Legal Q & A Guidelines (please Read before Posting)


Bluelight Crew
Oct 21, 1999
Legal Q & A: Guidelines
This forum has been created to assist and inform board members on an array of legal matters. It will endeavor though both the introduction of static content and through the fielding of member’s questions to provide Bluelighters with a functional legal resource.
Answers given in this forum are intended to serve as an informational resource. IN NO WAY SHOULD THEY BE TAKEN AS A REPLACEMENT FOR THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY. If you are in legal trouble, retain the advice of a competent lawyer. The New Bluelight assumes no legal liability for any actions taken without the consultation of a personal attorney.
  • Be specific!!! Furnish as much detail as possible when posting a question. What may be perceived as an inconsequential detail may in fact change the nature of your answer significantly.
  • Make sure to include your location when asking a question. Obviously law varies from country to country but it also does from one state/providence to another and even city to city. Once again be specific! I.E include: Country | States/Providence | City.
  • Present your subject in a clear manner and intelligent manner. If you want a quality answer pose a quality question.
  • Be respectful of one another and courteous of those taking the time to field your responses. They are taking time out of their schedules to providing us with a great service and deserve our cooperation.
  • Use the search function prior to posting. It is possible that a similar question has already been asked. If so you should take this into consideration before starting a new thread.
  • Please post legal questions, not philosophies about why drugs are illegal or why cops are evil. Place these in the S&PP or Current Events forum (added Aug 13,2002).
  • This is not a forum for discussing ways to circumvent the law. Do not post information on how to smuggle drugs, ship illegal shipments, hide drugs, etc. These posts will be edited or deleted (added Aug 13,2002).
-November 6, 2001
Legal Q&A Moderators:
Exx_head [email protected]
DrGonzoEsq [email protected]
Dakeva [email protected]
Lastly, the exchange of legal information on this site IN NO WAY whatsoever creates an attorney/client relationship. As such, it is not intended that legal information exchanged here be acted upon soley without the advice of paid legal counsel.
[ 17 November 2002: Message edited by: Exx_head ]
Fox, at some point are these guidelines going to move to the top of the page as a link, as in other forums? Thanks!
Smh254, I don't know what the mods are willing/able to discuss about our lives, but as soon as we decide, I will let you know.
in my opinion only one person on this forum knows what he's talking about.
Daisybabe...the guidelines WERE up as an announcement...I out them back up again.
A mystery inside an enigma wrapped in something orange and fuzzy....
"Ed Meese should be ass-fucked by an acid-crazed elk."-Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio. Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." -William Shakespeare, Hamlet
[This message has been edited by FoX (edited 09 November 2001).]
Just wanted to mention that in this forum's short life, it seems like most of the energy in replying has gone into probing for more information. "Can you be more specific? Where do you live?" Perhaps you should be more unforgiving to people who aren't reading the guidelines, as it is already getting to be a distraction. Of course, I'm sure it's ten times worse for those of you attempting to field such poorly worded questions. Maybe if you set a precedent early on, it will be followed. For example, you could have a format for questions people are encouraged (maybe required?) to use. Make people begin thier posts with their age and location, then go from there. Questions that didn't have all of the necessary information would just be ignored. People would pick up on it pretty quickly, I bet.
Other than that, I think this forum is a great idea! Keep it up.
"When danger or pain press too nearly, they are incapable of giving any delight, and are simply terrible; but at cetain distances, and with certain modifications, they may be, and they are delightful, as we every day experience."
--Edmund Burke
Originally posted by FoX:
Legal Q & A: Guidelines
This forum has been created to assist and inform board members on an array of legal matters. It will endeavor though both the introduction of static content and through the fielding of member?s questions to provide Bluelighters with a functional legal resource.
Answers given in this forum are intended to serve as an informational resource. IN NO WAY SHOULD THEY BE TAKEN AS A REPLACEMENT FOR THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY. If you are in legal trouble, retain the advice of a competent lawyer. The New Bluelight assumes no legal liability for any actions taken without the consultation of a personal attorney.
  • Be specific!!! Furnish as much detail as possible when posting a question. What may be perceived as an inconsequential detail may in fact change the nature of your answer significantly.
  • Make sure to include your location when asking a question. Obviously law varies from country to country but it also does from one state/providence to another and even city to city. Once again be specific! I.E include: Country | States/Providence | City.
  • Present your subject in a clear manner and intelligent manner. If you want a quality answer pose a quality question.
  • Be respectful of one another and courteous of those taking the time to field your responses. They are taking time out of their schedules to providing us with a great service and deserve our cooperation.
  • Use the search function prior to posting. It is possible that a similar question has already been asked. If so you should take this into consideration before starting a new thread.
-November 6, 2001
Legal Q&A Moderators:
dakeva [email protected]
Daisybabe [email protected]
DrGonzoEsq [email protected]
Prometheus [email protected]
FoX [email protected]
But just a little recap on much you have studied, what degree you have attained (if any, no need to tell us the school you graduated from), if you have passed the Bar, etc. I'm not looking to pry, I just want to know the qualifications of the people giving out information.
As for degree, if someone is an American lawyer, then they probably have a J.D., which stands for "Juris Doctor." (My school calls it a "Doctor of Jurisprudence," but it's the same thing.) Also, in most cases one needs a bachelor's degree before going to law school, although it really doesn't matter what he or she studied as an undergrad. Mine is in political science.
As for my qualifications, I'm a jaded law student set to graduate this May. :)
[ 10 February 2002: Message edited by: matt1978 ]