• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Name the best and most delicous beverage you know.


Mar 22, 2006
Hi there,
This all dates back some 20 years where i found a bottle of californian Red wine in my parents wine cellar. It must have been a present as they normally buy bottles for 4 to 7eur. This was labeled as 20 deutsche Mark, what corresponds to about the same in Euros today. When it comes to taste in wines there is only dry Red wine ime. And this wine was really something else, a bouquet like no other wine i ever drank. My father used to make his own Red wine, it was ok, Like a good 6eur bottle. But this wine was so Rich in taste and smells, was a real enjoyment to drink. Gonna try and find something similar soon.

Then there was this Time where i strolled through the south of Hamburg (study time) and i went into a kiosk where i found 2l of pfanner (well known ice tea firm) and got guava juice from there. Never found it anywhere again and it was the best juice i ever drank. Had a can of guava juice later, it was nowhere as good.
The Branding was different but i was defenetively the same firm:

Then the last best beverage there is, it was an aromatized green tea i bought in hamburg Altona. The seller gave me a sample of the Tea he called Sakura Kirsche ( both means Cherry) and he told me that he collected the Cherry for this in Japan himself, best tea i ever drank, even the really good ones doesnt come close. Sadly the Shop closed afterwards.

Whats your best beverage you tasted, any ideas for making some yourself?
Maybe any rrcommendations für a good Red Dry wine?
Best wine I've ever had was Sangre del Toro (I think that's the name) from Spain

Very dry red wine. I really dislike wine in general, but for some reason I loved that one and actually enjoyed drinking it.
At this point throw a potato vodka! IF u really are a fan of experimenting
There is a really easy to make and fasty elder Sirup brewable. It grows here everywhere.

Hunger? Rezept auf Chefkoch.de:

Another really tasty drink you can make out of blackcurrant, just mix the Sirup with some soda. Radar, better than any coke.
any freshly made-on-order fruit juice in cuba, the "tropicalest" of the fruits juices is there and nowhere else.

While in west europe a glass of terrible pseudo-orange juice goes for like 4/5€ in Cuba a big glass of divine nectar costs something like 0.02€/glass.
Peruvian Chicha morada(purple corn juice), tastes kinda like bubblegum. It's delicious and only in Perú.yummm 😁😊🥰
Best wine I've ever had was Sangre del Toro (I think that's the name) from Spain

Very dry red wine. I really dislike wine in general, but for some reason I loved that one and actually enjoyed drinking it.
Sangre del toro means literally "Bull's blood". Just checked it and they sell it here too, the price is quite cheap tbh and it must be good I'll try it, nice advice but the best wine I've had was a 1997 idfking remember the brand or which type of wine it was, I only know it was a french red wine from 1997.
It literally tasted like a very rich grape juice, very sweet and it didn't taste like alcohol at all. It was so fine I emjoyed every bit of it, my dad was pissed off, raging at me the next day for drinking that. Haha, it was worth it though.
I cultivate (it grows like a weed) lemon balm and not only does the fresh plant make for incredible tea, it's also a potent GABA agonist.
Dark roast coffee with just a splash of Caramel or Vanilla flavored creamer.

An ice cold Budweiser after I mow the lawn.

Any flavored Slurpee

A white Russian ( Vodka, Kahlua and cream )

A can of coke that has just started to form ice crystals from a very cold refrigerator when i have cotton mouth.

A cup of any Bigelow tea on a cold winter night.

Okay, I'll stop now. But I do have lots more.
Ah and when it comes to alcoholic beverages apart from delicous Red wine i prefer Ouzo and what we Call Bärenfang over here. It is a honey based liqueur, very easy to make and really delicous:

Hunger? Rezept auf Chefkoch.de:
Bärenfang aus Ostpreußen


(and let's be honest, nobody drinks those for the taste)
I cringe when people say they drink alcohol because it "tastes good".

No you don't.... that's just a classy way to avoid saying you drink it because it gets you high.

The entire point of mixology, craft beer and fancy wine is creating a product that masks the taste of ethanol... because it's an awful taste and is never acquired. It's a fucking chemical solvent...

If they truly drink because they enjoy the taste why don't they drink non-alcoholic versions?

Yeah buddy, and I smoke meth because I enjoy the complex taste profile it provides...
what about beer?

i love beer - and im not big fan of being drunk

i'll go with an IPA being #1

a light roast made in the moka pot coffee

i also love carrot juice 🥕

but i mostly drink water

carrot juice is delicious!! I'm also a big water drinker, fuck soda and all that noise. Water is king.

but my point is if they made non-alcoholic IPAs you probably wouldn't drink them