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Fuck worried I might have HIV

posting unsupported stats about HIV isnt appropraite IMO...

the point is you dont know exactly where someone you just met has been, so if you can where possible why not use protection if you can?

Untill chance is 0% of getting anything, the chance is still there..
L O V E L I F E said:
A man has less of a chance of getting HIV from unprotected vaginal sex with an untested woman than he has of dying in a car crash on his way home.
Ye well, we still all fasten our seat belts! Why because theres always that chance! Now wise up! I agree that there has been some unbelievably thoughtless and reckless use of stats and some personally opinions that should have remained just that- private and personal! This thread was initially started because of the emotion turmoil an HIV test causes! During the 10 days I had to wait for mine I went from thinking I didnt have it to think well I could have it- by the time I went to get the results I thought I was dying! I mean it was crazy! Rational thought was out the window! The only way to stop the heart ache is to pratice safe sex.
I find it highly distressing when people on this forum-who I presume to be intelligent open minded people- come out with ill-informed risky if not down right dangerous posts on emotional issues such as this! :pWe are in the midsts of a global AIDS epidemic and it is our collective responsiblity to stop it!! Peace!;)
Rational thought was out the window!

indeed. i am trying to promote a more rational approach by providing some probabilities or statistics.
But the fact is that stats didnt matter- all that mattered was that i had intercourse with someone who potentially was HIV+. Stats and probablities are for politicians to budget for and to set agendas-:lies, lies and statistics. Only a month before a close friend had had the test. They had unprotected sex with more people than me and their test was -ve, not even this was a comfort to me! It only takes one foolish mistake and a bit of bad luck thrown in for good measure.
The person who started this thread has internet access they were perfectly capable of looking the stats up for themselves. There is always a chance as with everything and the more partners you have the more likely you are to encounter the virus and then if you are in a 'riskier' group then it increases again!
I think it is also important to say that I was the only person that my friend confided in about the test and I was their emotional support I saw the tears and worry. But when you actually have to go threw with it for yourself- then you realise how scary it is!
This thread is not about HIV. It is about the original poster's reaction to the fact that he had engaged in behavior that might subject him to being infected by the same.

One of us will be forced to close this thread if the twisted statistics- either in favor of the majority position or dissenting from the majority position- continue. HIV is a serious issue that affects all of us regardless of our individual status.

I am confident I don't need to ask twice.

Take the debates to IM or PM, and I will be more than happy to refer you to our Current Events and Politics forum should you feel the need to continue the HIV debate in a manner that meets their guidelines.

Please stay on topic. Thank you.
what i want to know is this:

if you put all the risks of contracting any sort of disease and or virus aside, and didn't use a condom...

what would you do if you got the woman pregnant???

would the thread not have been better suited to Health Q & A from the beginning ?? :) :) :)
Re: mp420

xtcxtc said:
would the thread not have been better suited to Health Q & A from the beginning ?? :) :) :)

Health Q & A's guidelines expressly state that only issues pertaining to recreational drug use are to be discussed in that forum.
L O V E L I F E said:
A man has less of a chance of getting HIV from unprotected vaginal sex with an untested woman than he has of dying in a car crash on his way home.

perhaps but that's really irrelevant to the discussion isn't it?

the fact that worse things happen may alter the relative nature of any risk (which is, essentialy academic) but it has absolutely no bearing on the absolute value of the risk.

Sh0t said:
I found it just while clinking through something else.

I made a mistake and thought you meant you tested positive, but you meant your friend. Either way, you might be able to help him/her.

The theories about HIV not causing AIDS are real I'm afraid. I've been digging into this stuff for the last few months and as bad as it sounds, it really is a hoax. If you study the demographic data about AIDS compared to what a similar "epidemic" would do, something doesn't fit. Same with the research that went into "discovering" HIV.

If you put even a mild effort into researching information away from the AIDS Lobbies, things begin to get unscientific in regards to the scare tactics.

Just a peak into how POLITICAL the AIDS situation is tends to invite some skepticism.
1/3 of the CDC budget is earmarked for AIDS right of the top, and AIDS isn't even near the killer you would think to warrant that kind of budget.

Combined AIDS received 2billion dollars in effort from the CDC while there were 14,000 AIDS deaths here in the US.
Breast Cancer killed 40,000 women, receives 200 million dollar.

Something that kills 1/3 of the people of breast cancer receives 10 times the budget?
That alone should inspire some to turn a critical eye toward the industry of AIDS.

DR Seuss: Basically your FAQ is worthless. I have been researching this on foot and via any online source I can and I am fully convinced that the mainstream AIDS "facts" are mistakes at best a seriously evil hoax more likely.

Many scientists and doctors are trying to speak out against the AIDS cabal but they are getting no mainstream press, just like with cancer and B17.

I believe strongly that the medicines given to AIDS patients is what is breaking down their immune system along with some lifestyle choices. If I could volunteer for an independant study and be given HIV as a guinea pig, I would do it. I believe so strongly that HIVS -> AIDS is a hoax I would stake my life on it.

i'm sorry, but you are strongly mistaken. i work in a hospital directly with AIDS and HIV patients. i have seen what it does to them. it's very sad. the medication def. does NOT break down their immune system. the meds they are given keeps the virus from replicating and taking over.

if you would like to talk about this more PM me.
There are ads on the Muni buses in San Francisco about how 1 in 250 Americans is HIV+.

1 in 500 don't know it.

I don't know where these statistics come from, but they're plastered prominently on our public transportation so I am confident they have merit.

i think they are total bullshit.

i know you are a google lover so do some research or even easier check out what i have already provided for you in this thread.
kakana said:
^^^The thing is, if I get tested and I find out I am infected I dunno what I'd do. I'd probably commit suicide. But if I don't get tested and I do have the virus I may have years of health left without ever knowing.

You may pass it on to someone else, dont risk other lives because your too scared!
Anyway , life is what u make it. If u have HIV there are many other ppl in the world who share ur pain and discomfort. You can get plenty of help, its not the end of life, you can still achieve things and be a great person and enjoy many pleasures in life!!!
You have to think positive, its the only way.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Has this issue been sufficiently resolved for us to close this thread? The original poster has advised some time ago that he has tested negative. Thus, pretty much everything else that can be said is off-topic.

I don't want to see this debate dragged up again.

i am researching this further as we speak so where would you suggest i post same if not here ??

In recent years, there has been a marked decline in AIDS incidence and deaths. This began in 1996 and continued into 2002 and was associated with the widespread use of potent combination antiretroviral therapies. However, the rates of decline in AIDS incidence and deaths slowed during the latter part of 1998 and 1999. In 1999, the numbers of cases and deaths each quarter stabilized or fluctuated slightly in most populations and geographic areas.

AIDS prevalence (the number of people living with AIDS) has increased steadily over time : at the end of December 2002, approximately 384,906 persons in the United States were living with AIDS. Through December 2002, 830,274 adults/adolescents had been reported as having AIDS. Of these, 501, 669 (60% ) had died. A total of 9300 children under 13 years of age had been reported as having AIDS. Of these, 5407 (58% ) had died.

There are a number of reasons why there is no longer such a sharp increase in AIDS prevalence. These reasons include

Limits of therapy in extending patient's survival
Failing therapies due to treatment-resistant viral strains
Late HIV testing
Inadequate access to and adherence to treatment in some populations
Increase in HIV incidence in some risk groups

To achieve a further decline in AIDS incidence and deaths, HIV-infected persons must seek testing earlier in the course of their disease, receive and adhere to treatment, and new HIV infections must be prevented.

Source: HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report
U.S. HIV and AIDS cases reported through December 2002
End of Year Edition Vol. 14

btw do you plan on answering my email ??
xtcxtc said:

do not believe any "scare" posts about prostitutes .
Prostitutes scare me, when i see a prostitute i just immediatlely assume that the bitch is rotted to the core with everything imaginable. I run for the hills when i see them
It'd be nice to stop the foolish arguing. HIV and AIDS may not be a huge risk to those of us living in America or Europe, but you can't say the same for those living in certain African countries. And really, why take a risk you don't really have to. Yes, the chances are low that you will die in a car crash, but you still put on your seatbelt, because then the chances are EVEN LOWER. If it weren't for most people being responsible and trying to stop the chances of HIV spreading, YOUR probabilty of getting HIV wouldn't be so low. If everyone had unprotected sex, you can bet those numbers would jump damn fast. And really, HIV is probably the least of your worries. How about unwanted pregnancy or some other STD? How about one of these girls decides to keep the baby? Then you are fucked paying child support or going to jail. Then HIV might be a little bit more of a worry as you are getting pounded in the ass by a meth addict. You can only play the odds so long before you lose. And really, when the choice is a little lost sensation or a terrible burning sensation every time I pee, I'll take the condom.
im south african, i lived in africa up until i was almost 16years old, ive seen the horror and terrible pain HIV/AIDS can cause first hand :(

if u have the virus the worste thing u can do is pass it onto someone else. too anyone who is tossing up on wether or nothing to get test.. GET TESTED!

ive seen things that make me want to cry just thinking about it... :(

to anyone who is infected, our family did volunteer for child welfare, we looked after young (0-3months) children who had been abandonded, eventually we got a little guy who was HIV+, the docs only gave him 12months, thats the life expectancy for young children with HIV, he'd still alive to this day and just started grade 1 @ school

moral of the story, it isnt the end of the world, and just thank your lucky stars that u arent in a 3rd world country, where treatment is almost none existant...
i hev had hep c for 15 years never realy talked about it in any depth, anti retroviral drugs i shit on them