Mental Health Internal monologue


Nov 28, 2009

Summary: Do you have an internal monologue (like JD out of scrubs), what kind of things does it say, how much is it in your life, and does it ever hold you back?

I'm tryin to understand what's normal in terms of that voice in your head, the stream of consciousness. How often is yours goin on, and what kinds of things does it say? I know what i'm sayin sounds strangely close to hearing voices, but I don't mean that. Kinda like JD out of scrubs.

For example, everywhere I go and everything I do, my inner voice tells me that I'm different (I'm on the low scale of the autistic spectrum) and because of this I will never be able to integrate with and understand those around me, and hence am doomed to a life of misery, etc, etc. I also tend to dwell on all the failures and frustrations in my life. These kinds of thoughts tend to be there all the time no matter what I'm doing, 24/7.

I'm not askin for pity or advice on my own thoughts, just curious as to whether everyone has this internal monologue, how much is it around (if that makes sense) and what kind of things it says. And does it interfere with your everyday life?
Also, does anyone have any advice on how to improve it or make it go away? I find my best days are the ones where it shuts the hell up.

PS I'm not a new member, just haven't been around for a while, and decided to create a new acccount and start afresh :)
PPS Didn't know if this fit under healthy living or dark side. Mods please move if appropriate
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^yeah I know what you mean. I used to get it a lot when depressed but now I'm much happier I never really get it- I just go with my gut. Dunno how you'd "solve" it tho.
My inner monologue is SO bad, name calling and negative-
They suggest cognitive behavior therapy.... for for those that can't afford that.
Fake it til you make it. Act the way you want to feel until you do.
If only I would take my own advice...(I've always been good at helping others but worthless(there ya go) at helping myself.
Sometimes that's the only way that I talk. Inside my head to myself. I don't narrate my life or anything-- although that might be fun to try sometime, it is usually thinking about the past, future, going over potential conversations, or discussing philosophy with myself. I consider it to be a form of daydreaming, and the two often overlap.

The problem is that sometimes it gets a bit intense in my head, and I worry that I've said something out loud. Usually when I'm thinking something grossly inappropriate for the situation.
Lack of what I call the "brain to mouth filter", yeah. I tend to have that too from tiem to time. :D
Sometimes that's the only way that I talk. Inside my head to myself. I don't narrate my life or anything-- although that might be fun to try sometime, it is usually thinking about the past, future, going over potential conversations, or discussing philosophy with myself. I consider it to be a form of daydreaming, and the two often overlap.

This is the same for me. I do have it but if I'm not reading then I'm probably just thinking about whatever is on my mind and I guess, conversing with myself about it in my mind.

Just not with the intensity that Dave does lol.
Well, a lot of the work I do, while fairly technical, doesn't necessarily need a lot of brainspace to accomplish it properly. So I have a lot of time to daydream. It's great because no matter what, I'm never bored.
the internal dialogue is a central part of Buddhist/Yoga philosophy. It is suggested that the internal dialogue enforces attachments to the material world, which leads to suffering. Meditation and yoga will help calm the internal dialogue. It takes time but is very effective. This has been demonstrated experimentally and is an accepted practice of psychological healing. Good luck :)
i don't narrate my life like JD from scrubs but i do have a constant dialogue going on; my impulses at constant war with my reasoning
i have a compulsive habit of minor self harm (in the form of pinching/applying pressure to the skin) when my thoughts stray into darker realms. some of the shit that comes up at times really disgusts me. i'm a sick fuck, but i'm trying to learn better.
the internal dialogue is a central part of Buddhist/Yoga philosophy. It is suggested that the internal dialogue enforces attachments to the material world, which leads to suffering. Meditation and yoga will help calm the internal dialogue. It takes time but is very effective. This has been demonstrated experimentally and is an accepted practice of psychological healing. Good luck :)

That's what I love about yoga. It shuts up the monkey brain, if only for a short while. I've been trying to apply some of the techniques outside of class, but I still have a long way to go yet. Besides, I kind of like letting my mind wander.