Loveparade San Fransisco!

absolutely perfect time to redeem my FREE roundtrip ticket, so I'll definitely be there!!

thank you party gods =D

Am looking forward to this soooooooo much...looks to definitely be worth a frequent flyer ticket or two. hopefully i'll get to volunteer/help out with the event.
Hey All, I'm still around! With the dust from moving and work chaos settling looks like I'm going to have to go to this. After all, it's only a short train ride away. Peace, Spinal
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I'ma be there! A meet up party shall be planned :)
Everyone should get their hotels VERY FAR in advance. I don't want to post hotel information on the board, but I know of some that will most likely be right on the parade route and have easy access to public transportation (which isn't that bad in SF). Hit me up on AIM next time I'm on if you have questions.
I'm glad I don't have to worry about getting a hotel for the event. I have so much family in the bay area.
once again i'll repeat ....

physix said:
for anyone familiar with San Fran and the area this may be, is it close to Moscone Convention Center and the Yerba Buena Gardens? that's where i can get good deals on hotels!
Hell yeah!! I've been hearing about this ever since I found out about the Love Parade being canceled in Berlin. I definitely can't wait since it's soo close to home!! I live right by the mission district too!!! It's happening in the most perfect place too And its right before my B-DAY! WOohOoOo!!
ooh, i sure did.. thanks!

luckily, now, i'm staying with a friend.

even more money to blow on clubs after the parade!
how come this is not being advertised? i hear nothing in the local news about the Love Parade in San Francisco, its also competes that same weekend(?) with the Folson St. Fair. :(
I'm there for sure- it's about freaking time something happend closer to me that lotsa blers wanna go to!!!! I'm only about 1 1/2 hrs away from the bay....
mariposa420 said:
is it going down Market or thru the Mission?

i thought it was going up Embarcadero along the water. i'm not too sure.

either way, i'll have my own place in SF by september, so fuck a hotel.

FYI, i recommend the Ramada on Market Street near the Civic Center if any of you are looking for a nice, semi-swanky hotel that is decently priced and centrally located.

no, this is not where the meetup will be, so please don't edit it out. it's just a tip if any of you out-of-towners are looking for accomodations. i stayed there last month and had a really positive experience so i thought i would pass on a referral.

edit: i was just reading the website, and i see they are still taking applications for floats in the parade. that would be dope if bluelight could have a float and all the BL dj's could throw down at this event.


further edit: you know, if we really wanted to get the details on this, someone that's in SF right now could check out the first volunteer meeting tomorrow. i'd do it myself, but i work tomorrow night. here's the info:

Volunteer Meeting Wednesday, July 14th
We are hosting three volunteer meetings with the first one being held

July 14th, 7:00PM
LGBT Community Center
Room 300
1800 Market St (at Octavia)
San Francisco
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A Bluelight float is possibly one of the greatest ideas I've ever heard.

However, much like the Bluelight calender, Bluelight merchandise and basically Bluelight-anything it will probably never come to fruition due to lack of motivation and other essential things, like money.
I'm there!!

I've never been further west than New York state, so California seems like some far-off paradise land to me. I've been wanting to go there for so long and an event like this (and of course seeing all of you) is the perfect excuse. :)