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Genital Warts - HPV - Q&A: Work warning

A few thoughts to anyone that has had this std.
Defintatly get it checked out ,however go to a sexual health center cause they will talk to you and seeing as all they do is treat these issues they know how to make you feel better and can put things in perspective for you, i found the gps pretty useless.

Life after this does happen there aint no point in hiding in a closet wearing a chastidy belt straigt jacket and a blindfold..
Get out there, meet a gal and give it a shot.
I told my new girlfriend after a few months it was the hardest thing to do but you know she chose me.....take her to the std clinic for information i cant stress that eough.If she is worth it and really likes you she will at least consdier it.

Nearlly all people get this std in their life after 2 or 3 partners and just dont know about it or ignore it.
I guess u have to judge what sort of a conscious you have? and whether you have enough guts to stand up to it or just sit in that closet as a loser?

Theres some thoughts from a person who has had it and lived!!!
Feel free to pm me if any one wants a chat

Oh by the way i was 19 when i found i had a conscious and enough balls to get over it.
it's seriously fucked up that up to 70% of sexually active people experience it, but most everyone is afraid do say/do anything about it. it makes me sick. not just cuz thats how i got it, but that the girl who gave it to me continues to spread it around.
This info is all so helpful. I have been so ashamed and embarrased about this and when I got the guts to call a clinic was told that there was no effective treatment.

They have a new test for this. Along with your papsmear (sp?) they will do a pap light (not sure if that's the correct terminology-but that's the idea of the procedure).

Just after they complete the pap smear they put a little vinegar (which does not hurt at all-got it done yesterday) on your cervix and examine with a special light. If you have been exposed to HPV then your cervix will show white spots...they can also see any other abnormalities better in there.

Right now insurance does not cover this exam, but it is only $40 and you leave the doctor's office with a 99.1% accurate evaluation of your vagina and its abnormalities. I highly recommend.
that sounds kinda like the colposcopy (sp?) that i had done once my pap smear came back atypical. my gyno put some vinegar on the cervix and then looked at it thru a microscope type thing. then she put on another stain to double check that nothing was there, but i don't recall what the stain was.
wanderer21, i went through the colposcopy (the "pap light"), but that was only after i got an abnormal pap result (this was very recently also)... when the light/ vinegar solution showed where the abnormal cells were, they were immediately biopsied, and a few weeks later, i had to go in for cryosurgery to remove the abnormal cells... my insurance covered it because it was a procedure that needed to be done and not one that was requested by me...
i never knew that you could request getting colposcopies done unless you get an abnormal pap result... but if you can do it, i would strongly suggest getting it done, because it is very effective in finding abnormal cells and makes it quicker and easier to get everything taken care of.
no this is a new test that's done by your doctor during your normal exam. It's not a colonoscopy. It's called something else pap light or something. (Definetly pap [fill in with correct word])

A colposcopy does the light test with binoculars. The test in the doctor's office does it with the naked eye or with a magnifying glass.

My doctor and I discussed the difference during my appointment. Once again, this is a new test. My doctor offered it to me and I had to sign a form stating the I understood it was a new test and insurance companies did not yet cover it (although they probably will soon enough).

Ask you doctor about it when you go in. Tell them you heard about a new test like a colposcopythat was done in the doctor's office and performed without the binoculars.

The reason why they do this during the papsmear now is because most people want to leave the office with assurance that everything is fine and dandy.

*Edited for corrected spelling
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its a "colposcopy" not colonoscopy (colonoscopy is a procedure in the anal/ intestine area), just so everyone is clear on that....

im just unsure of how the doctor can see the abnormal cells with the naked eye or just a magnifying glass, because i know it takes a long time just to detect them with the binoculars at a much higher power... how accurate is this test, because as i mentioned before, the colposcopy takes a while just to detect the cells at a much higher power than the naked eye or just a magnifying glass? maybe its just me since ive gone through the colposcopy/biopsies/cryosurgery, im a little doubtful about the accuracy of the results and what the chances are of having "false hopes" that everything is okay when you leave the doctors, but getting the call-back saying "well by the way, the pap DID show abnormal results and you need a colposcopy"....
i am definatley going to find out more information on this procedure, because i am definatley curious about it, but a little weary of it at the same time, especially if insurance doesnt cover it, and the patient ends up having to have the colposcopy done even after being reassured at the doctors that everything is "fine and dandy"....
maybe im just being a little doubtful because i have had to go through the "real deal" and would much rather be reassured by the colposcopy than relying on the naked eye or just a magnifying glass....

if i find information on it, i will definatley post links that may be helpful... ill definately look into this... and maybe my initial opinion may change about this....
Of course this test is not going to determine what a colposcopy (sorry for the spelling error before) will.

The purpose of this test, as described by my doctor, is to help determine what the results will be from your pap smear early.

You know what you are facing pretty much right away.

If there is something severely abnormal going on inside, you will know before you leave the doctor's office.

Case in point with me: When she did thist test, she did see a little reaction to the vinegar inside. She believes, at this point, that it is just a sist, but is waiting on my papsmear results to come back before we schedule a colposcopy. That being said, if I do need to have the colposcopy test, they already know the area to look at.

My doctor documented what she saw inside of me for future reference (in case of the colposcopy and so next time they know that it's normal for me).

This test does not eliminate the colposcopy...but aids it if need be and provides more reassurance for the patient.

I don't know about you, but I'm always nervous the few weeks after the pap smear waiting on results...with this test you generally have an idea of what you are facing when you leave.

No it's not covered by insurance yet...why, because it is a new test. No new procedures are covered right away...but its only $40 (less than a bag of pot!).

Why the haterism--is it a sore subject, my spelling errors?

I'm generally a skeptic of procedures and what not...but I can't find anything to criticize.

Basically what it comes down to is this...do you want reassurance about your visit before you leave the doctor's office...or would you rather wait 2 weeks to know? (Granted it's not 100%--but what in life ever is?)

P.S. No one is going to be told "everything is fine and dandy" only to have to come back in for a colposcopy. Like I said in my case, my doctor doesn't even think that I will have to have a colposcopy done, yet she told me that it is possible because she did see a reaction.

Put it this way--if there's a chance you'll be coming back for more tests--you'll know it.
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i wasnt trying to be a "hater", i just wanted to clarify the difference between a colposcopy and a colonoscopy, especially since women should be aware of of the proper terminology if they should have to face the procedure... its not really a sore subject, but rather correcting something that could be misinterpreted....

i was really not trying to critcize, but rather asking a few questions to clarify about the process and the accuracy, etc, because i think more information would be beneficial for anyone reading the topic... so maybe i was just challenging you slightly to gain more information to help others reading the topic so they could better understand what the procedure actually detects, etc... i did mention that i would try to find more information on the topic so its not like i am being a total bitch about it, but you just did not give enough information to really clarify what the procedure actually is and what it actually detects... so thank you for your last post making it more clear... please dont take my tone in my last post as being a "hater" and whatever else it was you thought about it... but me being someone who has gone though it all and has another month to go until my next exam to determine if the cryosurgery actually removed all the abnormal cells, i would just like to know as much information as possible, and also think that others who havent gone through any of it before should be more informed about it....
Doing a little housecleaning and sending this to the Archive.