• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Pets How to deal with...


Oct 7, 2022
One of my two dogs died 2 months ago, adopted a new one 10 days ago to help other dog and me with our issues.
In those 10 days, my nearest neighbor complained twice about the new dog (yeah, she's young and looks menacing and likes to play and still do puppy stuff).
There was a lot of drama and some shitty people involved, but that's not the point here.
I have to return her.
It makes me feel bad in many ways.
And I'm thinking what to do to make this bad feelings go away, besides going out with the dogs (and the complaining neighbor's) because I've done this until it got too hot for them.
There's the option of getting high, but I did that yesterday after the debate about what to do.
Then there's the option of getting drunk, which I don't really like much because I makes me kind of unfunctional.

But seriously, I've lost some.pets to Death and though it's sad, it's also part of life.
Losing a pet because of people is another thing completely!
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One of my two dogs died 2 months ago, adopted a new one 10 days ago to help other dog and me with our issues.
In those 10 days, my nearest neighbor complained twice about the new dog (yeah, she's young and looks menacing and likes to play and still do puppy stuff).
There was a lot of drama and some shitty people involved, but that's not the point here.
I have to return her.
It makes me feel bad in many ways.
And I'm thinking what to do to make this bad feelings go away, besides going out with the dogs (and the complaining neighbor's) because I've done this until it got too hot for them.
There's the option of getting high, but I did that yesterday after the debate about what to do.
Then there's the option of getting drunk, which I don't really like much because I makes me kind of unfunctional.

But seriously, I've lost some.pets to Death and though it's sad, it's also part of live.
Losing a pet because of people is another thing completely!
Why do you have to get rid of the new dog?
Why do you have to get rid of the new dog?
My neighbor has 5 and 3 cats.
Neither of us has completely fenced yards. Now he said my new dog chased a cat. Then two days later he said my new dog chewed on his car's cables.
I've taking dogs on controlled walks for the last 2 days, and it worked. After the last one yesterday I returned with new and old dog to my place, and neighbors' dogs started hunting something and of course, my dogs wanted to participate. It was a two-ring circus here with both my dogs going crazy, but so what.
This morning I let old.dog out, then followed with new dog and saw all the neighbors' dogs + my old dog like bees around some cartoon man's beard chasing the cat that escaped into the car. my new dog was still with me, so it's not just her who acts like a dog. But she's the scapegoat because she's new and looks menacing and is young and full of energy.
My neighbor has 5 and 3 cats.
Neither of us has completely fenced yards. Now he said my new dog chased a cat. Then two days later he said my new dog chewed on his car's cables.
I've taking dogs on controlled walks for the last 2 days, and it worked. After the last one yesterday I returned with new and old dog to my place, and neighbors' dogs started hunting something and of course, my dogs wanted to participate. It was a two-ring circus here with both my dogs going crazy, but so what.
This morning I let old.dog out, then followed with new dog and saw all the neighbors' dogs + my old dog like bees around some cartoon man's beard chasing the cat that escaped into the car. my new dog was still with me, so it's not just her who acts like a dog. But she's the scapegoat because she's new and looks menacing and is young and full of energy.
I guess I still don't understand how this is your neighbor's decision whether or not you can keep your dog.

Is your neighbor your landlord? Do you live in a duplex where you and the neighbor have the same landlord?

If he has 8 pets and you have 2, sounds like he is the one who needs to thin the herd. Not you.
I guess I still don't understand how this is your neighbor's decision whether or not you can keep your dog.
The dogs (all together) went after the neighbors' cats and they did some damage to his car - and mine as well as it turned out. He's been living here since forever, like my landlord. The lease is in my mom's name so it's her or rather her partner's name they call whenever something's the matter.
But the problem is that the neighbor has a very lose temper, and screams and shouts whenever he sees the dogs going after the cats. And I hear it, and I suffer from PTSD plus I'm an aspie. So to avoid further stress for all of us, I said okay, let's return the dog. I was also prepared to give my other dog into adoption.

By now I know this whole thing has nothing to do with either of my dogs specifically. Dogs go after cats, that's how it usually works.
I asked my doctor (friend of the family) and he said too keep the dogs because they help me a lot, and if the neighbors' rants get me too upset (I freeze and then it may take some time until I can function again), well, that's what the Clonazepam is for.

So after all it seems I'm keeping both my dogs, and now I have to get my car repaired but that's no big deal. I got a new prescription for clona though I still have a more than a full box, but better safe than sorry.

I hope now that all the Covid restrictions are going down at least where I live I can find a way to better deal with situations like the one with the neighbor. I had a friend who was addicted to benzos and don't want to get there myself (much as I enjoy them from time to time).
The dogs (all together) went after the neighbors' cats and they did some damage to his car - and mine as well as it turned out. He's been living here since forever, like my landlord. The lease is in my mom's name so it's her or rather her partner's name they call whenever something's the matter.
But the problem is that the neighbor has a very lose temper, and screams and shouts whenever he sees the dogs going after the cats. And I hear it, and I suffer from PTSD plus I'm an aspie. So to avoid further stress for all of us, I said okay, let's return the dog. I was also prepared to give my other dog into adoption.

By now I know this whole thing has nothing to do with either of my dogs specifically. Dogs go after cats, that's how it usually works.
I asked my doctor (friend of the family) and he said too keep the dogs because they help me a lot, and if the neighbors' rants get me too upset (I freeze and then it may take some time until I can function again), well, that's what the Clonazepam is for.

So after all it seems I'm keeping both my dogs, and now I have to get my car repaired but that's no big deal. I got a new prescription for clona though I still have a more than a full box, but better safe than sorry.

I hope now that all the Covid restrictions are going down at least where I live I can find a way to better deal with situations like the one with the neighbor. I had a friend who was addicted to benzos and don't want to get there myself (much as I enjoy them from time to time).
I see now, thanks for the detailed explanation.

I agree with your doctor that if the dogs help your condition, it may be better to find a workaround to letting them roam free in the not-completely-fenced yard.

My recommendation is to keep them indoors and take them on leashed walks for their potty business. I used to live in an apartment and tons of people had dogs and ain't no way to let them roam free to pee and poop without them being on a leash. Even if they go out to pee in your yard, maybe keep them leashed so they can't interact with your dickhead neighbor's cats and car. Either that or with the landlord's permission, have a fence installed or some kind of barrier to keep the dogs in your yard.

Let's be creative and try to find a way to solve the problem without getting rid of your furry companions.
My recommendation is to keep them indoors and take them on leashed walks for their potty business.
That's what I doing only the leash is only to keep them away from the neighbor's yard. I simply take them 20 meters in the other direction, and because there is no civilization in that direction, they can run all they want.
And this morning the neighbor has been ranting for about two hours, no idea why. And there's even his gf or sister or cleaning lady who joins in. So it seems he's just that kind of person who needs to "let it out".

Seems I found the solution, and Ana (new dog) is learning fast what she should and should do. I spent some quality time with my and the neighbor's dogs and trying to find a way to ignore my neighbor.

Seems sverythinh's working out fine in the end.
Thanks for your comments :)
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