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On Being Yourself


Mar 7, 2023
I don't know why but I somehow got the idea into my head that I wanted to be the same person inside of work as outside of work about ten years ago. Basically, I wanted to adapt who I was so that I could be the same person all of the time. I think somewhere in there was a feeling that I as someone who is fairly sincere was better than fake people.

I would like to be the first to admit that this experiment was a failure. It finally hit me last night when I was meditating and I realised that when I have kids I'm definitely going to be someone different around a tiny helpless admiring dependant than I am around the lads at someplace like a biker bar.

So probably there are going to be several versions of me.

When faced with challenges like this in the past, accepting that we live are psychonaughts living in an unkind nicotine society, I've found it easier to make progress by making sort of a game of it.

We're post-COVID at this point. We're living in a social media dystopia. People are wound up and vindictive. Is the point of the game to just say what you have to, to normies to just get through most situations? Is this the best way to do it? Perhaps there's no point in opening up at all to someone who isn't going to sit down for a few beers with me to talk about life. Any guidance would be welcome. It's a bunch of savages out there.
All the scriptures talked about this great drama unfolding. Christians will be hated by ALL nations for His name sake. Some put to death. It's all in there. I'm exhausted. Cuz I'm thru fearing this. Ppl numb their conscience with drugs. Not seeing their doing what the devil wants and trust me he wants you in hell so badly.

It's hard to gain composer especially when these pressures are bearing down on us. We know how the Holy Bible ends. He wins.
I don't know why but I somehow got the idea into my head that I wanted to be the same person inside of work as outside of work about ten years ago. Basically, I wanted to adapt who I was so that I could be the same person all of the time. I think somewhere in there was a feeling that I as someone who is fairly sincere was better than fake people.

I would like to be the first to admit that this experiment was a failure. It finally hit me last night when I was meditating and I realised that when I have kids I'm definitely going to be someone different around a tiny helpless admiring dependant than I am around the lads at someplace like a biker bar.

So probably there are going to be several versions of me.

When faced with challenges like this in the past, accepting that we live are psychonaughts living in an unkind nicotine society, I've found it easier to make progress by making sort of a game of it.

We're post-COVID at this point. We're living in a social media dystopia. People are wound up and vindictive. Is the point of the game to just say what you have to, to normies to just get through most situations? Is this the best way to do it? Perhaps there's no point in opening up at all to someone who isn't going to sit down for a few beers with me to talk about life. Any guidance would be welcome. It's a bunch of savages out there.

Intelligent discernment, balancing your heart and your logic, and knowing your boundaries and limits really well is how you navigate this sick world. And a bit of luck.

EDIT: I would also add, learn all you can about everything, as accurately as possible. The more you know, the more you can prepare for.
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All the scriptures talked about this great drama unfolding. Christians will be hated by ALL nations for His name sake. Some put to death. It's all in there. I'm exhausted. Cuz I'm thru fearing this. Ppl numb their conscience with drugs. Not seeing their doing what the devil wants and trust me he wants you in hell so badly.

It's hard to gain composer especially when these pressures are bearing down on us. We know how the Holy Bible ends. He wins.

Thank you. I'm saved. I have mixed gratitude to the LORD for Covid because it's helped me to understand more about human nature. At this point I'm putting all of my chips on the Holy Spirit. I have 0% confidence that humanity will crawl their way out of this jam without divine intervention.
Intelligent discernment, balancing your heart and your logic, and knowing your boundaries and limits really well is how you navigate this sick world. And a bit of luck.

EDIT: I would also add, learn all you can about everything, as accurately as possible. The more you know, the more you can prepare for.

Thank you. This is exactly what I needed to hear!
I think that we're all chameleons at certain times. I obviously couldn't act the same at my corporate job as I did in a rowdy biker bar. Sometimes we have to conduct ourselves in slightly different ways depending on the situation.

The important thing to me is that I'm the same person on the inside. I hold the same beliefs, morals and values. I don't let anyone change the essence of my soul, and I try my best not to pretend that I'm anybody I'm not.

I do have many different facets to my personality, so I'm never really putting on an act. They're just different pieces of the puzzle that makes me... Me.

Peace, Love & Faith,
Probably the idea of a unitary self inside our bodies is a misperception. If you look closely at the self, it really doesn't seem to be there. There doesn't seem to be a thinker of the thoughts, or decider of behaviour. There is really just the deterministic brain operating in a highly complex deterministic environment, and responding to cues in the only way that it can.
Christians will be hated by ALL nations for His name sake. Some put to death. It's all in there. I'm exhausted. Cuz I'm thru fearing this.
what makes you think this is even possible in the modern world?
Perhaps there's no point in opening up at all to someone who isn't going to sit down for a few beers with me to talk about life.
I typically agree. For me, small talk is trash. For another man, small talk is a treasure. It's a personality difference and it's possible to have your personality change so it's not something that is guaranteed to be your opinion for life.

Which brings me to my next point. Allow yourself to change. Allow your friends and family to change. Allowing yourself this freedom gives you room in your life to figure out who you really are. Who you really are is a complex story that didn't happen over night.
Sorry to be so terse on this but i do remember figuring out a very long time ago that if i tried to be someone else i would become a nobody. Never fell in step very well, anyway.
Most think i am nuts. :shrug: But harmless so wtf doyado? lol
Sorry to be so terse on this but i do remember figuring out a very long time ago that if i tried to be someone else i would become a nobody. Never fell in step very well, anyway.
Most think i am nuts. :shrug: But harmless so wtf doyado? lol

I really like that. Because there are 1000 cookie cutter humans out there but there is only one Linaptk 6.

...wait, does the number six appended to your name imply that there are five more of you? Am I misreading this? Am I doing social media wrong again? I'm doing it wrong. I think I'm messing this up.

Don't change, Bro!
I just wanna know why a refrigerator would ever need to be able to connect to Wi-Fi?

Is there really a reason we need to be able to control our refrigerators when we aren’t even at home??

To check for TV dinners?

I thought that’s what a wife was for?

It’s just sad. Technology has also hurt us. The only thing that’s gonna make the difference is the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit isn’t in charge then A.I. eventually takes over with everyone. Everyone will behave and react based on an algorithm. Just like Facebook lol
I don't know why but I somehow got the idea into my head that I wanted to be the same person inside of work as outside of work about ten years ago. Basically, I wanted to adapt who I was so that I could be the same person all of the time. I think somewhere in there was a feeling that I as someone who is fairly sincere was better than fake people.

I would like to be the first to admit that this experiment was a failure. It finally hit me last night when I was meditating and I realised that when I have kids I'm definitely going to be someone different around a tiny helpless admiring dependant than I am around the lads at someplace like a biker bar.

So probably there are going to be several versions of me.

When faced with challenges like this in the past, accepting that we live are psychonaughts living in an unkind nicotine society, I've found it easier to make progress by making sort of a game of it.

We're post-COVID at this point. We're living in a social media dystopia. People are wound up and vindictive. Is the point of the game to just say what you have to, to normies to just get through most situations? Is this the best way to do it? Perhaps there's no point in opening up at all to someone who isn't going to sit down for a few beers with me to talk about life. Any guidance would be welcome. It's a bunch of savages out there.

I think everybody is different depending on who they're with or the environment. You kindof have to be.
Look up “the consequences of stereotype threat”

People think that my addiction is what made my life the hardest. No. It was the battles I’ve had to fight just to remain true to myself in a world that’s trying to criminalize me for it.