Completed Internet Survey for Prescription Drug Abuse 2010

Mods/Admins...have you guys considered making sticky threads in forums, or one that gets moved from forum to forum a la the 10 Year Meetup thread? This survey is easy as hell and putting it right in peoples faces would help to get more takers. It's a pretty cool survey. I like how they have pictures of the pills and the drag-and-drop section


It's linked in every forum right under the fundraising notice that's red and blinky. We're working on getting banner in the top right as well so as to drive people to this thread...which will of course be in all forums ;)
done. but i think the sub questions should have been separated out...i don't abuse it, use it for i would go to it first, but not for high...
I'm in the middle of it right now. Brings up a lot of memories of my past addiction, but I've been sitting here comfortably all night and it is something mind-occupying to do. I lied on my birthday and zipcode, making myself a year older and in a slightly different area.

Some of these answers make me pretty surprised at what all I've done in the past!

Edit: Nevermind, got too paranoid at the end when it asked me to rate the pills I've abused. If it submitted my answers so far, that's fine, but it got too weird for me.
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Hi all,

FYI, Inflexxion is aware of the issues with the browser crashes. Please try to use the most recent versions of whatever browser you're using and know that there may be issues with smartphone browsers. FYI, here is the message I received from them on the topic:

Hi SG,

I hope you are doing well. Just a quick update. As of today 88 people have started to take the survey and only 47 have completed it. It looks like a lot of participants are looking at it but aren’t completing the survey.

We have been following some of the conversation and there has been a lot of feedback, which we appreciate. Most posts are about browsers crashing. The issue from what we can see is that people need to upgrade to the latest version of javascrip and use the most recent version of IE, Chrome, or Firefox. However, we think the javascript update is more important.

They should not use their phones to do the survey-e.g., someone people tested it here and had trouble with their Iphone and Itouch. Maybe the newest Droid and Iphone 4g are fine, I am not sure though.

Please let participants know that they need a current version of explorer or firefox.

Please let all your users know that Inflexxion appreciates everyone’s participation in this survey and we are glad to have their feedback. We will try to incorporate new ideas and suggestions into future surveys.


They left out some good ones in the survey :\
Was unable to finish this. Will try again @ a later date. The last pg. would not work for me. The drug 'pics' would not drag![/I]
Was unable to finish this survey. The last pg. did not work for me-the drug 'pics' would not drag for me. Will attempt @ a later date. Interesting, tho.
Will take survey, just wondering how this impacts on the donations for bluelight?

Why not make it an announcement on the main page for greater involvement?
I dont think these surveys are really for recreational users benefit.. And as much as i love bluelight, i cant support something i dont really think is going to benefit my best interests reguarding my right to personal drug use amungst other things. There is no reason for me, the user, to do this. How will it help me? And dont claim harm reduction..

With these sort of studies, the results can be obtained by various people and institutions and the data used for reasons i may not even agree with. I dont agree that a bunch of people that want to learn about my prescription opiate use, are doing so for my benefit..

I can't justify helping something i know dosn't help me, even if it would mean more donations for bluelight. Same goes for all these stupid things, you people have your head in your ass if you think these are going to benefit you in some way.

As another poster claimed the more attention put onto drugs use the worse. I dont know what planet you other users are on, one of wishful thinking rather than logical thought it seems. Because you all seem to think this is some real positive thing.

First thing that i noticed is that this particular study is sponsored by Actavis Pharma. Sorry but i dont trust that this company, or the government, or Thomas fucking Eaton are working for the benefit of my little pastime i like to call taking drugs to get mashed.

In response to tronica, please lets think realistically. The findings from this survey are not going to be pro-recreational use at all, so dont even claim that.

Another thing 'healthy behavior through technology' that dosn't sit well with me.

Anyways fact is drug users, this is not in our best interests to fill out any of these surveys even if they do help this website in the short term, they will not provide any benefits to us users in the longterm, and threaten to do exactly the opposite? It's pretty obvious when you have some research company that has a pharm company sponsoring it.

Looks to me like mr. pharm company wants to know the habits of abusers of their products better.
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OK done. I must say I am not happy with non-prescribed use of these drugs being described as "misuse/abuse". It's demeaning and unnecessary - and frankly unscientific. I know the phrase "misuse/abuse" is in the vernacular, but there's no need to perpetuate discriminatory bs
Wouldn't they be using what they learn to try and develop pharmaceuticals that are more difficult to abuse and have less potential for non-medial recreational use? I don't see how this survey would benefit the BL community of recreational drug users.

Agreed...I did it anyway, but yeah.
oh man that survey killed me
I haven't been able to get a hold of any good pills in over 6 months, I remember when I had an old dealer that was a walking pharmacist, he could get 90% of this stuff
palladone, old OC, fent patches
takes me back...
the list is incomplete when it comes to opiates.
it does not list dihydrocodeine...
**I've moved the last few replies out of this thread and into a more appropriate discussion. - Welcome to DRUG STUDIES - an open discussion on what we're about

From the Donations thread in SUPPORT:

TheLoveBandit said:
The Inflexxion study is NOT closing on the same date....that is open until they reach the required number of responses. We're awaiting word from them on how close we are to that magic number, however they were initially very pleased with the number of responses they were getting despite the noted difficulty several of our members experienced in taking it. Unfortunately, once they started looking into the responses, they found where people had obviously taken it multiple times - just trying to help us out, with the best of intentions, but as such those entries had to be taken out of the data sample and setting us back significantly on the number of valid responses we've directed their way. We're working with Sebastian's Ghost and the Inflexxion staff to wrap this up in a way that meets their needs, including working up a banner to catch people's eye and whatever else we can do to send responses their way.

There is the question raised of "How much money is Inflexxion giving?" They have helped out significantly in the past, and are promising a good return on this study as well. We (the admin) have held back on publicly stating "How much?" because we hope to get similar opportunities with other research groups needing access to a group like our membership, and we don't want to bias our opportunities with those entities by selling ourselves short, or setting it an amount to high and scaring them off. This really isn't a known market, so 'value' is debatable. That said, we (the admin) can tell you that for this survey alone, we would clear our remaining debt for 2010 and get a good start on 2011's first quarter payment. We can also state that SG is working on our behalf to set up a deal for next year with them to run several surveys (agreed dollar amounts, number of surveys and respondents) so we can go into this with a better financial foundation than we've operated with to this point. That said, with Inflexxion alone, we won't make it - we'll still need member donations and other fund raising events (we are looking at a premium usergroup, as well as merchandising, and of course the 'one off' donations we've accepted to this point). However, those hinge on a) getting our new banking set up and operational, and b ) the continued patience of our host....which is really unfair to ask of them.

So, there's the nuts of it - it's still going, it will benefit the site financially (which we really need), and we hope to do more in the coming year.
Completed :) Although it finished about 75% of the way.
I tried to honestly complete this survey and let me tell you, it made me think about just how much substances ive done in my life. I took a look at those pictures and just kept clicking. Was a weird moment. There's hardly anything on there that I haven't done...

On the other hand, I tried to complete the survey, and when it came time to rate the pills I have done the slider bar wouldn't come up on my screen so I couldn't complete the survey :\ I tried man, I really did, but I couldn't complete it