Legal Drug Use and Risk Taking Behaviour

Please do post results of this study! I am very interested in seeing what the results are. I enjoyed answering your questions!
Hi everyone, thank you very much for completing the survey, I got a great number of responses and the survey is now CLOSED. There are some interesting results that I have noticed already but now I need to sort through all the data and write up. My submission date for the project is 7th October, so I hope to be able to post a summary of results shortly after that.
Thanks again
Hi uni_researcher. It would be awesome if you post your results, as you've promised :)
Hi all, thanks for the reminder, I had been holding off as hoping to get this published somewhere but only got my result last week (69%) here is the abstract, if anyone wants the whole paper please dm me and I can send a pdf file of the entire dissertation.

“Legal highs” are the subject of a growing body of research as their recent rapid development and use has led to widespread media attention and scientific study as a result of their unknown content, long term effects, and potential for harm and addiction. This study used a web based survey to collect information from users of legal high recreational drugs regarding their perceptions and motivations for using legal substances and their risk taking behaviour. Seventy five questionnaires were completed and submitted with results showing that ease of availability was the highest rated motivation for using "legal highs". Factors rated most highly for influencing users’ perception of drugs and their potential for harm were own and friends’ experiences, opinions expressed by scientific experts and posts on web forums, whilst drug classification and government advice were rated least influential. There was an observed difference between the scores for social risk taking behaviour and drug taking but this was not at a significant level. Multiple regression analysis performed on the data gave gender as the highest loading factor for predicting the level of use of "legal highs", however this must be viewed with caution as the sample was biased towards males.
Hey thanks for mentioning Bluelight: acknowledging us and engaging with the issues around using forums to recruit participants. And thanks for citing me :)

Might screenshot a couple of tables and post them, with your permission!