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Need Help I am doubled over with the worst stomach pain of my entire life

Does the "fist" feel like its inside your chest right under you sternum and does it feel like a stabbing pain through your chest all the way through your back too? Do you get tightness/bloating? Does it relieve the pain at all if you "hunch over" like if you were sitting at a table but with your head down? How about burning? If you drink alcohol or eat kratom powder does it make it flare up even worse? If yes to any of those or all of them you might have aggravated your pancreas. I had "necrotizing pancreatitis" a few years ago and the pain is excruciating and you don't want to take chances with thats shit. If your symptoms feel like the ones I listed it sounds like pancreas or possibly gall bladder issues.
i second this.

last september, i was having a stomach pain and i assumed it was just poor diet and maybe very bad gas. it got bad one tuesday afternoon and i went to the e.r.

i am glad i did because it was the start of a medical adventure

5 surgeries later, all is well :)

Hey can you private message me? i have been having extreme gallbladder like pain attacks and been to the ER 5 times, had 2 ct scans, ultrasounds, blood work, HIDA scan, all normal. I am curious as to what your symptoms were and what tests you ended up getting to figure all this out. I would LOVE to talk to you. Much love bro.
May I ask if if you had any other symptoms leading up to that? Just curious.

I've been having weird liver/gallbladder/bile duct issues for several months, but my bloodwork and ultrasound were both normal.

I have sporadic, transient pain (mostly mild, occasionally moderate or stabbing) around my gallbladder as well as sometimes above it (liver) and below it. Only other symptom is I get odd internal chills, specifically in my torso, for a few hours after eating food.

Doctor thinks it's due to kratom use and high fat diet. Kratom is indeed known to damage the bile ducts in the liver as well as dilating the bile tubes, although a rare occurrence.

I'm somewhat concerned some sort of blockage or gallstone may develop.
I have been having VERY similar issues. Extreme burning pain in the lower right abdomen that is unbearable to the point where i cannot stand up. Been to the ER many times, had ct scans, ultrasounds, HIDA Scan, All normal, i have started eating white rice, unseasoned fish and only drinking water, but the pain is still there just not as intense. I feel like i am in the process of dieing. Have you figured out anything definitive with what is going on with your issues?
Does the "fist" feel like its inside your chest right under you sternum and does it feel like a stabbing pain through your chest all the way through your back too? Do you get tightness/bloating? Does it relieve the pain at all if you "hunch over" like if you were sitting at a table but with your head down? How about burning? If you drink alcohol or eat kratom powder does it make it flare up even worse? If yes to any of those or all of them you might have aggravated your pancreas. I had "necrotizing pancreatitis" a few years ago and the pain is excruciating and you don't want to take chances with thats shit. If your symptoms feel like the ones I listed it sounds like pancreas or possibly gall bladder issues.
What tests need to be ran to figure out if its a pancreas issue? i have had a HIDA scan, Normal. Blood tests normal. What was your path/tests ran to get to your diagnosis?
They do a blood test and test whats called your "lipase" levels is all they did for me. Whats odd is you can have "silent" attacks where your lipase shows up as normal. I had attacks for years and presented to the hospital in agony many times and they would run the blood test say it came back normal and kick me out with the attitude that Im either faking or "over anxious" you know how they are. But then one attack about 5 years ago on thanksgiving morning looking forward to the holiday and getting drunk and eating food but I woke up with some nausea and bloating which over the next couple hours turned into what I knew from before was an attack but it got so much worse and my family rushed me to the hospital. I was so doubled over I couldnt do anything but lay on the tile floor in the hospital with these assholes looking at me with this look like "yeah right get up faker" but I finally was able to somehow get through the tests and they took my blood and did a CScan and came back actually concerned saying "yeah you have a really bad case of pancreatitis and we are gonna move you to ICU and give you pain medicine".

What sucks about pancreatitis is there is literally no treatment all they can do is manage pain and you arent allowed to eat or drink anything for several days it sucks. Its the kind of pain where even dilaudid IV and morphine dont help it I never want to go through that again. Once you've had it you can no longer drink alcohol again or else it will possibly come back and I pushed my luck few times wanting to have some beers and sure enough it caused silent attacks again but I decided enough was enough and havent had a drink for a bit under 5 years.
They do a blood test and test whats called your "lipase" levels is all they did for me. Whats odd is you can have "silent" attacks where your lipase shows up as normal. I had attacks for years and presented to the hospital in agony many times and they would run the blood test say it came back normal and kick me out with the attitude that Im either faking or "over anxious" you know how they are. But then one attack about 5 years ago on thanksgiving morning looking forward to the holiday and getting drunk and eating food but I woke up with some nausea and bloating which over the next couple hours turned into what I knew from before was an attack but it got so much worse and my family rushed me to the hospital. I was so doubled over I couldnt do anything but lay on the tile floor in the hospital with these assholes looking at me with this look like "yeah right get up faker" but I finally was able to somehow get through the tests and they took my blood and did a CScan and came back actually concerned saying "yeah you have a really bad case of pancreatitis and we are gonna move you to ICU and give you pain medicine".

What sucks about pancreatitis is there is literally no treatment all they can do is manage pain and you arent allowed to eat or drink anything for several days it sucks. Its the kind of pain where even dilaudid IV and morphine dont help it I never want to go through that again. Once you've had it you can no longer drink alcohol again or else it will possibly come back and I pushed my luck few times wanting to have some beers and sure enough it caused silent attacks again but I decided enough was enough and havent had a drink for a bit under 5 years.
I am afraid i have something like this going on. Did it hurt almost everyday somewhat even if it wasn't an "attack" because once every few weeks i am in so much pain i go to the ER, but nearly every day i have a dull pain in the same location. have not drank alcohol in 5 months.
I am afraid i have something like this going on. Did it hurt almost everyday somewhat even if it wasn't an "attack" because once every few weeks i am in so much pain i go to the ER, but nearly every day i have a dull pain in the same location. have not drank alcohol in 5 months.
I wish I could tell you something different but yes it did hurt everyday some days more some days less but it would build into an attack every couple/few months from getting aggravated by alcohol and high fat diet, it was a pressure as well that felt like "if I could just take a huge shit Id feel better" but even after going to the bathroom that "knot" would never budge from my sternum. What you describe sounds like it could be your pancreas or gallbladder. Thats really all they tell ya too is low fat diet no alcohol and thats it kind of scary because I feel like Im walking around with this ticking time bomb in my chest I hate having to deal with it, its not as bad now but its still annoying and Im always aware of that feeling in my chest.
Does the "fist" feel like its inside your chest right under you sternum and does it feel like a stabbing pain through your chest all the way through your back too? Do you get tightness/bloating? Does it relieve the pain at all if you "hunch over" like if you were sitting at a table but with your head down? How about burning? If you drink alcohol or eat kratom powder does it make it flare up even worse? If yes to any of those or all of them you might have aggravated your pancreas. I had "necrotizing pancreatitis" a few years ago and the pain is excruciating and you don't want to take chances with thats shit. If your symptoms feel like the ones I listed it sounds like pancreas or possibly gall bladder issues.
Nothing around the sternum, it's like the belly button region in particular, not much burning. I don't drink alcohol, just kratom. You'd think kratom would cause it to flare up but it doesn't at all.

Kava also didn't when I drank it that night for no reason. Luckily I didn't strain it properly in the mesh ball method and it was watery so I didn't consume much, but that could have something to do with why it didn't improve. Any stomach pains will often go away when I get high, but I couldn't have known if it wouldn't have improved some and wasn't why I still felt it pretty bad into the afternoon. Had like 30g, bad move. I've just had stomachaches go away when I drank kava before even though they're known to cause upset stomach in general. I never have much anyway though.
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Nothing around the sternum, it's like the belly button region in particular, not much burning. I don't drink alcohol, just kratom. You'd think kratom would cause it to flare up but it doesn't at all.

Kava also didn't when I drank it that night for no reason. Luckily I didn't strain it properly in the mesh ball method and it was watery so I didn't consume much, but that could have something to do with why it didn't improve. Any stomach pains will often go away when I get high, but I couldn't have known if it wouldn't have improved some and wasn't why I still felt it pretty bad into the afternoon. Had like 30g, bad move. I've just had stomachaches go away when I drank kava before even though they're known to cause upset stomach in general. I never have much anyway though.
hmmm yeah that sounds a bit different than my symptoms. Maybe a case of gastritis Ive had that too and it sucks and I cant eat kratom powder anymore because it causes it for me now it sucks although I was at the point of wanting to vomit at even the smell of a glass of "toss and wash" by the time I got to that point, its funny in the beginning eating kratom doesn't seem so bad just kind of earthy and gritty but as time went on that stuff became like the worst taste in the world to get down for me. I remeber projectile vomiting before work a couple times swallowing that shit at like 5 am on an empty stomach and then still having to go to work all green and feeling vertigo fuck I hated that. I really hope one day a legit way to make your own extracts out of powder hits the internet because those strong kratom shots are fucking awesome but so expensive. I sometimes wonder how they can be so good TBH, I remember this one kind I always got would numb your whole mouth and as soon as swallowed it you would already be feeling that buzzy/energetic/chattiness start kicking in.
I thought about gastritis as well, although I never have nausea.
I don't know what the hell happened on that particular night, I really don't. Like I was good until I had the passionflower.

I've done alright since. I still have some lower stomach pain after a heavy bowel movement lately though which is strange. I lowered my dose of niacin considerably and switched to tablets, it seems like it's helped some. I just have to give it more time. No doubt my doses were just not necessary. I've been taking 650 and while it doesn't work for as long, it still results in the same thing by the end of the day after a long shower: quieter ears. At least the right usually stays quieter for hours, the left I can never keep quiet. If only I'd never seen that damn acupuncturist, I wouldn't have to take this all the time. I used to have good days, not anymore. Even my stomach I'm 100% convinced is partially related to those procedures. Unfortunately I've come across a few others online who had tinnitus permanently worsened by acupuncture, going 2-5 years on.
Despite your dislike of hospitals, I'd still go get checked out by a gastroenterologist. Severe abdominal pain like you described, even if transient, usually isn't caused by anything good, and if you do have a serious problem you wanna catch it early.
I have colitis and IBS. Dealt with the stuff my whole life.

What works for me doesn't necessarily work for you. I have almost constant diarrhea sometimes sometimes bloody. I just have to balance fiber and probiotic supplements along with adequate exercise and a specialized diet.

It wouldn't hurt to go to a regular doctor and talk with them about you are specific needs. But honestly be open to their suggestions.

You may not want to hear it but drugs and getting high aren't going to fix this for you.

I'm currently a little constipated but I'll take that over the constant urgent painful diarrhea I've had for the last 2 weeks.

It sounds like you have a medical condition my dude. And a vape pen is just going to mask the side effects. I got so sick for my ulcerative colitis one year that I became anemic and lost 25 lb. Don't not go to the doctor. You can have an ulcer, an infection in the lining of your intestine, a virus, an infection, not to mention 80% of your immune system is based in your gut. So when that gets sick you become ill easily.

My specific medical condition a few years ago I was passing so much stomach acid through my lower intestine became inflamed and infected. That's why it's so dangerous because you think it's just a stomach ache and really you're bleeding to death
My stomach has been doing better. I will see a G.I doctor when I get back from Nebraska, I can't get in before then unfortunately. But yes, I think the high doses of niacin messed me up. There has been a big difference even just halving it, I'd gone down to 1,200mg and now take 600, though I took 700 last night. I'd been taking stupid doses for a brief period in early July but still sometimes would take them, like 3,000mg (100x over the daily value).

I'd been taking around 2g for at least a week or so though. I'd convinced myself I was developing "tolerance" which, while maybe, isn't that likely. Eventually even the high doses weren't working anymore but then one day 500mg worked, so I try to stay around there and also avoid the capsule form. Something is odd about it, I'll get a stomachache almost immediately after I swallow the gelcaps, but I can have a handful of tablets and be fine. So far the effect doesn't seem to last as long as around 1g, but it does tend to cut my tinnitus from 10 to 2. I have to take what I can get and avoid the high doses, but as of right now it appears that this was a big factor. I mean all my problems were beginning in early July, that's right around when I was trying 2,500mg to 3,000mg.
I'm still having some amount of discomfort lately, I mean it's better and maybe it'll take some more time with lower doses of niacin. I did get a mild stomachache after I swallowed the 6 tablets earlier. It seems swallowing any handfuls of capsules or anything can cause a stomachache even though I used to load up on like 12 in one gulp. Before I'd shower I'd have like, 2 magnesium glycinate, 2 taurine, 1 benfotiamine, 2 benadryl, a tylenol, a motrin, some passionflower, L-theanine etc. and I'd be completely fine.

My doctor instead of letting me raise the dose from 5mg to 10mg wants me to try 10mg Prozac... Like bud, you've put me on this shit so many times and it's literally never worked. No single SSRI, SNRI or TCA has ever worked, period. I'm treatment resistant to these drugs. Not to mention 10mg Prozac is nothing and it'd take WEEKS until it actually does anything. I wanted to up the dose temporarily while I'm out in Nebraska but the most the guy will ever give me is a 15 day supply of 45 mg Diazepam tablets. I need 20mg to destroy a stomachache let alone get any effect anymore because I'm tolerant to 15.

I already told him we can go back down to the regular dose after and I simply want to maximize my enjoyment with my family during what's been the most hellish year and summer of my life. It's a miracle I'm even alive, I've almost killed myself multiple times now. Don't make me do it on the way home because I realize I spent most of my time in pain that could've been avoided if you'd up the dose for fucks sake... He fucked up too, I was going to get a 10 day supply like he'd mistakenly filled before intentionally so that I'd be able to get a re-fill right before I left, therefore probably wouldn't need a re-fill while out there. Getting re-fills sent to that CVS has never been that easy, but I did get one last year.

I sent him a few more messages about re-thinking it. I didn't expect to suddenly have discomfort this evening. It's absolutely incomparable, a puppy compared to a gigantic husky but it's still a dog. Not to mention, SSRIs and SNRIs are some of the most ototoxic drugs there are. Many develop tinnitus from them, but he just goes on about how that doesn't happen and not to worry. Sorry man, I'm not putting any more toxic drugs that can mess with my tinnitus. I know when I was on Cymbalta years back, I would actually get pretty bad episodes. Nothing like I have now but bad for the time. I never made the connection until later.
The stingy bastard still won't do it, I don't understand him. I mean if I gave him a handjob then obviously he would (in a thread where I talked about him ignoring re-fill requests and putting me in withdrawals I mentioned him making sexual advances towards me). Someone half-jokingly said I could get any scripts I wanted if I did something like that, if I were a hopeless addict then sure, I probably would.

But I would never even try that. I haven't really reported it because a) he is an okay doctor, very, very far from good, just everyone else there is way worse as far as being a doctor goes, and b) my insurance is crap and I can't really afford to see a better one. His constant invitations to the local sauna over the patientportal alone could be enough to bag him but I doubt it, he only ever said anything to me in person and I just... don't really wanna talk about it. I just don't understand why he can't do this for me. This year has been complete hell and I've been suicidal for a great deal of it.

Why can't you just up the quantity to 60 instead of 45 or just up the dose to 10mg instead of 5mg just so I can not have to worry about abdominal pain as much while I'm out with my relatives who always want to eat tons of food? I always do too, Omaha has hands down the best food in the US. All my favorite places to eat basically only exist here. I mean it's been such a bad year and this will really be the only high point of it, the summer has sucked total ass too. Constant smoke, rain and clouds all the time. It's been getting into the upper 40s at night which is unheard of for August.

Like I've emphasized this would only be temporary and he's still just like oh let's try this SSRI or that SSRI. Motherfucker I've tried them all, you've put me on just about every single one of them. It's like he doesn't even keep a record of the meds I've tried. They never worked and had severe brain zap withdrawals. He'd told me multiple times that Prozac doesn't have withdrawal lol... That it was something else causing my horrible brain zaps. And even if an SSRI could help, again it would take weeks for it to even begin taking an effect. I've got bad enough tinnitus, I don't need to be taking classes of drugs that have caused people without tinnitus to permanently develop it.

Antidepressants simply do not work on me, they call it treatment resistant, but he seems to refuse the idea is even possible. For me, DMT is the best antidepressant, like crazy. It completely cleanses me and erases most of my mental health problems for a while after an experience. The stronger it is, the longer I'll have relief. I've had up to 1 week completely free of OCD before, like I straight up showed no symptoms of it. THC also helps but again, due to it making my tinnitus worse I have to limit my intake. I was much happier when I used to get high 2-3 times a day.
Still won't do it, naturally. Not even upping the dose, but the quantity. "It's too addictive, we might never get you off of it" I just don't understand. Upping the dose from 5mg every 8 hours to 10mg is too much? I mean jeez it doesn't last anywhere near 8 hours, maybe 3 or 4 but I literally don't feel the stuff at all anymore unless I take 15-20mg and even then it's not much, I need 20-25 to really actually feel it in some way similar to the beginning but still nowhere near what 7.5mg was able to do to me early last year. This isn't even slightly addictive for me and never has been. Sure it had a nice high when I was new to it but it still has never come anywhere close to weed. I've done a lot of stuff and THC will always be king. Hell, I find DMT more addictive than Valium. As far as I'm aware this is the least addictive benzo.

Saturday I actually had my first good stomach day since late June. No stomachache eating at work or coming home, none from niacin, none from burgers and hot dogs. Today suddenly was just like that, but then shortly before dinner I felt pain. Had spaghetti (only half a plate) and a salad and every bite was putting me in pain, been in a lot of discomfort for hours, but can't take the Valium dose I'd need because the dufus didn't listen to my instruction to re-fill a 10 day supply so that I'd be able to re-fill before leaving. I mean I was clear cut in that but he still sent a 15 day supply over meaning I have to purposely take lower doses or none some nights else I'll run out. Have to make 18 last until the 16th, and if I keep taking 15mg, I'll be out on the 14th. If he would've done it like I'd asked, I possibly wouldn't have needed a re-fill at all.

Why my stomach pulled a fast one on me I have no idea. It was some time after taking niacin, but it was the same lower dose, 600mg, that I've been taking ever since after I made this thread. Had zero issues with this dose in general since switching to it and I certainly didn't Saturday.

I believe I have gastritis, my constantly bloated stomach is probably all inflammation. Had heartburn the other night randomly after not having any for 10 months and I read H2 blockers can help with gastritis or ulcer, I don't know which it would be, seems more likely gastritis. Just in time to go see my family and am supposed to enjoy all my favorite foods. Most of my relatives will be busy for the rest of the year, so even though I wanted to re-consider and go in September, it turns out I can't. I'll need some real miracles from here.
He said he'll raise it half a pill, I assume the quantity would go up from 45 to 50 or so, then? This would be good I think. Could save lower doses for when my stomach is alright, although weed does the trick pretty well too. Just it makes my tinnitus worse but I guess if my stomach is bad enough I don't care. Flower in particular works better than oil for stomach troubles for me. I get the munchies so bad, I can't believe how much I ate last night. Pink Runtz is a violent strain