Completed Inflexxion-Bluelight Survey 2012


Executive Director
Staff member
Mar 12, 2002
To the Bluelight community,

Our annual collaborative survey with Inflexxion has commenced and we hope as many of you as possible will complete this survey so we get the best representation of the Bluelight community as possible. Inflexxion have been working closely with us - we have been able to review and comment on their surveys, and this year, we were able to see their first results from the 2011 survey and formally collaborate with them on an academic paper (still under peer review).

This relationship is helping us fund the costs of running Bluelight as well as demonstrating that Bluelight can contribute positively to academic research into drug harm reduction. By completing this survey you are helping us maintain Bluelight. Without this relationship we may have to consider other methods of funding like membership fees and adverts - but we are keen to avoid these funding methods because we want all people to have access to Bluelight regardless of their financial situation and we want the user experience not to be cluttered with ads. :)

You can view the results of last year's survey here. We welcome your comments on last year's results and look forward to your contribution to make this year's survey a success.

Tronica, Director of Research
TheLoveBandit, Director of Zeroes
Sebastians_ghost, Director of Ones
and the Admin team :)


Do you have experience in using different types of prescription pain medications?

Are you age 18 or older?

Researchers at Inflexxion, Inc. in collaboration with are conducting a survey to better understand participants’ views and perceptions about prescription drugs. This survey was developed by Inflexxion, Inc. and reviewed by Bluelight prior to its release. You will be asked to complete an anonymous online survey, which will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. You must be 18 or older to participate and participation is voluntary.

Link to survey

If you have questions please contact the research team at [email protected]
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Full consent information

NB. All phone numbers listed in the consent form are US numbers.


Survey Title: Inflexxion Bluelight Survey 2012
Principal Investigator: Stephen F. Butler, Ph.D.
Phone Number: 1-617-332-6028

Sponsor: Inflexxion, Inc.
You are being asked to take part in a research survey. This survey is sponsored by and conducted by Inflexxion, Inc.

Voluntary Participation

Your participation in this survey is voluntary. This consent form will describe the survey research, and your rights and responsibilities as a survey participant. Please read the information below. If you choose to participate then you will be asked to indicate your agreement before beginning the survey. You may choose to withdraw from the survey at any time. If you have any questions you may send them by email, confidentially, to:
[email protected]
All correspondence will remain confidential and no personal information, including names, IP addresses or email addresses, will be stored.

Purpose of this Research
The main purpose of the Inflexxion Bluelight Survey 2012 is to develop and administer an anonymous, single collection, web-based survey on drug use and abuse to a sample of individuals who are at least 18 years old and who have visited drug related discussion forums such as the harm reduction website or individuals who have been directed to by their peers for the purpose of taking this survey. This survey will evaluate participants’ demographic characteristics and will collect information from participants on their use, misuse and abuse of prescription opioids. There will be a particular focus on the sub-group of prescription opioid medication users, their routes of drug administration, sources of drug procurement, and methods used to extract active ingredients from prescription drugs. In addition, questions aimed at evaluating individuals’ perceptions of new opioid products currently on the market are also included in this survey. Inflexxion, Inc. will analyze the survey results and these results will be shared on the Bluelight website.

Who Can Participate?
To be eligible to participate in this survey you must be at least 18 years old, and have visited or been directed to the Bluelight website.

What do participants have to do and what are their responsibilities?
Before beginning the survey, you will have to acknowledge that you have read this consent and voluntarily agree to participate by checking the box at the end of this consent form.
Then you will be directed to the survey questions for you to read and respond to questions online as best as possible.

How long will the survey take to complete?
The survey will take you up to 10-15 minutes to complete.

No personal identifying information including your name or computer IP address (computer ID) will be collected by the online survey. All data collected will be securely stored and kept confidential by Inflexxion. All data will be password protected, housed on a firewall protected computer server, and only authorized research personnel will be able to access or view it. Survey results will be presented in aggregate form for the purpose of reports, future scientific conference presentations and publications and no individual data will be provided.

Are there any possible risks?

The questions on the survey may ask you to report detailed information about your substance use which may make you feel uncomfortable. If you do not feel comfortable answering some of the questions you may select the “prefer not to respond” option or you may exit the survey at any time.
There is a potential for a breach in your confidentiality if others can observe your responses while taking the survey, such as someone observing or electronically monitoring your responses in a public place. To reduce the potential for this breach, it is suggested that you complete this survey alone in a private place.
Your identifying information will not be collected or stored, so once you complete the survey there is no longer the risk of a breach of confidentiality.

Are there any benefits to participating?

This survey will not provide any direct benefit to you.

Withdrawing from the survey
You can stop the survey at any time by clicking the “x” button in the top right corner (on a PC) or clicking the red circle in the top left corner (on a Mac). If you close the survey before you complete it, the data from any questions that you already answered will be saved and will be used by the researchers. If you return to complete the survey later you will have to start from the beginning.
The investigator or New England Institutional Review Board (NEIRB) may also stop the study without your consent.

Your alternative is to not participate in this survey.

Who to Contact with Questions

If you have any questions about the research, please submit your questions to:
[email protected]
Your questions will be forwarded confidentially to the research team at Inflexxion, who will then respond through the Bluelight forum. Dr. Butler, the Principal Investigator on the study may also be contacted at 617-332-6028. If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject in this study, you may contact New England Institutional Review Board at 1-800-232-9570.

Please copy this contact information so you have it available if you have any questions during the survey.
Great job Monica,

Thanks for your support and getting this up and running with Aby. I fully expect we should see a robust enrollment (as usual) and can discuss how best to drive enrollment on our side. I'll also forward any relevant information on from inflexxion.

Happy Holiday, everyone.

Done, and done.

Thanks guys! It takes 3 minutes literally.
BUMP. Inflexxion and Bluelight are still seeking participants for this survey. :)
Good news. Inflexxion has recorded 1,185 responses, of which 847 individuals completed the entire survey. Having reached their recruitment goals, we will now be closing the survey.

Thanks to everyone who participated! We will let you know the results when they are available :)