• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Hello World!


Apr 26, 2018
Just wanted to make a post to introduce myself since I'll be frequenting this forum a lot. Prefer it to other forums on the topic seems to be a lot more helpful people here and is more focused on harm reduction which I'm really interested. Case just got dismissed so I'm back in hell LOL. Was reading a comment saying that once your out of the system you think life will get better, but it is quite the opposite. I've found that true so far, already had a 5 day binge but I'm back to feeling normal. Anyway, I don't have much else to say. Oh and my account is quite old, made this while I was in rehab back in 2018-2019 and would just surf to vicariously live through others (since I obviously had no intention on being sober). So my account is old, but I'm new to the community.

Read the banner and wanted to add some more info

My favorite drugs (in order) are oxycodone (opiates in general, mostly oxycodone and in my earlier days codeine), ketamine, xanax (huge love-hate relationship, can't touch this one or any benzo ever again), shrooms/LSD, good ol' thc, MDMA (another one I love but have had far too many shitty experiences with)

I am located in the Midwest, pretty much just in farmland. In my early 20s so I don't have anyone to talk about these topics with. Mostly everyone I know just smokes and drinks.
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