Member Input Wanted on Forum Improvements (was "moved sticky threads to archive")


Feb 2, 2004
Member Input Wanted on Forum Improvements (was "moved sticky threads to archive")

Dear dark side threaders, posters, responders, readers and lurkers. I have taken the responsibility of moving 6 of the top sticky threads to the archive. The threads, such as HIV, self injury, moderator positions and what not have been shifted to tds archive.

I am more than happy to discuss bringing them back however in the years I have been a dark side users i have very rarely seen them posted in and feel ultimately the more important threads for me are the active ones and the new ones.

Whats do you all think

I do my best not to tell mods how to best operate their forum, but I'll add my thoughts here in case anyone cares. I also felt the forum was a bit awkward with sooo many key topics stickied up there - most of which hadn't been touched in a long time but offer key information for a lot of our members (and lurkers). The experiences and discussions therein are too valuable to delete. Moving them to the archive is alright - it maintains readability, but the archives are locked from any future replies by members (only staff can comment in the archives). So I'd recommend having them moved back into the main TDS forum so people *can* reply if they choose to.

Unstickying them from atop the forum was a good move, IMO. However, I realize these are some of the key issues to many people who come to TDS and not everyone UTFSE like they should. Perhaps we should put a single sticky back up but title it something like 'Key Issues for our Members' and have links to each of the key threads? Something like this:

Some of the more common issues facing our members have created a lot of discussion. While we acknowledge some people may wish to post their own thread to focus in on their particular situation, we encourage you to see if your thoughts might not be better expressed under one of these existing prominent threads. Likewise, if you just want to find out some more information on a subject, these key threads offer great discussions and insights and we'd love to have your input - but you are also encouraged to use the search function to find other related threads before posting your own. Please, as always, keep in mind our forum guidelines *LINK* and the site's user's agreement (BLUA) *LINK*. Thanks.


Cutters - you're not alone *LINK*

GHB - what to do in case of an overdose *LINK*



For anonymous posting we recommend using the Anonymous posting forum *LINK*.

I'd also recommend we keep the forum guidelines stickied atop the forum - it's the most logical place for it (unless I figure out how to embed it in the header section). But as we're doing a little house cleaning, that 'Guidelines' thread probably ought to be split out between real guidelines (stickied atop the forum) and all the emergency contact info (it's own thread, listed in the 'Key Threads' sticky).

But that's just my .02 ;)

PS - on a bigger note, if we'd really like to do some serious forum cleaning, I can run a purge and delete any threads older than a certain date. But I'd give a few weeks notice and encourage members and staff to bump anything worth saving and keeping for future discussions or reference. Any thoughts on this?
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beat me to it!

consider dointg something like the "essential reading" we did in psychedelic drugs.
^^"Essential Reading" - I like that name better ;)

and I will correct myself, even I can't reply to a thread in the archive. :eek:
:(, you weren't supposed to find out like this TLB, but you were de-admined several months ago. Thats why nobody is posting in staff. Thats a link from your browser cache.

If you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here for you. ;)
The sticky threads on the top of the page didn't bother me personally. I would still keep them there, especially the GHB overdose one.
If we decide to keep them off the page tho, I strongly support the idea of putting the links in one thread under the name Essential Reading or whatever is more suitable. As TLB pointed, not everyone UTSE like they should, so they may not find answers they're looking for.
Giving it a week as a try-out is also a good idea, giving us time to get more/different opinions.
My apology for operating teh same I do when my office desk or house office gets cluttered, I rip everything up thats not been read in a disproportionate timeframe.

In an other world, I was not that actually sure what I was doing, with the buttons I was pressing, I am still very internet/forum rules and administrations access daft/green/niave.

The darkside is a special international open forum for expressing or discussing our darkest demons with the hope of a solution or an ear/reader at least. I dont see many posts ignored or belittled in tds as seriousness and balance is what keeps us empathically and experentially proactive.

A return to sticky posts, I dont mind, as long, as they undergo some level of editorial hair cut, just maybeg not the skin head I cropped it...

No one likes sitting on barbed wire fences

Remember, this for is really for YOU - and the mods are trying to help the forum run as best as possible for YOU. Do any more members have input on these changes, or suggestions on anything else we might do to improve the forum? Any comments on the changes already started?

C'mon folks, we can't make things better for you unless you tell us what you like, don't like, what you think does or doesn't work, etc. for a special forum like TDS.

YOU guys (and gals) make this place, great....but if there was one thing you would change, what would it be? Or, heck - even a comment on something you like and hope never changes! :D Give us your feedback.
I like atlas's idea of keeping it into an Essential Reading thread.

that way you can check everything out and it won't look that cluttered.
blahblahblahblah said:
What were the sticky titles that were moved only one I can think of was the cutters thread...?

There all still stickied, just atop the TDS Archive
GHB overdose
Suicidal thoughts on Anti-Depressants
Beware of some psychiatrists
WARNING - People in recovery
Anonymous posting procedure
Guidelines, Disclaimer, and Support numbers

Any of those can be removed from the 'essentials list' and any of our other threads could be added....whatever the mods+members feel is best for the forum.
I am a big fan of considering our newest readers to bluelight.

As such, while most of those that are interested will have read that info, I think its important that its made fairly obvious how to get help or info on many of the topics discussed.

Hence, while I agree that the top of the forum needed to be cleaned up, I would like to see an Essentail reading thread stickied with links to all important stuff and then some.

I would also like to see an extra few words added to the thread name so that those seeking help or emergencies can hopefully see that that is a thread that may be able to help them.

The thread itself could take the form of a contents page in a book.


Cutters..........and a few links to threads.
Emergency help........links........maybe country specific.
How to get clean.........and then sub headings.........Meth.......links, Heroin.......Links etc etc.

Here is another forum that does something similar to what Im suiggesting and it is brilliant........take a look........

MissBehavin'_416 said:
^^ "Table of Contents" could be another good name for the thread

Yes except that I still contend it needs to draw attention to the fact there is life saving info in there.
What if you had links to the archived threads at the top of the page (much like in ecstasy discussion, cannabis discussion, music & DJs, etc).
That way the info could still be readily viewed and accessed but it wouldnt give such an "awkward" feeling to the forum with so many sticky threads. just a thought. :)

Also, in regards to recreating some of them (such as the cutters thread?), would that be acceptable since the old ones are archived?
^ oh yes, we can just bring them back.

I dont want to just bring them back though when taking them away has generated the discussion we need from all of you and us and everyone etc, on how to take this forward - it's not our board, it's OUR board - we all play here,
so let's make it exactly as we want it.

good feedback guys
sorry for the impromptu archiving of the sticky threads, personally if people feel I should stand down as moderator, then that I can wear...
oh stop that!!!! *kick and a kiss* you're a great mod and we need you here and there's no question of you stepping down!!

I think the general consensus honey is that it's been a great move to get us talking aboutt he forwarding of the fourm - we needed something to happen andyes we have to put our heads together to get something done between all of us who use the boards, because to take them away iis all very well , - to put them back just will not do as they do clutter the place up, so let's think of a new way to do it.

of course we can try things and see - we'll hget there but well done you for taking the step - so stop that nitter natter about stepping down. I'll kick your ass!
