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Mephedrone Megathread VI: Anyone Seen My Heartvalves?

Had some for the first time on NYE. 1 300mg bomb followed by a 200g bomb 1 and a half hours later. The effects were pretty nice for a while aside from the ridiculous, and I mean seriously ridiculously fast heartbeat. Once the high wore off I was left well over stimulated and my heart was racing too fast to relax. About 5 hours after the last dose my heart was still going like the clappers and I was experiencing a dull ache in my shoulder and left arm. I could tell I was starting to panic but managed to calm myself down and wait it out. It wasn't until late on new years day that the effects fully wore off and I felt somewhat human again. I got some good sleep last night and feel ok today, if still a little shaky. I definitely won't be touching this substance again. I've taken pills/mdma/cocaine plenty of times in the past and never experienced anything like this.

As for the high, i'd say it was more of an amphetamine/cocaine high than mdma. I did find it quite fiendish but luckily I only had half a gram.
300mg for a first time dose!
Oh dear. You do realise that pains down the left arm can mean heart attack alert?

But it turned out alright now though so thats good:)
I find 300mg a decent dose (obviously through harm reduction you should experiment with smaller until you find a dose that is comfortable with you)
it might be a start from a harm-reduction perspective...?

You can reduce the amount of toxic metabolites that end up in your system, by just reducing the amount of mephedrone you consume, that might be a start? I think you're confusing harm-reduction with palliative care to be honest :|
Heh, someone just alerted me to this section in the wikipedia article for mephedrone:


Mephedrone (Meow) is a cross between cocaine and MDMA with an almost instant relaxing, yet stimulated high, and can easily be bought online as plant food.

The stimulant is described as two molecular "tweaks" away from MDMA and crystal meth.

One user told drug centre's magazine Druglink: "I pretty much stopped buying coke and pills and crystal [MDMA] once I found meph.

"I'd just make a bulk order and send off the payment and the package would arrive a few days later.

"Many people are sceptical that something that's legal can actually work. But it does."

Mephedrone is legal in the UK because it is not derived from any of the banned Class A drugs.

It comes instead from a compound of cathinone, which is a Class C drug, and derivatives of this drug are not currently controlled.

Mephedrone is made in Chinese laboratories and imported legally to the UK where it is often marketed as plant food, but also appears on sites which sell drug paraphernalia.

One UK website claims it had just imported 2kg.

Although mephedrone is said to lower social inhibitions, increase talkativeness and create euphoria, other have reported strange side effects.

One user said: "I did eight grams of meph over the weekend. My heart is still beating strangely and my mouth has all the skin peeled off on the inside."

In December last year, an 18-year-old university student in Sweden was reported to have died after taking mephedrone and the country has now outlawed the chemical.

Dr John Ramsey, a toxicologist at St George's University London, is also director of Tic Tac Communications, a drug analysis body that studies recreational drugs.

He told Druglink that the use of new drugs such as mephedrone was a cause for concern.

"People end up in A&E because they take stimulants, and they end up in A&E because they take these chemicals. Their acute effects are pretty much indistinguishable from MDMA and amphetamines.

"But we have no information on their toxicity because they have never been used as drugs until recently, so there have not been any formal studies as of yet.


I don't remember seeing that a few months ago. And it is written a bit strangely. Some people will read that and think that mephedrone is a mixture of MDMA and Cocaine..I can see some dealers selling it as that after reading the article.
Hey all, first post and I've a question...

Ive been using Meph for some time and after a horrible accident of snorting 50mg of crystals and sounding like a tranny for 3 days (this was done the first time I tried it!) I'd always bomb it in gel caps.

Anyway, on NYE/NYD I got to snort about 1.5G of it. As a result, I got a nicely injured septum with blood coming out from my nose when I blow it. (2 days later)

Now, I'd like to know, does the odourless one not hurt when snorted? Or is the smell just for 'cosmetic' purposes?
I'd like to know what the craic is with that also. I had only ever had the odourless stuff until I arrived back here in NI. Every time I order from a vendor I get the same odourless, crystally stuff. Most times I get from a dealer I get some foul smelling stuff, with varying texture. Some is just nice and powdery whereas other material looks like eraser shavings. I find the smelly stuff burns a bit more (both burn though), but often find it gives me a better hit. However, I'm not using scales, so I can't comment on potency (especially as the density of the material is so different).
One for Fastandbulbous maybe?
It looks like 4-methylephedrine is, by all subjective accounts, the major cause of issues in the 1- to 6-hour period after taking, as it's broken down, for heavy users. I gather it's probably the cause of chest pains, muscle spasms, toxicity for various important organs, panic attacks, tachycardia, tachyarrhythmia?, and so on? (These are some of the issues I've had and read about in other guinea pigs).

So: might there be a way of doing the opposite and, instead of inhibiting CYP3A4 and turning it all into 4-methylephedrine, inhibiting the creation of 4-methylephedrine in favour of something possibly less toxic?

I know this might not help for pathological effects caused by other stages of the conversion process - including mephedrone itself and any synthesisation impurities, but it might be a start from a harm-reduction perspective...?


You'd have to find out which enzyme carried out the 4-MMC -> 4-methylephedrine conversion and see if it was involved in any critical functions (like ones linked to respiration). If not then find a drug that's reported to inhibit it (making sure it doesn't inhibit anything vital ie is poisonous) and take half an hour beforehand. In theory it's possible to get a drug which inhibits it's conversion to 4-methylephedrine, but that would effect clearance of drug from the body & side effects as the main metabolite would then be 4-methylcathinone. In practice, it's rather difficult unless you're dealing with certain specific enzymes (such as MAO or the cytochromes eg cyp3A4) with known & researched inhibitors
Quick heads up here guys, not sure if it's already been said but do not use meph if you are currently taking erythromycin (the anti-biotic).
Did so on two occasions (thinking the first was just a bad experience) and i'm convinced after reading the MDMA and anti-biotics thread these two shouldn't be mixed either.

Had a great time, did about 4-5 bumps off a key throughout the course of the night, comedown was fine, then about 30 minutes later, my heart was beating like crazy, was dizzy and couldn't stand up, having minor hallucinations, pains in my chest. I thought i was actualy going to die for about 2 hours.

Just letting everyone know so they don't make the same mistake.

It is worth mentioning that I had basically exactly the same thing happen. It was 30 mins after I'd stopped taking meph that my heart started going absolutely mental. I got really scared for the next few hours, feeling to I'll to even get out of bed for water. I couldn't eat all day and went into a sort of constant mild panic.

When I finally got some sleep the next night (unable to sleep until then) I felt a lot better. Hub even now I'm still a tad shaken. Not a good combo!
'ardcore 8o

on a serious note could be anxiety, could be seriously unpleasant side effects that you are susceptible to. Avoid if you dont wanna take that risk :D

Yes maybe on recollection those amounts weren't the best to take! I think anxiety played a big part too especially after reading most of the threads on here. I definitely won't be taking it again, it just doesn't agree with me. I've got 10 years or so on and off experience of taking other recreational drugs with no problems and this was the worst i've ever felt.
I'd like to know what the craic is with that also. I had only ever had the odourless stuff until I arrived back here in NI. Every time I order from a vendor I get the same odourless, crystally stuff. Most times I get from a dealer I get some foul smelling stuff, with varying texture. Some is just nice and powdery whereas other material looks like eraser shavings. I find the smelly stuff burns a bit more (both burn though), but often find it gives me a better hit. However, I'm not using scales, so I can't comment on potency (especially as the density of the material is so different).

Do you actually snort the crystals? In that case, you must have a very strong septum!

I snorted them once and it hurt like hell. Ever since, even if I get powder or crystals, I always crash them. I figured out I'm beginning to build tolerance to it though as now bombing 150mg caps doesnt seem to work for me. The one I used on NYE wasnt odourless, it had a very light smell, yet it burnt my nose and got me bleeding.. Tho I mixed it with cocaine at that night, but I've never had any bleeds with it.
Maybe it's just me being a total retard, but if any drug is giving you pain or making you bleed - from anywhere, then I'd reconsider my usage, like stop taking it - or, so much so often.
never doing this stuff again, did about 500mg on NYE, did some pull ups and chin ups just now and my heart makes a racket. fucking crap
Can y'all just stop snorting?

There is no need to snort mephedrone. Any perceived difference in high is highly marginal and far outweighed by the seemingly added risks/negative effects involved. It's not like bombing doesn't work is it?

And without denying problems can occur I'd still suggest that BL is

probably the cause of chest pains, muscle spasms, toxicity for various important organs, panic attacks, tachycardia, tachyarrhythmia?, and so on

If you see what I mean. I know soooooo many people using this substance with no problems at all. The one thing they have in common is that none of them have ever seen these threads on BL.
^ I do agree SHM, I think alot of it is in peoples heads from reading here.. But then on the flip-side I also know alot of people who have never read anything on here and have had the bad effects :\ My mate tried it once and never did it again after it gave him a funny heartbeat and extremely low comedown.. I think its just people are effected differently by it.

How much do you do in a night? I'd agree much less trouble bombing, but after 2-3bombs you need to snort it aswell really.

I've promised myself since Nov there would be no more this year. Did enough last year, need a break off stims!
Can y'all just stop snorting?

There is no need to snort mephedrone. Any perceived difference in high is highly marginal and far outweighed by the seemingly added risks/negative effects involved. It's not like bombing doesn't work is it?

And without denying problems can occur I'd still suggest that BL is

If you see what I mean. I know soooooo many people using this substance with no problems at all. The one thing they have in common is that none of them have ever seen these threads on BL.

+1 to all of that.

I never snorted any on New Year & was fine, had 4 bombers on me in the club, ending up only taking two, with no desire or even thought of taking the other two. At a party afterwards I gave one of them to my mate, ate the other one, sniffed a few lines of ching & never went near the bag of meph that I had on me. Done one final bomb of it back at my mates flat the next afternoon because we couldn't find the rest of our coke. Decided not to snort it then as we'd went all night without the nose ruin it normally causes. (found the coke shortly afterwards in my pocket, after raiding the pockets & all the possessions of another mate who was sleeping on the couch thinking he had it lol)

Each of the bombs was only about 150-200mg except for the last one which was around 250mg & they done the job fine (i had drank silly amounts of booze though)
defo doesn't agree with me if I snort it, makes my head and jaw feel really tight and my brain hurts, also the wave of depression comes on so quick its horrible
Can y'all just stop snorting?

There is no need to snort mephedrone. Any perceived difference in high is highly marginal and far outweighed by the seemingly added risks/negative effects involved. It's not like bombing doesn't work is it?

8o Speak for yerself mate
Never tried snorting it and not going to...I might like it ;)

Bombing works just fine for me and I haven't felt the fiendish nature of it too badly using that method so I'm content to stick with that. Had a g sitting at NYE and me n the other half did approx 700mg between us and left the rest hows that for willpower :D

As for BL being the cause of the anxiety and leading to chest pains etc is an interesting one cos being a first timer with meph and a recent arrival to BL I know for a fact that what I read nearly stopped me from trying it at all and the words I've read were in my head both on the way up and more so on the way down but as the capn said I do think there are side effects to this drug which many people notice regardless of if they've read the accounts on here. Stuff like the the cold hands and whatnot seems to be commonplace and not psychosomatic.