How careful do I need to be with mixing diazepam and alcohol.

Mate im also quite low atm but please think rationally about this.

Like others have said its not a sure way to die. Could end with life changing injuries and end up cabbaged for life..

Tolerance/weight ect plays a huge in how effective a drug is on an individual.

whatever your feeling now isnt permanent. Death is
Maybe if I mix in some zopiclones and wait to make sure I can get 600mg diazepam. Honest to god I have tried everything. IV been to a psychiatrist, IV had CBT, IV tried weed, IV tried opening up to my partner. My ex won't let me see my kids and iv was there for them from day one until we split and I'm trying to get it into court but she's delaying and IV ran out of fight. They have a step dad now who they call dad thanks to her and I just don't want to go on. IV kinda messed up my career too as a healthcare professional by attempting suicide.
How about a several hour bender on ale and then go home to sink a bottle of vodka with a whole 500mg diazepam?
Maybe if I mix in some zopiclones and wait to make sure I can get 600mg diazepam. Honest to god I have tried everything. IV been to a psychiatrist, IV had CBT, IV tried weed, IV tried opening up to my partner. My ex won't let me see my kids and iv was there for them from day one until we split and I'm trying to get it into court but she's delaying and IV ran out of fight. They have a step dad now who they call dad thanks to her and I just don't want to go on. IV kinda messed up my career too as a healthcare professional by attempting suicide.
There it is. What do you think it's going to do to your kids if you commit suicide. It doesn't matter what they think of you now and it doesn't matter if you are part of their life now. If you commit suicide, they will carry that the rest of their life.
There is always a chance that you can be there for your kids. Always a chance that they will know you and you them, even if it is years down the road. In fact, it's almost inevitable when they get older.
I know what it is like to have a woman try to keep your child from you and turn them against you. It doesn't seem worth it to continue. But, you have to remain alive and remain their dad, even if it seems bleak now and for years to come. It's your job.

No matter what the situation now or later, you committing suicide would be a burden they would carry the rest of their life.
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You can't try everything. There just ain't no time for that. I mean if you were to try A LOT of things that could help you thrive and/or like life, there would be enough of stuff to do every minute of your life till the natural end.
Do you want to kill yourself while you eat a great meal with a glass of wonderful wine over the seaside?
Do you want to kill yourself while you kiss a beautiful lady?
Do you want to kill yourself high on cocaine riding that train?
Do you want to kill yourself in K hole while feeling whole?
Do you want to kill yourself while diving in a warm sea?
Do you want to kill yourself while speeding on your bike?
Do you want to kill yourself while getting hugged by your child?
Do you want to kill yourself while - insert what you love - ?
If there's any question where the answer is NO than there's a whole world out there that could make you want to hang around some more. I guarantee you that there ARE questions where your answer would be NO, just keep finding them and stacking them until there's enough of it to not want it for some time..

As for everyone tell OP how 500mg + vodka isn't enough to kill himself. Common, if he's gonna do it, better to do it wrong. How many people wake up from attempted suicide to immediately try it again? Basically none! Ffs there are cases, well I know a case where man survived gunshot to the head, by his hand, and even tho that lowered his life quality he is still alive. Not the happiest man around but still. He survived something that 99.9999..% people don't and that alone was enough. Not recommending blowing part of your head as shock therapy tho.
I don't think a small amount of benzos with alcohol is the worst thing in the world. Though I don't get whats with all the new users recently wanted to try mixing them at insanely high doses. Everything isn't DXM. You can get a nice effect off a therapeutic dose. If you have no tolerance to diazepam, try taking 10mg. If thats not enough, try 15 or 20. Have a beer or two with that, I don't see a problem. However if you start ramping up the doses then yeah you're bound to get yourself into a world of trouble.

People always used to ask me for xanax, every time I would give them a bar and say " don't take it all at once, start with a quarter' And nobody would listen to me, they'd take the whole thing and just pass out. Like, is that fun for you? Anyway I stopped trusting people. If somebody wants xanax from me I'll give them 1/4 of a bar.
I don't think a small amount of benzos with alcohol is the worst thing in the world. Though I don't get whats with all the new users recently wanted to try mixing them at insanely high doses. Everything isn't DXM. You can get a nice effect off a therapeutic dose. If you have no tolerance to diazepam, try taking 10mg. If thats not enough, try 15 or 20. Have a beer or two with that, I don't see a problem. However if you start ramping up the doses then yeah you're bound to get yourself into a world of trouble.

People always used to ask me for xanax, every time I would give them a bar and say " don't take it all at once, start with a quarter' And nobody would listen to me, they'd take the whole thing and just pass out. Like, is that fun for you? Anyway I stopped trusting people. If somebody wants xanax from me I'll give them 1/4 of a bar.
I totally get you but would 500 Mg of diazepam be small amount?
Listen to the people telling you that benzos are a SHIT suicide method

Also listen - the situation with your kids will change. If you love them in any way at all please do not suicide.

You will feel no relief because you will be dead. You will pass all that pain you are feeling onto your kids, for them to be affected by in some way every single day of their lives
Listen to the people telling you that benzos are a SHIT suicide method

Also listen - the situation with your kids will change. If you love them in any way at all please do not suicide.

You will feel no relief because you will be dead. You will pass all that pain you are feeling onto your kids, for them to be affected by in some way every single day of their lives
Yes I understand you. But iv no strength left to fight on. I'm tired of being tired if that makes sense. If I'm dead I will feel relief as I won't feel this anymore
Yes I understand you. But iv no strength left to fight on. I'm tired of being tired if that makes sense. If I'm dead I will feel relief as I won't feel this anymore
you will not feel anything, including relief - you will not be aware that you do not feel the pain

your kids will feel it though, and if you love them then there's really only one choice

anyway I'm not getting drawn into this today though - there are plenty here who will lend you an ear, just not me on this particular day

good luck to you mate and please just be aware that everything can, does and will change (including your present circumstances, thoughts and feelings)
Are you trolling me? Of course not, as I gave some some starting dosages in my post.
He's looking for amount that'll kill him consumed with a bottle of vodka,
I guess ideal amount would be that would result in puking it out while having enough luck to not suffocate and remembering realization of wanting to live as it kicked in.
He's looking for amount that'll kill him consumed with a bottle of vodka,
I guess ideal amount would be that would result in puking it out while having enough luck to not suffocate and remembering realization of wanting to live as it kicked in.
I understand but I won't change my mind. I have suffered these feelings for years and have gotten all my affairs in order.
Sounds like you're trying to kill yourself. 500mg of Valium is far to much to take. Mixing it will probably kill you or have you black out and probably end up in jail
I understand but I won't change my mind. I have suffered these feelings for years and have gotten all my affairs in order.
You sure trying K therapy isn't worth a chance? I think in your case having it in moderate/big doses might be more useful than having a spray when the urge comes as you seem to pretty much have the urge for suicide all the time, right?
Go seek therapy. This is a cry for help. People who kill themselves usually don't tell anyone. Your life but it's selfish and will ruin the lives of people who care for you
Actually that's in part a misconception as just about any person know few people that use, "I'll kill myself", almost as a catchfraze while claiming to be serious, than many of us heard or said, "I'll kill myself if you leave me" and the list goes and goes on. There's a lot of people like that but there's also a lot of people who do commit suicide and somewhat more often in such cases try to commit it. Ofc really announcing to close people you'll kill yourself isn't common but I assume neither OP said to his child how he'll kill himself.
Also people who do tell someone have bigger chance of getting help so that's another big factor.