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Detox I am checking into detox my dudes

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
Doing a 5 day dual diagnosis inpatient looney bin place

That's what happen when you're addicted to a drug that, due to complications, gives you serotonin syndrome now. If I take it, I go into SS, if I don't take it I go into withdrawal. Total madness... Even loperamide would contribute to serotonin syndrome.

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Going to rehab for the first time was the beginning of my recovery. It was a huge step for me, and I've come so far since then.

I wish you all the best.

You're a good man. You deserve to be happy.

Now, go get that monkey off your back. :)

Negentropic said:
I need you guys to check in on my cat Leeroy. He has huge separation anxiety and gets ultra depressed when I'm gone.

Booking my plane tickets as we speak.
Thank you everyone, but the situation changed, they couldn't send me to detox, and the place they wanted to send me wouldn't take me because I am not psychotic enough apparently. So now I'm back home, in full blown kratom withdrawal. I can't take anything for it at all or else I go back into serotonin syndrome symptoms.

So now I cold turkey and lock myself in a room for a few days.

At least the hospital gave me ativan and let me sleep for a few hours, I hadn't slept in 4-5 days at all and was hallucinating badly.


I will read this thread when I am less agitated, thank you all I'm sure there are nice words.
I need strength right now, this withdrawal is taking forever, but I believe I am over the acute peak now

I can't do anything and have watched every true crime documentary ever made in history

guess I'll rewatch every WWII documentary ever made now, in preparation for WWIII

The severe RLS seems to have passed, but my whole body is still on fire

What sucks is I broke my toe stepping out of the shower the other day... so now I can't even go for a jog which I was looking forward to today... thanks God love your sense of humor

I can't sleep for more than 60-90 minutes cycles, but I have had a few extremely vivid weird dreams... and 3 episodes of sleep paralysis

I have never gone through a withdrawal before without the aid of anything else to help -_- that's the worst part, it feels hopeless
mate don't watch depressing films in withdrawals!! it just doesn't help. i watched 12 years a slave while trying to rattle it was fucking awful, really did a number on my mental state.

can you take a gentle walk or will your toe not allow that?

if you're past the acute peak then you're nearly there!! the last few days are always such a pain cos you've already been suffering for so long and it just feels unfair and gets very boring, but there is something great about feeling it getting better every day knowing soon, if you just don't use, you'll wake up well.
mate don't watch depressing films in withdrawals!! it just doesn't help. i watched 12 years a slave while trying to rattle it was fucking awful, really did a number on my mental state.
maybe you're right, I actually just started tearing up watching this WWII documentary lol
can you take a gentle walk or will your toe not allow that?
I want to, walking sounds good but its raining and cold and I'm still having chills, unsure if I should today

I can walk on it fine, just not run

I think I'll lift some light weights

if you're past the acute peak then you're nearly there!! the last few days are always such a pain cos you've already been suffering for so long and it just feels unfair and gets very boring, but there is something great about feeling it getting better every day knowing soon, if you just don't use, you'll wake up well.
Thank you, I just realized is safe for me to take Ibuprofen (taking aspirin the other day gave me a rush of serotonin/agitation for some reason, unpleasant), took some and now I feel like I'm definitely over the peak

still fatigued, anxious, shitty and all that, but at least the pain is under control

man that was like 90 hours of sheer fucking hell O_O, kratom withdrawal is weird because you feel relatively decent for the first 24-30 hours, causing undue optimism, then one minute later it hits you like a brick, causing intense anxiety and despair

been on that shit for 10 years, I'm expecting PAWS, but at least I will function
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maybe you're right, I actually just started tearing up watching this WWII documentary lol

I want to, walking sounds good but its raining and cold and I'm still having chills, unsure if I should today

I can walk on it fine, just not run

I think I'll lift some light weights

Thank you, I just realized is safe for me to take Ibuprofen (taking aspirin the other day gave me a rush of serotonin/agitation for some reason, unpleasant), took some and now I feel like I'm definitely over the peak

still fatigued, anxious, shitty and all that, but at least the pain is under control

man that was like 90 hours of sheer fucking hell O_O, kratom withdrawal is weird because you feel relatively decent for the first 24-30 hours, causing undue optimism, then one minute later it hits you like a brick, causing intense anxiety and despair

been on that shit for 10 years, I'm expecting PAWS, but at least I will function
At least you're past the worst part man. Next week you'll feel much better. Just hang in there, I'm sending u good vibes bro. :)
I need strength right now, this withdrawal is taking forever, but I believe I am over the acute peak now

I can't do anything and have watched every true crime documentary ever made in history

guess I'll rewatch every WWII documentary ever made now, in preparation for WWIII

The severe RLS seems to have passed, but my whole body is still on fire

What sucks is I broke my toe stepping out of the shower the other day... so now I can't even go for a jog which I was looking forward to today... thanks God love your sense of humor

I can't sleep for more than 60-90 minutes cycles, but I have had a few extremely vivid weird dreams... and 3 episodes of sleep paralysis

I have never gone through a withdrawal before without the aid of anything else to help -_- that's the worst part, it feels hopeless
I am so rooting for you man. I have gone through withdrawals for heroin with nothing and its fucking brutal. So, I do feel for you. But you are strong, as I have read many of your posts. And a very generous, caring dude.

Time is a motherf*cker. It inches along. Next thing you know, it's a new day and you have yourself to thank. We are all so much stronger than we give ourselves credit for. Our bodies take so much
abuse and yet we come out on the other side...mostly intact. Definitely gets harder the older you get.

You've got this!!! The no sleep part is what usually broke me every time. I love to sleep. And I just turned a corner on that sleep issue as well. It's been 34 days and I still wake up when its dark.
The only way is through it. Sounds so cliche, but true.
