shoutout to the closing credits of Spring Breakers for another style over substance success story. can’t find a clip online.
nice thread idea and examples. bond movies sure put some effort into it, huh. i like how Panic Room has such an expansive opening to give contrast to what i remember being a pretty claustrophobic story.

gasper noe has a well refined style but nothing substantial to say. which makes him great at music videos and title sequences. Enter the Void ...

True Blood intro is softcore grit (and a catchy song) that’s better than the show itself ...

“god hates fangs,” funny. been cool if they’d have ponied up and shot it on 16mm instead of using filters.

shoutout to the closing credits of Spring Breakers for another style over substance success story. can’t find a clip online.

I always enjoyed the title sequence to True Blood too.
I always loved the opening of A Clockwork Orange, as well as 2001 a space Odyssey. Or the Opening of Eyes Wide Shut where we see Nicole Kidman getting dressed *drool*

Or Adventureland.
How can anyone not post airwolf, a-team or renegade? Still amazing. 😅

^ lol Air Wolf - there is a blast from the past. :D

i really appreciate good tv and movie titles. i think they're often overlooked - or even skipped past - but they can be extremely enjoyable both in and of themselves and in the context of the episode(s) or movie to follow. they can go a long way to setting the tone for the show/movie and acting as an 'appetizer' which can increase my enjoyment of the show/movie.

what are some of your favourites?

for me, these come to mind:

safe room - everybody uses the 'big text in the real world' effect these days but i think this was the first time i saw this idea used and it was very novel to me. i would not be surprised to learn that david fincher - the director - also did the titles. there's some cinematography in the film which is just sublime...

Wow that font, looks particularly delicious! It has the texture of mirror glazed, confectionary. Although more opaque it has that textural quality.
Nice selection.

I get more distracted by the music, symbolic imagery along with the combined atmosphere of opening credits; than the actual credits. There is much artistry to them, for sure.
So, this , from late- recent recollection.

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Awesome thread Ali!

True Detective , season 1

The Wire, seasons 1-5 (couldn't pick a favorite-changes every season)

Peaky Blinders

doesnt has video footage, but the song is great:

The sopranos. I actually forgot how good this song was to heard it on a commercial the other day… But probably my all-time favorite would remain as true blood… I wanna do bad things to you he’s not a bad artist that’s for sure.

This song by Sting and Eric Clapton is just a fantastic song. The words just so cool yet meaningful. It was the opening credit song for LETHAL WEAPON 3!! with Mel Gibson and Danny Glover.

Excellent song - one of my all time favorites.

i've been watching two series recently and i really like the title sequences from both.

his dark materials

star trek: picard, season 2

wow, alasdairm is capable of making good posts. :sneaky:

I recently saw a clip on YouTube where Martin Scorsese was waxing poetic about the opening scenes.

The two that come to mind are:
