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Diet Nutrition while on antipsychotics and mood stabilizers that cause weight gain.


Dec 10, 2022
I started abilify 2-3 weeks ago and have put in 20lbs in that time already and I’m starting a mood stabilizer this week. I hate taking psych meds but I need them unfortunately and I’ve finally accepted that I need this tool to help.

However, I refuse to be some overweight out of shape fuck that let themselves go and it’s crazy because I work out every day. Even when I sprained my knee running I was lifting weights. Obviously no powerlifting. I do cross fit training mainly.

So, any ideas on how to keep wait off with drugs like these? Any nutrition recommendations? Meal ideas? How much protein should I get a day? There is different information depending where you look and I’m interested in personal experiences.

Also am in T but don’t think it’s from T.

I wonder if I’m eating too much protein. I take in probably close to 200 a day just below.
I think the main consideration is sugar. APs cause weight gain by increasing blood sugar levels quite dramatically, you can help offset this by having a low sugar diet.

From what I've seen, low sugar diet + exercise negates the AP weight gain.
Yes, I would pay attention to intake as far as nutrition and definitely move around some. Outdoors/nature optimally but we do what we can with what we have.
Stay hydrated and keep salts low is all I can add.
Just an opinion it can't hurt the situation I don't think but not a Dr of any kind.
Get into ketosis ASAP

It's how I lost ALL antipsychotic induced weight gain, specifically, from olanzapine and quetiapine. During the weight loss, I was taking 10mg haloperidol daily and occasionally would take moderate doses of quetiapine for sleep.
I’m starting to think it’s actually from aramotise because my T is 1098 and e is 195z last checked. I don’t see APs causing this much weight gain this fast. I think I’m going to drop my dose myself because I’m tired of the drs saying it’s fine when it’s not.
I gained 10-15lbs a year for 10 years. Then dropped 50-60 for reasons unknown.
Fats like good fats were desirable to fight of akisthisia.
Just being active helps. I don't find any weight loss like I should from exercise and being on antipsychotics.
They don't allow the body to burn fat properly.
I gained 10-15lbs a year for 10 years. Then dropped 50-60 for reasons unknown.
Fats like good fats were desirable to fight of akisthisia.
Just being active helps. I don't find any weight loss like I should from exercise and being on antipsychotics.
They don't allow the body to burn fat properly.
That makes sense actually too.