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⫸STICKY⫷ Hash Poll

Which is your favorite?

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did any one determine if Afghan Mazar Sharif Hash is rosin or kief, because for now this is my fave even though I voted rosin.
I chose rosin because I prefer live rosin to any other cannabis product. But I also dont consider it to be hash really. From what I understand hash is made from collecting trichromes through bubble bags or finger hash. Rosin/dabs/bho/shatter etc are "extracts" where the alkaloid containing oils in the plant are extracting using heat and mechanical pressure or solvents. I do love me some hash though lol
Variety is the spice of life, I love them all. But if I had to choose one to smoke right now it would be Rosin because you cant beat the taste.
I want to try bubblegum but the only type I've had was made with water and lots of straining till it turned into this dark green slab that broke up by hand. It was a few dollars cheaper than marijuana per gram
Whatever Moroccan Polm would be on that list?

I'm in the UK, the only hash I've seen here has been imported from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Lebanon, Morocco etc I've never come across home made BHO or Bubble or all this other fancy stuff!
Me too. Whenever I see Americans talk of kief being hash I want to educate them where the word comes from; Moroccan weed is harvested whole and the complete plant chopped into a fine, pale green grass called kief/kif. It was everywhere in the Uk in the sixties, and had an unmistakable smell. Moroccan hash was solid brown bars, quite hard, made from resin as all hash was. So spoiled with variety, we only grew plants as a hobby, and the only grass we had was Thai sticks, Durban Poison [S African] and other African and West Indian weed, usually imported by Africans and West Indians. Our hash came from Lebanon, Morocco, Turkey, India and Pakistan with more varieties than available now.
I would also say pollen/pressed kief, it's what I grew up with and still love to this day, I mainly smoke hash when in Amsterdam because of the variety from different places all over the world
so I guess my blueberry gum hash is rosin scraped off hands and tools while tending plants.
and that is my new fave.
each flaming of the pipe is like smoking quick burning glowing sugar, it's crisp sweet fast strong and manageable.
now I am at 100% BC Bubble Hash affinity - great high and nearly no smell.
I'm still for bubble hash. Cleanest high I've ever had from a weed product. Something unique about good hash. Pressed kief comes close. It's almost psychedelic in nature.
lol so after allowing a few years time to pass to give everyone a chance to explore and further their knowledge of all the different cannabis extracts, what is the end result? which one is your personal fav?
lol its crazy to me that kief is still a close 2nd behind the vague 'hash' lol.. and yeah, everyone know what rosin is now? lol i dont think you can change your vote but if you could, would you? and what would your new pick be?
I'm still for bubble hash. Cleanest high I've ever had from a weed product. Something unique about good hash. Pressed kief comes close. It's almost psychedelic in nature.

lol see, im torn because my preferred option is hash rosin.. hash rosin shiitts all over flower rosin (in most cases) and its such a clean, strong, full-bodied high the best of hash in a perfectly dabbable form.. without any of the chemicals or solvents used to make other kinds of dabs.. lol but yeah i still do love my hash too, ill always do a wash of hash, keep all the best pulls as is for the headstash, and smash the rest of it into rosin lol.. but i still just cant believe kief is number 2 in the polls??
i question the qualification of these voters, if kiefs #2.. its only picked cuz its what those who dont use/make hash regularly can get ahold of.. mainly just grinder kief at that
I thought that kief was just coarse filtered air sifted weed - en route to pressed hash, while bubble hash is filtered weed that has been frozen first, using water to help sift it out of the bubble bags.

both kief and bubble hash are mechanically produced filtered products.

both rosin (heat pressed) and bubble (freeze floated) are temperature produced processes that require no solvents although I think rosin may have partly or wholly decarboxyllated THC due to heating, i.e. it is edible.
BHO all the way. Most extracts like shatter, wax, budder, sauce, etc. are all just called wax where I'm from. For me nothing beats doing a dab and getting all those terpenes on the tongue without any carbon monoxide or burnt hydrocarbons. Rosin is probably a close second, but the taste isn't quite right for me. Good hash is great too, but I still prefer that clean taste of wax. Shit it's all good honestly. Weed is about the only thing keeping me sane right now coming off opiates.
after coughing too much this is not my fave any more
I mixed it later with bubble hash and that became tainted rather than smoothing out the dry sift into a better smoke
Two months later I got a new gram of dry sift and it immediately gave me an irritated larynx
I felt compelled to return and strike out my comment below.
maybe I will try to melt it down, decarboxyllated it could be an oral treat.

new absolute favorite

Tantalus Labs - Dry Sift Hash

great price performance, golden powder - resembling bubble hash. This one is sativa-ish - very bright feeling high.
I smoke using a one hitter with a 12 inch flexible plastic pipe attached to cool the tokes on the way to my mouth.

it is sold at a lovely store 2 blocks away (amidst a forest of cannabis shops in downtown Toronto)
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I'm still for bubble hash. Cleanest high I've ever had from a weed product. Something unique about good hash. Pressed kief comes close. It's almost psychedelic in nature.
Bubble is great. Back when I used to grow weed I used all the trim to make hash, this was before dabs were a thing.
the process, with the ice and the filter bags, was a pain in the ass but hash is just so pleasant. It takes me back to certain time and place.
Results are public, select your preferred hash type
I voted. Rosin or Live Resin whatever you wanna call it. Left out my other favs sugar sauce and shatter, even love qwiso, but F BHO most people simply cannot purge it properly, let alone make it safely.