Outer Limits 5th anniversary, ATL, GA., 5/12/01

Don't worry i fixed the post, sorry poohbear (blushes), muah. I'm so excited cause there are only 4 more days. I am really looking forward to seeing all you cool bluelight people.
- angie -
hey pooh bear you can just send the # via e-mail. not a problem. or just send it to liquid. peace. so close.
69 ways to blow you up!
does anyone know the party rules as far as what we can bring? i just really want to bring...or snEEk...in a camera.
i know i am probably getting my hopes up, but oh well.
crow-please call me!
Well just like I said before I change my mind about what I am wearing. I will still have on jeans but a black halter top instead of the red one. I know I walk on the wild side. I started packing last night and didn't like the red shirt. See everyone in 3 day.
Hey TLB and Griff will you be yelling "Bluelight, Bluelight" ?
hey,,, well looks as if my poor ass friends AINT going to make it.. it will be me and my girl...
ok bye
Damn, TLB, you pegged it.
Yep... my outfit:
-Red Quicksliver T-shirt
-A pair of Splits cargo pants, with red tags
-White rebocks with red accents
-Possible Blue addidas baseball cap
Unfortunatley, The Pimp-O-love bowler hat was lost in a tragic windstorm in my car on the way home from a houseparty.
There will be a secret pocket somewhere on my body stuffed full of goodies
i think
[This message has been edited by Clip (edited 09 May 2001).]
I will be wearing navy buggirl pants with pink strings and pink on the pants and this awesome shirt with a butterfly, its pink and orange. I have short hair.
- angie -
go to www.lunarmagazine.com and check out happenings. When you click on the right date click on outerlimits and you'll get the info you need.
Okee... :) I'm going to be wearing my dark denim pants with a large pink fuzzy star on the right leg, and I have pink hair.. :-D
I think me and my boi (the Brooding Hedgehog) are going to try to wander up towards Fudruckers for the meetup, so I'll (hopefully) see ya'll there! :)
oooh i'm so excited!!! my first party in over a year!! *does the booty shakin twitch*
it's good to be alive.....
sometimes i wonder how i survived....
I'll be the one in the White shirt with blue trim with "Altitude Training Camp" on the front (it's an old swimming shirt), Blue Adidas visor, and blue jeans with bike flashers on them. Hell just look in the pic section.

No freaky contact lenses for this party, maybe next time.
[This message has been edited by Crow (edited 09 May 2001).]
Has anyone ever been to the N.A.T.C. ? I just found out that I live one exit down from it ao I went to check it out. I looked like a very large building/warehouse. I am not sure if it is all open or if it is a couple of rooms. They also had about 5 or 6 doors on the outside so maybe it won't take long to get in. Does anyone know anything else about this place ?
Has anyone ever been to the N.A.T.C. ? I just found out that I live one exit down from it ao I went to check it out. I looked like a very large building/warehouse. I am not sure if it is all open or if it is a couple of rooms. They also had about 5 or 6 doors on the outside so maybe it won't take long to get in. Does anyone know anything else about this place ?
Sure, I'll adopt you clip... just don't expect me to know any better places to hang out around the ATL than you do... this town sucks balls.
Who else is hanging out for TLB's first trip? I know it's going to be fun....
**twitch, twitch**
2 days, just let me make it 2 more days
I'll be wearing baby blue UFO's, white tank, & a baby blue visor..my hair will be in pigtails, of course!!!
**twitch, twitch**
2 days, just let me make it 2 more days
I'll be wearing baby blue UFO's, white tank, & a baby blue visor..my hair will be in pigtails, of course!!!
hell fucking yeah three more days. How gas is that. poohbear whacks big red with a big trout. hey anyways can't wait to meet new blers and see my old blers. well see most of you at pigfuckers. hell no griff won't adopt your gay ass clip jk
do we still got that matching thing going? wink! holler at you kids in three days or less peace out bl fam.