Site Feedback Feature idea: reaction text

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
I think it would be really cool if you could add text to a reaction.

For example if you <3 a post maybe you can add "really helpful!" or "my mom loves this!" or something like that.

or if you dislike a post, you could say why.

Just an idea for xenforo.

have a blessed day, my friends, my comrades and all my home slices out there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I think this would clog things up too much under people's posts. However, it would be really nice to get some more reactions. Green check "agree" and red X "disagree" for instance. That could not only add to the usefulness of reading posts but cut down on extraneous replies. I've seen this work well on other xenfora.
I think it would be really cool if you could add text to a reaction.

For example if you <3 a post maybe you can add "really helpful!" or "my mom loves this!" or something like that.

or if you dislike a post, you could say why.

Just an idea for xenforo.

have a blessed day, my friends, my comrades and all my home slices out there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I posited this idea when the reaction thingy was first implemented. But apparently it's undoable and as @SKL said it would clog shit up too much.
I posited this idea when the reaction thingy was first implemented. But apparently it's undoable and as @SKL said it would clog shit up too much.
I've actually seen forums which implemented reaction comments. It's hideous.

More reaction icons, though! Please?
I second an agree/disagree button. More concise than like/dislike.

Maybe a handshake icon and someone wagging their finger icon.
I second an agree/disagree button. More concise than like/dislike.
More polite, too.

Disagree reactions could be a good way to highlight bad HR advice too, while someone was reading it and not having to scroll down.