• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Healthy living through the bodybuilding lifestyle.

Thanks, but you know what I mean.

I get the feeling you're trying to avoid admitting that basically steroids used for bodybuilding (other than HGH, possibly) are not good for internal organs. Tell you what, you get back to me in ten years and let me know how it's going for you...
I get the feeling you're trying to avoid admitting that basically steroids used for bodybuilding (other than HGH, possibly) are not good for internal organs. Tell you what, you get back to me in ten years and let me know how it's going for you...

I'm about 11 years since my first cycle. I've also had a very proactive doctor who does full-spread blood/urine checks on me every 2 years as part of my physical.

Many anabolic steroids cause damage to your liver, of that I am aware. I do not know what effect they have on other organs such as the kidneys.

I would consider the following anabolic steroids of general benefit with little possible long-term damage:

- HGH (as I discussed)
- Primobolan Depot
- Deca Durabolin
- Winstrol
(all IM injected, except HGH with is fatty tissue injected)

If you have information to the contrary, I'd like to read it.

I've also used anabolics such as Sustanon (wich is basically 4 flavours of testosterone). Clearly it was hard on my body.

There are specific anabolics such as most oral anabolics (Dbol) that are directly short-term toxic to the liver. I do not use any of these. I need my liver to be there for when I do excessive recreational chems :D

I do know that Deca and Primobolan are used extensively for HIV patients to keep up lean tissue mass and keep their immune systems in good shape.

This is definately a subject that should be discussed in more depth. Please find some articles for us to read and I'll do the same.

I believe occasional (1/year) usage of anabolics are a great addition to a healthy lifestyle. We can discuss this further in other threads also.
panty said:
Thanks, but you know what I mean.

I get the feeling you're trying to avoid admitting that basically steroids used for bodybuilding (other than HGH, possibly) are not good for internal organs. Tell you what, you get back to me in ten years and let me know how it's going for you...

Injectable steroids do not effect your internal organs at all. The only reason certain steroids are bad for your liver is because they are 17-aa alkylated or methylated in order to survive the first pass through the liver by ORAL administration. Injecting steroids bypasses the liver entirely therefore causes no damage. No steroids damage the kidneys, besides possibly EPO due to blood thickness, however EPO isn't even a steroid it's a renal hormone.
Thanks for the informative posts, guys. I'll get into some more research and get back to you later...