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Stimulants Modafinil though not technically a stimulant abuse potential?


Dec 10, 2022
So I went to my dr today to get my methadone taper dose and my prescriber tells me that I’m due for my adhd meds. Like wtf!!!I just told them a few weeks ago and this exact prescriber that I don’t want them because I’ve been abusing them and want to stop. And yes they were speaking of stimulants.

I pushed back but then modafinil came up. Thing is I thought Ritalin would be safe for me. It was not as I started shooting it and it was addictive. Oral did nothing.

I am considering taking modafinil for adhd but I know it has a slight potential for abuse. I guess I just want to make sure there is no benefit to shooting it for recreation and that the high is near non existent.

Otherwise I’m just going to turn them down. Anyone have knowledge on this? Thanks!

Edit: I was started at 400mg provigil today. Will I notice any mood lift or at least have focus but not irritation? I can be kind of dangerous when very angry and I do t like it but just being honest. I get very aggressive and to the point of homicidal thoughts and I’m nervous about this high starting dose.
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You definitely won't find yourself suddenly feeling an urge to shoot modafinil. You'd be among the very few because it doesn't get you high. You might say there is a slight mood lift at first, but this then turns into irritability. Higher doses are not fun.

And if you do, you have a different kind of problem (i.e., like the people who IV weird shit, like beer).
You definitely won't find yourself suddenly feeling an urge to shoot modafinil. You'd be among the very few because it doesn't get you high. You might say there is a slight mood lift at first, but this then turns into irritability. Higher doses are not fun.

And if you do, you have a different kind of problem (i.e., like the people who IV weird shit, like beer).
People actually IV beer?
You definitely won't find yourself suddenly feeling an urge to shoot modafinil. You'd be among the very few because it doesn't get you high. You might say there is a slight mood lift at first, but this then turns into irritability. Higher doses are not fun.

And if you do, you have a different kind of problem (i.e., like the people who IV weird shit, like beer).
Haha - yeah I’m definitely not the type to IV anything. I actually hate IVing anything. Bit with methylphenidate I just wasn’t getting high and at the time I wanted to until I IVd it.

Knowing me I figured if I let them write the script that I’d find a way to abuse it if there is one.

Hearing higher doses are unpleasant and that it’s pointless to IV it makes me feel comfortable enough to try it.

I’ll just stick with prescribed dosing
If something has abuse potential, I will find it. I was prescribed Provigil. I did not abuse it. I took it as prescribed with no urge to abuse it. It didn't help my adhd either though. It's not a ADHD med BUT some people have found that it helped their adhd so some doctors, like yours, will prescribe it for adhd due to its low abuse potential/a med break if the patient's tolerance is too high for other traditional adhd meds. I have adhd but I was prescribed provigil for sleep issues. I hoped it would help with my adhd. It didn't. I didn't abuse it though. It also may not have helped me because I wasn't being prescribed it for adhd so wasn't given an adhd dosage. If oyu do end up trying it, let us know if it helps with your adhd. I think that would be useful information for other people with adhd who can't take the other meds.
i wonder if taking kratom while taking modafinil would be a bad interaction? I think modafinil is a cyp3a4 mild inducer and kratom an inhibitor but I don’t see how that would hurt.

Kratom doesn’t do a lot to me so I’d think so
Hearing higher doses are unpleasant and that it’s pointless to IV it makes me feel comfortable enough to try it.
Higher doses are quite unpleasant. There is a little bit of tolerance building, at least for me, but that can be based on other things (like when I take them, and have I eaten yet, and overall situation) I try no to take them every day, and I take only low dosea (because of aforementioned bad effects on higher ones).
The thing about the high, or rather a mini-euphoria, is an indirect effect. If you are sleepy and tired or have boring stuff to do, of course it feels great when you suddenly can be productive and get things done, which in turn gives you a reward. What you can't expect is something like a rush.
Still, you can have a little of a comedown.

I never heard modafinil being prescribed for ADHD, as it's something to treat narcolepsy and make adapting to different sleep/wake cycles easier. But I can understand why you doctor might want to try it given your previous history with stimulants.
You definitely won't find yourself suddenly feeling an urge to shoot modafinil. You'd be among the very few because it doesn't get you high. You might say there is a slight mood lift at first, but this then turns into irritability. Higher doses are not fun.

And if you do, you have a different kind of problem (i.e., like the people who IV weird shit, like beer).
Would you say the irritability came with increased doses or with therapeutic doses and it comes on later in the active phase?
It makes me irritable at all doses (particularly when it's wearing off). But it gets worse at higher doses, and then it's accompanied with headaches.

The combo of kratom plus modafinil (or kratom plus adrafinil and/or flouro-modafinil) has given me some crazy irritability in the past, but it shouldn't as big of a deal if you're a daily kratom user. But I remember taking a few hundred milligrams modafinil (or 900mg of adrafanil) + OPMS gold shots simultaneously; as both wore off I felt like murdering someone if someone sneezed too loudly outside my office, looked at me the wrong way, etc. But I wasn't really a daily user of either. Still, the combo has made me murderously irritable a few times, so much so that I remember the unique irritability it can produce. But if you're taking low doses of both I wouldn't worry about it. Also, I'm probably a bit more high strung than the average person.

But modafinil isn't a bad drug, it's like if ritalin and caffeine had a child, but lacking the abuse potential of the former. It is moderately effective for ADHD.
I think it is a great alternative to seek for remedying that concern would also encourage you to explore fully the realm of nootropics while you step through that door modafinil is usually touched upon by nootropics writers closely related such an expansive realm nootropics are very fun to explore
It makes me irritable at all doses (particularly when it's wearing off). But it gets worse at higher doses, and then it's accompanied with headaches.

The combo of kratom plus modafinil (or kratom plus adrafinil and/or flouro-modafinil) has given me some crazy irritability in the past, but it shouldn't as big of a deal if you're a daily kratom user. But I remember taking a few hundred milligrams modafinil (or 900mg of adrafanil) + OPMS gold shots simultaneously; as both wore off I felt like murdering someone if someone sneezed too loudly outside my office, looked at me the wrong way, etc. But I wasn't really a daily user of either. Still, the combo has made me murderously irritable a few times, so much so that I remember the unique irritability it can produce. But if you're taking low doses of both I wouldn't worry about it. Also, I'm probably a bit more high strung than the average person.

But modafinil isn't a bad drug, it's like if ritalin and caffeine had a child, but lacking the abuse potential of the former. It is moderately effective for ADHD.
Thanks man. I really do appreciate your thorough responses as well as everyone else’s responses. I appreciate you all.

I’ll stick to prescribed doses then but I may not take it every day. Some days are worse than others and I really only want to take it when it’s bad. Maybe I’ll cycle it but then that’s not as prescribed ugh.

Anyway, I came here to ask how was it as an appetite suppressant? I’m on psych meds and they are causing a little increase in appetite and was adding appetite suppressant to the list of benefits verses risks because I read it as a side effect. But really how much of a suppressant was it for you? If you recall.
I think it is a great alternative to seek for remedying that concern would also encourage you to explore fully the realm of nootropics while you step through that door modafinil is usually touched upon by nootropics writers closely related such an expansive realm nootropics are very fun to explore
Thanks for the support. I have played with nootropics before a little bit pretty sure the armodafinil I got was fake because it did nothing in all doses and no strange smell when ya urinate and stuff and they also stacked it with like noopept and some others with crazy doses. I should have known it was fake.

Well it did make me feel kinda blaze but I really don’t think it had anything good in it. Think at least the armodafinil was fake. Am I saying that right? Been awhile
Anyway, I came here to ask how was it as an appetite suppressant? I’m on psych meds and they are causing a little increase in appetite and was adding appetite suppressant to the list of benefits verses risks because I read it as a side effect. But really how much of a suppressant was it for you? If you recall
I'm one of those persons who don't really enjoy eating (thinking of cooking such actually stresses me), and when I'm busy with other things, I can a whole day without anything but water, coffee and milk. So maybe I'm not the ideal person to answer this question.

But in my experience, while on modafinil you do in fact forget such things as eating as long it's not what you are actually doing. But even if you're eating, you won't probably binge.

You also forget about drinking, which isn't good. So I recommend you have a bottle of water with you and something that reminds you of drinking,otherwise you will dehydrate quickly and get a nasty headache.

Same goes with movement. Like when you have a desk job and you are so focused on what your doing (robot like) you might find yourself with neck or back or wrist pain if you don't consciously remind yourself yo get up and some stretching or at least change position.

Interesting enough you learn fast to include water and movement while on modafinil. I would say for me this was an issue for the first three weeks, and since then I don't have to worry about that anymore.

I still have to push myself to eat a full meal, though.
Phenylpiracetam 100mg capsules are very effective stimulant compounds …..a medical journal exists comparing it with Methylphenidate and Amphetamine…. and Phenylpiracetam was a serious effective stimulant with dopaminergic properties along with other MOA
Phenylpiracetam 100mg capsules are very effective stimulant compounds …..a medical journal exists comparing it with Methylphenidate and Amphetamine…. and Phenylpiracetam was a serious effective stimulant with dopaminergic properties along with other MOA
Yeah but it got shit on. People are saying it’s publication bias.

I took this what I think was fake pills sold as adrafinil and this combined. Fuck it here it is:

***warning***do not buy***its fake***

Shit did zero to me. Like I took nothing. Pee don’t smell. Nothing that I would see from adrafinkl and don’t notice none of the others either
So my doctor started me on 400mg modafinil???like wtf. Isn’t it supposed to start at 200mg? I don’t want to be irritable.

I mean I’ve never had modafinil or adrafinil before. Also I got provigil but wtf is armodafinil? Saw it on my formulary as an alternative.

What can I expect from 400mg modafinil as a first time user? I do have a heavy stimulant history tho I know this is nothing like that which is why I’m asking. I don’t expect euphoria but will there be a mood lift? See I’m taking it for the first time ever at work because I have difficulty sleeping and am extremely tired and have to work tonight and I’ll be up all day. I just don’t sleep really in phases.