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Sex My girlfriend is never horny


Dec 27, 2005
I've been with this girl for a while and I've noticed that it's ALWAYS me who has to suggest having sex. It has become really annoying that I'm always the horny one asking for sex. :(

Do you think it's okay, that it's always me who has to do the initiative to have sex?

Are you or have you been in a similar situation?
Yes. I think it's common in a relationship for one partner to have a higher sex drive than the other. I wouldn't worry that anything is necessarily wrong.
It can be frustrating being the one who's horny more often, but you have to respect your partner. I've also been on the other side of the coin and it can be quite annoying as well being pestered or made to feel guilty (not saying you do this, but if you do you should stop :)).

How long have you been together? Have you noticed a sudden or a steady decline in her sex drive or has this always been the case? Could be that you need to sort yourself out sometimes and work on ways you can titillate your girl.
We've been together for a few months. When we saw the first time she actually made the initiative to have sex ("This kissing makes me horny!"). But after that, when we started "officially" dating, I've been the one who has to suggest having sex. She seems to enjoy sex, so I don't know why she doesn't want to be the one suggesting doing it.
We've been together for a few months. When we saw the first time she actually made the initiative to have sex ("This kissing makes me horny!"). But after that, when we started "officially" dating, I've been the one who has to suggest having sex. She seems to enjoy sex, so I don't know why she doesn't want to be the one suggesting doing it.
IMHO this could be something you just bring up in conversation. I think open communication is healthy for relationships. The important thing is to be empathetic and sensitive while asking her and not to ask in such a way that could lead to an argument.

Maybe y'all could work something out or have a "date night" where the sex is scheduled and neither of you are under obligation to initiate because it is understood that sex happens on x day of the week. I know after a while it could get boring but at least for now, it could possibly help light a spark.
Do you live together? How long have you Been on a relationship?
Maybe y'all could work something out or have a "date night" where the sex is scheduled
This sounds like a bad idea to me.
I feel like 'scheduling' sex would quickly make it feel like a chore that has to be checked off the to-do list rather than something fun and spontaneous between two consenting partners who genuinely want to have sex.
Well, it depends. Are you initiating but she is enthusiastic, has fun, etc. when it's going on, and the frequency is reasonable? Or is getting her to sleep with you like pulling teeth and you can tell she is doing it grudgingly? These are two very different situations. I don't think there's anything wrong with the first. The traditional gender role is for the man to initiate and she may just be uncomfortable doing that.
We've been together for a few months. When we saw the first time she actually made the initiative to have sex ("This kissing makes me horny!"). But after that, when we started "officially" dating, I've been the one who has to suggest having sex. She seems to enjoy sex, so I don't know why she doesn't want to be the one suggesting doing it.
She 'seems to' enjoy it? So you're not sure? ... That's the first question I'd get out of the way with her. By which I mean it's not much use asking us, this is a conversation you really need to have with your girlfriend.

Sex drive varies a lot between individuals and hers may just not be as high as yours. She may be doing it to please you a lot of the time. Which doesn't mean she won't get into it once you're in the middle of things, but that she's just generally not motivated enough to initiate it. It's also possible that she does want sex often but for whatever reason feels awkward about making the first move. If that's the case, then by your own description of the situation she can rely on you to initiate sooner rather than later.

Tell her you love having sex with her but you don't want to be the one making the move every time, and ask her straight up why the initiative never seems to come from her. Maybe there's something she'd like in the bedroom that would make her enjoy herself more but she doesn't wanna hurt your feelings by asking for it in case you think you're a bad lover..? There's lots of 'maybes' here and strangers on the net can't disentangle such a personal issue for you. Really communication is the key here.
This sounds like a bad idea to me.
I feel like 'scheduling' sex would quickly make it feel like a chore that has to be checked off the to-do list rather than something fun and spontaneous between two consenting partners who genuinely want to have sex.
I totally get where you're coming from, which is why I qualified my statement with:
I know after a while it could get boring but at least for now, it could possibly help light a spark.
I think it could be a temporary fix that could light a spark and then just as easily moved back to spontaneous mode.

Besides, if it was "fun and spontaneous" for the OP, we wouldn't have this thread.
Could be you just need to initiate more. Easiest solution is always worth a shot.

But it needs to come from deep inside, not as a tack-on. Try to make everyday life more playful. Let her know something is rising within you. Let her understand you have changed. Prove to her that you are attractive. This stuff can't be negotiated. Humans are lazy and we try to solve things just by talking differently about them, and sometimes it kinda works, but that kind of BS doesn't fool a woman's sexual instinct.

Generally women like men to show initiative and if they find their men unattractive it's most often because of a lack of manliness and initiative. Very rarely it's caused by excessive approaching, even though excessive approaching of a dysfunctional sort can exacerbate the issue. Rather, the approach tends to be too weak. Something like a demand or command is more appropriate than a "suggestion" of sex.

Don't disrespect her by over-respecting her current stated preferences. It is a trap of stagnation, an excuse for the status quo. Trust her ability to flow with life. That is female strength.

Think about what she wants and how to be what she wants... But throw all feminism out the window. What she wants you to be is no different from what you should want to be.

Do you have a jargon, humor, rapport between you?
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We've been together for a few months. When we saw the first time she actually made the initiative to have sex ("This kissing makes me horny!"). But after that, when we started "officially" dating, I've been the one who has to suggest having sex. She seems to enjoy sex, so I don't know why she doesn't want to be the one suggesting doing it.

yea but that shouldn't be really happening in the first year of dating somebody....huge red flag

i'd dump her and move on if i were you
yea but that shouldn't be really happening in the first year of dating somebody....huge red flag

i'd dump her and move on if i were you

Shouldn't one first assume that one can solve the situation by developing as a man and a human?

Red flag to me means unacceptable abuse.

I don't think we have a reason to assume the woman is a poor choice on OP's part, although it is of course very possible.
Shouldn't one first assume that one can solve the situation by developing as a man and a human?

Red flag to me means unacceptable abuse.

I don't think we have a reason to assume the woman is a poor choice on OP's part, although it is of course very possible.

well.....if she's barely giving you any ass in Year 1, how much ass do you think you'll be getting in Year 2 and 3?
Could be you just need to initiate more. Easiest solution is always worth a shot.

The OP didn't indicate that he had any problem initiating sex...in fact, initiating sex sounds like it's the only way he's getting laid lol

He wants her to initiate...so I don't see how simply initiating even more than he already is will help his problem
The OP didn't indicate that he had any problem initiating sex...in fact, initiating sex sounds like it's the only way he's getting laid lol

He wants her to initiate...so I don't see how simply initiating even more than he already is will help his problem

You may be right and i may be wrong. I read more than that into the whole post including the title etc.

Really common problem today. I'm not claiming to know OP better than himself, just giving one idea that i didn't see occurring previously.
Dance around like a gigolo works for me..although not in a relationship with any one person..but that always is a funny playful way of messing around.