• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

my blog for my street art documenting


Sep 6, 2023
i started street art recently and started a lil blogspot about it

this is what i've done so far, let me know what your reaction is. u can be brutally honest i swear, yes im a toy.

it has 5 photos curated from 1 night of work, i'll probably stick with 5 each release. to try edit things down...

flickr is some boomer shit huh.

i'm not rlly trying to get poppin, just stay anon and try meet an irl friend to hang wit, whilst going on fun missions and adventure.
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My brutally honest opinion, and mostly just me rambling before my coffee kicks in:

At least it actually resembles art and is not tagging. I have mixed feelings about this sort of stuff now, and I'm no boomer, I'm in my early 30s. When I was younger I was a street rat and got into tagging, thought it was cool and something to do with friends, a lot of kids in the druggie lifestyle did it. Not gang related, just street rat kids killing time really.

My feedback: at least it actually resembles art and isn't just tagging your name or brand on something. Is that a bird on the trash bin? I dig that, assuming it wasn't outside a person's house. It has a discernable positive message, and punk vibe to it. I like vandalizing corporations or other power hungry/oppressive institutions. These days, I do not like seeing this kind of stuff on random people's property, small businesses (unless they're assholes), or anywhere average people go to enjoy themselves, such as nature trails, parks, or walkways/bike paths. It starts to lose it's meaning and just because crude and pointless vandalism at that point. Street art should never degrade mother nature's art, places innocent people go to relax, or other people's enjoyment of that.

Some of these just look like meaningless doodles, except the bird. When tagging becomes meaningless without a message, it becomes trivial and juvenile in my millennial boomer opinion. I don't like seeing graffiti in certain places now, when I was 18 I didn't care, but do now.

I encourage your hobby, but maybe practice a bit more or have some more directional purpose/meaning before tagging public nature/recreational areas, or any area that does not directly represent oppression or corporatocracy/theocracy evils.

If I saw some random and crude (no offense) alien smiley face while jogging in down that path, or in a public park, I'd just roll my eyes.

Went on a bit of tangent ramble... Thanks for listening to my boomer TED Talk.
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At least it actually resembles art and is not tagging. I have mixed feelings about this sort of stuff now, and I'm no boomer, I'm in my early 30s. When I was younger I was a street rat and got into tagging, thought it was cool and something to do with friends, a lot of kids in the druggie lifestyle did it. Not gang related, just street rat kids killing time really.

btw this is skeleton stuff, it will take me about a year to finish this project, sry i should have explained

unless i go to gaol or smth
the bin thing is supposed to be cryptic, like u will see what u see in it, a bird? yeah i dig birds
if u see me on the streets putting up and wanna fight me thats ur prerogative i suppose?
i'm practicing and also renting a house from a landlord, and i'm an exhibitionist, if that makes sense, like an artistic sense
if people cared about nature they wouldn't consume so much
i appreciate the feedback and compliment, i hold no grudges against boomers