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Blockchain NFT Hate Thread


Staff member
Sep 7, 2020
NFTs in their current form seem like the 21st-century equivalent of tulip bulbs. They are (of course) excellent for money laundering and have great potential in theoretical use cases like event tickets and video game items. Despite this, I see little use for them based on how they are currently used (as links to usually stolen JPEG files) and I see absolutely no reason to “invest” in them.

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yep. its the tech version of the emperors new clothes.....

meanwhile, our fuel prices have just jumped 50% and that is BEFORE accounting for the impact of the russia-ukraine war, a whole new segment of society is choosing between heating and eating. so fucking sunak has shit he could be doing, but he is doing this:

fml this is more embarassing than brexit.

‘Jack Dorsey’s First Tweet’ NFT Went on Sale for $48M. It Ended With a Top Bid of Just $280​

Crypto entrepreneur Sina Estavi bought Twitter founder Jack Dorsey’s first-ever tweet as an NFT for $2.9 million last year. He listed the NFT for sale again at $48 million last week.​

he bought it for 2.9 million and it auctioned for $280


Cracking Up Lol GIF

Madonna created a series of NFTs of her fully nude giving birth to such things as centipedes, butterflies and trees.........

Of course she did. I swear, this woman does almost anything to remain relevant.