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News Mexican president floats fentanyl ban, faults US drug policy


Staff member
Aug 16, 2019

Mexican president floats fentanyl ban, faults US drug policy

15 Mar 2023

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s president called anti-drug policies in the U.S. a failure Wednesday and proposed a ban on using fentanyl in medicine — even though little of the drug crosses from hospitals into the illegal market.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has grappled in recent days with the issue of fentanyl, which has become a major security concern. López Obrador has denied that Mexico produces fentanyl, which causes about 70,000 U.S. overdose deaths per year.

U.S. authorities estimate that most illegal fentanyl is produced in clandestine Mexican labs using Chinese precursor chemicals. Relatively little of the illegal market comes from diverting medicinal fentanyl used as anesthesia in surgeries and other procedures.

But López Obrador said he would ask doctors and experts whether all use of fentanyl by doctors could be ended, as well, to reduce illicit use.

“We are also going to ask that medical use be ended in the United States, as well,” López Obrador said.
I'm not Burnt Offerings MD but I'm assuming that there are situations in which fentanyl is an appropriate and preferable way to treat certain patients. Banning it at the level of medical care seems really dumb and counterproductive. AMLO has put forward some ideas in the past related to drug policy that I feel are forward-thinking and productive, but his administration has also behaved in ways that I think are really muddled and counter-productive, both on the issue of drug policy and other issues affecting his country...I haven't been following Mexican politics too closely but thats just been my impression as a foreigner

I understand not wanting to be the USA's bitch but claiming that fentanyl is not being manufactured in Mexico is just denying reality imo
I agree with the anti drug policies being the main problem, the DEA went from allowing anyone to fill OxyContin with a script to making it almost impossible to get filled for legitimate reasons and the lawsuits against pharmacies and Purdue were not a good solution to the problem are we now going to sue Mexico? Also methadone/Suboxone is too controlled and the stigma problems
The same president who made a national announcement about magical wood elves? Sounds about right

Less than 1% of junkies would shoot fent if they had access to heroin, oxy, oxymorphone, diluadid. Maybe better to just destroy the demand, cuz you sure as shit aren't touching the supply
OK - if it makes US anesthetists use sufentanil, fine. Far too hard to make for any Mexican drug lord to grasp x10 more potent but with a MASSIVE TI of 16700.

Let's wrap up all use of fentanyl.

In developing nations, phenoperidine is as good as fentanyl BUT all of it's precursors are controlled in nations like... China.
I don't think he's really that naive, but I guess he thinks his constituents are.
Maybe they will start growing poppies again like they should. We need legal heroin in the US like some other countries. And the US will at some point. I am not holding my breath though. My last street dope was 1991 from NYC. $10 bag was potent. Now a person could die due to the contents of "dope". And I do blame the people in power.
I don't think he's really that naive, but I guess he thinks his constituents are.

But if the US went on to agree in uncertain terms... he would have to make excuses or pay. Phenoperidone is so cheap that the US could even agree to supply Mexico. I say the US should call Mexico's bluff on this.
Fertile do you need poppies at all to make heroin? Can it start from a synthetic base? Not talking about synths, just want to know if heroin can be made straight in a lab. Or are poppies needed? You don't have to answer. I know morphine and codeine are natural.
But if the US went on to agree in uncertain terms... he would have to make excuses or pay. Phenoperidone is so cheap that the US could even agree to supply Mexico. I say the US should call Mexico's bluff on this.
Couldn’t it (or any drug) get stolen/redirected in Mexico and exported right back here illegally?
There are routes but they are quite, quite torturous.

But their are SOME synthetics which almost nobody can differentiate from heroin. So if you mean 'do we need poppies' I would answer NO.

H is, however, cheap. Only a large scale or better official production could push the price below that of H.

Now better than H.... yes, that's actually easier. I won't list names but believe me when I say you can make stuff people would pay for willingly because it's safe and euphoric. Stuff others may have overlooked.

I don't claim any special intellect but I hit the books/papers/patents relentlessly. It's 'my thing' I suppose.
Couldn’t it (or any drug) get stolen/redirected in Mexico and exported right back here illegally?

Of course - any reason for suspecting it might happen? The production plants are like prisons have armies defending them and so much red-tape, it's quite safe. It hasn't got out for the last 70 years, has it? All systems require MULTIPLE people to sign off and MULTIPLE people to sign in. Also their is a lot of tech to make it SO apparent where it came from that nobody would be dumb enough to try... or, rather, they WOULD be, but wouldn't ever get to try it twice.
Of course - any reason for suspecting it might happen? The production plants are like prisons have armies defending them and so much red-tape, it's quite safe. It hasn't got out for the last 70 years, has it? All systems require MULTIPLE people to sign off and MULTIPLE people to sign in. Also their is a lot of tech to make it SO apparent where it came from that nobody would be dumb enough to try... or, rather, they WOULD be, but wouldn't ever get to try it twice.
My thoughts were that any controlled drug can be misdirected towards illegal use - whether it’s a lab employee, courier, hospital employee - or drug cartel. I don’t think a government can keep drugs away from citizens that want and can pay for it in the black market. If a high tech lab can make it, so can a drug cartel with a high tech lab - right?
To answer your question: I have no insider information - just an opinion 😁
My thoughts were that any controlled drug can be misdirected towards illegal use - whether it’s a lab employee, courier, hospital employee - or drug cartel. I don’t think a government can keep drugs away from citizens that want and can pay for it in the black market. If a high tech lab can make it, so can a drug cartel with a high tech lab - right?
To answer your question: I have no insider information - just an opinion 😁


You have no idea how sophisticated modern labs are. Think $1 million per employee per 8-hour shift.

I know medical professionals and their is extreme scrutiny. Someone I knew was working in a compounding pharmacy and a single 5mg diazepam was lost. Nobody could go home until it was found.

Lots of tricks but to lose your career for a pill?

The skill of a clandestine chemist is in 2 parts:

1)Having the practical skills to set up, safely run (as in 'ka boom' and 'whoo whoo whoo'') a lab and to be able to break it down again.
2)Having the medicinal chemistry skill to work out what is reasonable and facile i.e. how much do the precursors cost, how many assets will be required and importantly - what will remain legal for the longest. People not ending up dead or in ER is a good way to keep something un-noticed.

I think that is why MXE, ethylphenidate & pyrazolam lasted so long. The media cannot start a campaign, law enforcement don't see increased crime and in essence, society is unchanged or sees a slight improvement.

Since Mexico is sending fentanyl to the US, they don't need to care too much if ALL they care about is FAST $ but if something remains off the radar for a decade, as much can be made. I just don't dig the way some Mexican (and other) groups work. They COULD have gone for safer at only a small reduction in $ so I presume human life doesn't interest those groups.

You have no idea how sophisticated modern labs are. Think $1 million per employee per 8-hour shift.

I know medical professionals and their is extreme scrutiny. Someone I knew was working in a compounding pharmacy and a single 5mg diazepam was lost. Nobody could go home until it was found.

Lots of tricks but to lose your career for a pill?

The skill of a clandestine chemist is in 2 parts:

1)Having the practical skills to set up, safely run (as in 'ka boom' and 'whoo whoo whoo'') a lab and to be able to break it down again.
2)Having the medicinal chemistry skill to work out what is reasonable and facile i.e. how much do the precursors cost, how many assets will be required and importantly - what will remain legal for the longest. People not ending up dead or in ER is a good way to keep something un-noticed.

I think that is why MXE, ethylphenidate & pyrazolam lasted so long. The media cannot start a campaign, law enforcement don't see increased crime and in essence, society is unchanged or sees a slight improvement.

Since Mexico is sending fentanyl to the US, they don't need to care too much if ALL they care about is FAST $ but if something remains off the radar for a decade, as much can be made. I just don't dig the way some Mexican (and other) groups work. They COULD have gone for safer at only a small reduction in $ so I presume human life doesn't interest those groups.
I think the fentanyl addition to drugs is cartels trying to addict more customers. Doesn’t make sense to intentionally kill your customer base.
I think the fentanyl addition to drugs is cartels trying to addict more customers. Doesn’t make sense to intentionally kill your customer base.

I totally agree but new customers spring up. ONLY when the US get's a handle on the epidemic (including millions of pain patients cut off) will they have a chance. I think it's a unspoken fascism within the US. 'Let the weak and injured die'.

While the DEA exists, forget it. Never will drugs be legal in the US. Those boys have pensions to think of. My answer if that they could manage and inspect the controlled supply of drugs. But you have to 100% gold-backed ensure that they are 'taken care of' before you see change. The CIA selling coke for guns shows how much the US ACTUALLY cares.

I don't think my nation better - simply inept.