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MDA - Effects



Hi guys, this is my first time posting here and need some help. On Saturday, myself and 7 friends took some Chanel's in Toronto. Many of the individuals (me incl) experienced a wasted feeling, a little out of it, not loved up, completely drained and not talkative. I thought I had some bad shit and today I got my test kit. I tested it and it went from brown to black/purple. My research thus far tells me this is MDEA. Can people give me the run down on how bad this stuff is. Should these be thrown out?
Well, I wouldn't throw them out, but that's just my opinion. I would consider it to be huge a waste of money.
If you eat 2 pills in a given evening, take one MDMA pill and one of the Chanel's and see what that does for you. I find mixing MDA and MDMA to be pretty amusing, although I haven't tried MDEA and MDMA at the same time.
If you don't want to keep them, give them to a friend for their birthday or something of the like, telling them exactly what it is and what to expect. At least then it won't have been a total waste.
Hey check out dancesafe.org - the laboratory pill testing section. I think I saw the Chanels tested there as MDA
MDA gives a more powerful roll with mild visuals (cool with club lighting!) but ti can be hard to recognise people's faces ten minutes after you've talked to them. Not so loved up as MDMA, more rushy and lasts for 8-9 hours. I'm pretty sure I had this once as I've never had an MDMA roll for more than 5-6 hours, regardless of number or quality of pills, but one night in sydney I was totally wasted with all the above symptoms for 8-9 hours on two ordinary sized pills which I have never seen before or since. I kinda liked it actually......no way can it be confused with MDEA, but it could seem like very strong MDMA or a candy flip with weak acid.
What's MDEA like compared to MDMA?
"Lookin' into space
it surrounds you
Love is the place
that you're drawn to." -The Flaming Lips
Another closed topic... because it is off-topic here ;-)
I know you understand