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first gay experience

Hah, I'm sure he'd never done anything like that before... with you, perhaps :)
I hooked up with teknikclrkid when we were both 15. I was definately bi curious at the time and really wanted to get with her. She expressed similar interest and we had a hot and heavy make out/grop secession at this house I was sitting for the weekend. Needless to say, it was hella awkward after that and we ended up hating each other for the next year. Since then, we have pseudo-hooked up several times under false pretences (Truth or Dare, Bets,... etc). We recently told each other the truth about how we really feel and if she and I weren't an Unis 9 hours apart, we'd be together. She was also my first heartbreak.

-T{H}R- said:
Hah, I'm sure he'd never done anything like that before... with you, perhaps :)
well he is getting married in a few months to some girlfriend of his.
I sometimes wonder if he remembers me doing that.
PriestTheyCalledHim said:
well he is getting married in a few months to some girlfriend of his.
I sometimes wonder if he remembers me doing that.

Nobody would forget a gay experience =D

Gay rules.

Anyway,... mine was on the aforementioned Robotussin DX. I was fucked off by head, as you are, and ended up being blown by this thirty year old bouncer. I guess he was kind of a sexual predator in a sense (I was probably 16-17), but I didn't care. I was off my head. We were in some really tall building on the Gold Coast (Australia), where I used to live, sitting on some crazy ledge 30 floors up, with nothing to prevent us from falling, looking down at the concrete ground beneath us (and I hate heights!). I think he wanted it in return but I wasn't all that keen to give it to him and wasn't capable of doing so anyhow. So not a fantastic first experience but I had always known that I was gay,... it perhaps just took a little longer to actually realise it - my state of confusion lasted a few years.
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Whee. Kissed a lot of girls ever since I was about 13, but the first real experience was when I was about 16, with my best friend at the time. She was utterly stunning in every single way, everyone wanted her and I'd spent most of our time at school moping around thinking ';_____; she'll never like me'.

We both went to some night our school was holding, this was just before the summer holidays and I knew I might not see her for awhile, so I was a little down.

Watched the performance thing, we were at the back, and at the end, a little hyper, we stood on our chairs clapping. The next thing I know she's got her arms round me and is kissing me pretty deeply. At exactly the same time the entire school turned round for some sort of award thingy and made some sort of collective gasp.

Huzzah! Anyway, was pretty stunned, but thought it was a one off, til we got back to her's and found ourselves in bed with a bottle of Bacardi. No sex, but lots of snuggling and kissing and teenage groping.

And now I miss her. Coincidentally, my current Gf bears more than a passing resemblance to aforementioned girl, and I told her this one night on E recently. Fortunately for me, she took this as a huge compliment rather than getting jealous and pissy like I would have <3
The whole gay/straight divide is a very recent invention, last hundred years or so.

Before that people just had a variety of sexual objects.
someone turns the fan on please
its getting hot in here =D

This is when I was back in my country, in a small town
i was about 16 or 17, he was 4 yrs older than me
the guy and I worked together, he was very good looking and sexy, the wanking material, anyways, hes got a gf, us 3 used to go out drinking and hanging out together, his family got a big farm.
And on one fateful night, he had to go to the farm for some check up and he asked me to go with him, so I decided to come along, we got to the farm, did all the stuff that had to be done, we were gonna go out but it started raining, so we stayed home and watched Tv then headed to bed, there was only one bed so we had to sleep together.
Trying not to touch him was the hardest thing i ever did, he was laying there on his back, with only boxer short on, and i was there with a huge boner, I had to think of a way to touch his body, and while I was thinking of a way, he turned to his side facing me, rested his hand on my chest, his leg on my leg, deep in sleep (or so i thought), this was about an hour after we went to bed, if I turned my face, my lips would touch his but i turned anyways, I kissed him on his forehead and....he opened his eyes and I said to myself, Oh fuck, hes gonna kick me outta here but thank God he didnt. Instead he gave me a smile and kissed me back on my forehead, I felt so relieved, his hand was looking for mine, we held hand for a while, not sure what to say, i was very surprised.
He then got on top of me, started kissing me on my lips, I had my hands around his waist, feeling his muscular, sexy body and he started sucking me off, I turned him on his back, doing the same and he asked if he could fuck me, I was scared, his dick was not that big but my first time with this sexy guy, I think hell yeah, so he fucked me right then and there and I asked if I could fuck him, this was my first time fucking someone so it took me only few minutes and I blew inside him, he kept on fucking me till he blew a massive load on my chest and collasped on me and we fell asleep till morning. I think that was one of the best way to come out to a friend, hes happily married now, when I went back to visit him, he was clealy happy to see me but did not mention anything about that stuff. I tried to initiate but he said that he wanted to but he didnt want to cheat on his wife again. I respected that and I really happy for him but I do miss him not just the sex, as a person too.

so yeh, that was my first experience
^^^^^^^^ wow.......... thats the stuff dreams are made of man.
my first experience was when I was seventeen, and it was sort of unexpected and sort of awkward but very nice. I had a birthday party which turned out to be such a bore and everyone went home except for me and my three female gay friends. So there we were, they were to sleep over, and we were lying on matresses in my cousin's living room. And somehow we started working each other up and suggesting group sex. So we started making out, all four of us, but when I started licking one of the girls' nipples another girl backed off. She was too shy, she said, so she just watched us. And then we went on, and we actually had sex which feels so weird now when I think about it, but it was cool. So, a threesome with my two close friends. Who would have guessed..?
I guess my only real gay experience. Not much of one - but it certainly left an impression - My best friend in high school tried to kiss me after we had been drinking. I was totally shocked and surprised. I didn't really say anything but it was obvious that I was not interested in that. We avoided each other for a little while - but I was really upset about the whole thing. I had a girlfriend at the time, he was on the football team. I never would have suspected that he was gay - he probably wasn't - just 15. After a few weeks I went over to his house and knocked on the door. His mom opened the door and said that he was interested in girls now and didn't want to talk to me.

I never talked to the guy again. It was strange because we had such a good friendship that had gone on for years - to have it just end like that. To this day I wonder what happened to him. I would have still been his friend. I can only imagine what he told his mom (who was friends with my parents).
CBRworm said:
I guess my only real gay experience. Not much of one - but it certainly left an impression - My best friend in high school tried to kiss me after we had been drinking. I was totally shocked and surprised. I didn't really say anything but it was obvious that I was not interested in that. We avoided each other for a little while - but I was really upset about the whole thing. I had a girlfriend at the time, he was on the football team. I never would have suspected that he was gay - he probably wasn't - just 15. After a few weeks I went over to his house and knocked on the door. His mom opened the door and said that he was interested in girls now and didn't want to talk to me.

I never talked to the guy again. It was strange because we had such a good friendship that had gone on for years - to have it just end like that. To this day I wonder what happened to him. I would have still been his friend. I can only imagine what he told his mom (who was friends with my parents).

I did the same thing too
I used to work with my cousin, (his step mother is my step father's sister so we are not related, I know it) at his step father company, we used to work all day and go out at night drinking, fishing and we share the love for beaches.
We used to go to Seven Miles Beach in Wollongong after work, bring some beers and snack and we just sat on the beach and talk for hours, imagine this, just 2 of us, at the beach, no one in sight, with a lusty guy like me and a handsome sexy guy like him, how could i resist him? well I did resist, was very hard.
We did that few time and there were times when i was working back, he would come to see me and sometimmes hugged me from the back which made me think that he was gay so I decided to tell him how I felt about him, I told him when we were at the beach, when my feelings were strongest, he was shocked, and angry and he punched me in my face once for betraying him and he told me he treated me as his brother because he lost his twin brother to the ocean when his family was traveling on a cruise and thats why he got the love for ocean, so apparently, I lost my friendship with him, the punch was hust but it was not as bad as I was hurt inside
I rarely see him now, evrytime we meet each other, he just says hi and avoid me. And that sure teaches me not to put my brain on my cock again